What's the difference between slimy and treacherous?



  • (superl.) Of or pertaining to slime; resembling slime; of the nature of slime; viscous; glutinous; also, covered or daubed with slime; yielding, or abounding in, slime.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A slimy basket case Climate change and human globalisation assist most travelling species but many journeys are still mysterious.
  • (2) Only Candida albicans and the corresponding slimy coat were found on smooth areas of tube.
  • (3) Ifind it hard to get excited about slimy, translucent, near‑flavourless egg whites, but I can't bear to throw them away.
  • (4) It’s just one in a long line of cowardly and slimy moves by Ryan, who is really just Trump in a more aesthetically appealing wrapper.
  • (5) Both symbiotic and free-living (non-associative) nitrogen fixation analyses (by acetylene reduction) revealed that the non-slimy, small colonies were significantly more effective than slimy, large colonies.
  • (6) At surgery, the mass was noted not to penetrate the superficial surface of the quadriceps tendon and was full of slimy fluid.
  • (7) It is difficult to observe, without the option of yelling and swearing, how disingenuous this is, how slimy and mawkish for a government happy to live with the idea of people living in squalor, in fuel poverty, going hungry, suddenly to find itself unable to bear the idea of a child in a smoky car.
  • (8) This is a decision which will force talented young athletes to work another year for free while making huge amounts of money for everyone else at their unpaid workplace, to pass this off as somehow the "right thing to do" for the game or, even worse, is just slimy.
  • (9) No 'slimy' state of this fungus was observed and dimorphism was not confirmed.
  • (10) A slimy material, responsible for increased viscosity of these cultures, was digested by dextranase.
  • (11) Disease signs included acute death, inability to fly, lameness, inappetence, emaciation, polyuria, and the production of slimy, green droppings.
  • (12) With proteins and other polymers released from lysed bacteria, this slimy material may contribute directly to increased viscosity and foam formation.
  • (13) The secondary forms of the agglutinates were similar to those of Enterobacteriaceae, the typical primary form of the agglutination into slimy networks and spheres was not observed upon the restoration of agglutinability.
  • (14) It is a real education for people as well to see seaweed as a food and not as the slimy green, black stuff that you find stinking and rotting on the beach,” he adds.
  • (15) Several bacteria which appear to be different and are presumed to be different species are associated in the slimy mass of the "acid streamers."
  • (16) Even the briefest hint of a sniff of a rumour that the studio is going the “teen choice” route by plumping for looks over substance will see the movie sink faster than Luke’s X-wing in Yoda’s slimy Dagobah swamp, which is why rumoured candidates such as Glee’s Blake Jenner should be avoided like the Candorian plague .
  • (17) After Tony and his shiny head did the dirty with Tracy Barlow, the goddess of pure evil, Liz went straight into a rebound fling with Dan, a man so slimy he glistens.
  • (18) Buck Pal receptions are all 1970s vol-au-vents (complete with a slimy surprise lurking within), or squeezy cheese on a Ritz cracker.
  • (19) Snails, one of France's signature dishes, could be off the menu if the country fails to stem an invasion by a slimy worm from south-east Asia, scientists have said.
  • (20) They pull off an armed robbery and make it to Florida where they meet James Franco's slimy gangster, Alien, described by the San Francisco Chronicle as one of the most "repulsive cinematic creations in recent memory".



  • (a.) Like a traitor; involving treachery; violating allegiance or faith pledged; traitorous to the state or sovereign; perfidious in private life; betraying a trust; faithless.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Comparison was also made with cephalometric roentgenograms of a patient with Treacher Collins syndrome and of a patient with progeria.
  • (2) The clinical study of the major cranio-facial malformations such as Apert syndrome, Treacher-Collins syndrome, Blepharophimosis and Bilateral Cleft Palate patients, lead us to note a similarity of the orbito-palpebral region.
  • (3) Extensive research among the Afghan National Army – 68 focus groups – and US military personnel alike concluded: "One group sees the other as a bunch of violent, reckless, intrusive, arrogant, self-serving profane, infidel bullies hiding behind high technology; and the other group [the US soldiers] generally views the former as a bunch of cowardly, incompetent, obtuse, thieving, complacent, lazy, pot-smoking, treacherous, and murderous radicals.
  • (4) They say an increasing number of “protracted refugees” living in centres in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq will attempt the treacherous journey to Europe because they cannot offer their families a life or a future in the camps.
  • (5) The thinktank added: “It will be interesting to watch next week how Mr Osborne navigates these treacherous waters and avoids the obstacles he constructed for himself.
  • (6) The power and versatility of these computer-imaging techniques are demonstrated by examining living subjects with major craniofacial dysmorphology (Treacher-Collins syndrome and unilateral coronal synostosis); an anthropoid osteological specimen (Gorilla); and a fossil mammal skull.
  • (7) Although the ferocity of the wind has eased, engineers have been struggling to restore electricity in conditions described as treacherous and worsening.
  • (8) May linked the situation in Calais directly to the refugee crisis in north Africa and the migrant boats risking the journey across the Mediterranean: “The government is clear that we must break the link between people making the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean and achieving settlement in Europe ,” she said.
  • (9) There was desperate resistance, as when Sol Campbell had to deal with a treacherous low ball from the substitute Dmitry Torbinsky.
  • (10) Viewed from the outside, Pakistan looms as the Fukushima of fundamentalism: a volatile, treacherous place filled with frothing Islamists and double-dealing generals, leaking plutonium-grade terrorist trouble.
  • (11) The investment banking division, which causes much of the controversy over bonuses at the end of the year, has had a torrid time but remained profitable and Hester said it had been operating in an "incredibly treacherous environment".
  • (12) In the low-risk setting, TB can be treacherous because misdiagnosis is likely.
  • (13) The Obama administration on Monday approved Shell’s plan to resume drilling for oil and gas in the treacherous and fragile waters off the coast of Alaska , three years after the Anglo-Dutch oil giant was forced to suspend operations following a series of potentially dangerous blunders.
  • (14) Linkage analysis between the D4S18, D4S23, and QDPR loci and Treacher Collins syndrome in eight families excluded the Treacher Collins syndrome locus from the region of the deletion.
  • (15) On the contrary, the rotation of the midfacial segment combined with mandibular lengthening for the correction of Treacher Collins has a strong tendency to relapse because of the backward pull of the soft tissues.
  • (16) Treacher Collins syndrome is a rare but well studied autosomal dominant craniofacial malformation syndrome.
  • (17) UAE halted Isis air attacks after pilot capture Read more But it was also a crude and menacing message to Jordanians, whose government was described as “treacherous and Zionist”, to stop fighting Isis.
  • (18) Heathrow airport cancelled half of its flights as the snow and cold weather continued to cause problems across the UK, stranding motorists and leaving roads icy and treacherous.
  • (19) The area above the last camp at South Col is nicknamed the "death zone" because of the steep icy slope, treacherous conditions and low oxygen level.
  • (20) The haemorrhagic accident preceding the onset of craniofacial microsomia is discussed as is the distinctly different phenomenon of disturbance to the migration or differentiation of neural crest cells in the pathogenesis of Treacher Collins syndrome.