(a.) Living or being by one's self; having no companion present; being without associates; single; alone; lonely.
(a.) Performed, passed, or endured alone; as, a solitary journey; a solitary life.
(a.) ot much visited or frequented remote from society; retired; lonely; as, a solitary residence or place.
(a.) Not inhabited or occupied; without signs of inhabitants or occupation; desolate; deserted; silent; still; hence, gloomy; dismal; as, the solitary desert.
(a.) Single; individual; sole; as, a solitary instance of vengeance; a solitary example.
(a.) Not associated with others of the same kind.
(n.) One who lives alone, or in solitude; an anchoret; a hermit; a recluse.
Example Sentences:
(1) The masses were solitary and located in the retroperitoneum (five cases), mediastinum (one case), and axilla (one case).
(2) No HRP-labeled axons were found in the facial and solitary nuclei and the cerebellum.
(3) No substance P binding sites were present in the central region of the parvocellular subdivision or the solitary tract.
(4) In solitary ulcers the ratio male: female was 1.1:1, while it was 2.2:1 in the cases in which a duodenal ulcer had been demonstrated, earlier or simultaneously with the gastric ulcer.
(5) Three of these patients, who had a solitary stone could successfully be treated by ESWL as monotherapy.
(6) He was held there for another eight months in conditions that aroused widespread condemnation , including being held in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day and being made to strip naked at night.
(7) Twenty-six of 41 patients with solitary liver cysts, some of them with ventriculation, received surgical treatment.
(8) Solitary diverticula were seen in three patients and in the fourth case there were three diverticula.
(9) The radiological differential diagnosis includes neuroblastoma, leukaemic infiltration, lymphoma, histiocytosis X, solitary and multifocal osteosarcoma and other deposits.
(10) Thus the solitary experience seems to be more influenced by disturbed individual dynamics, but in other cases social factors seem to be crucial.
(11) The prison suicide rate, at 120 deaths per 100,000 people, is about 10 times higher than the rate in the general population.” The report calls for a recently revised incentives and earned privileges regime to be scrapped and for an undertaking that prisoners with mental health problems or at known risk of suicide should never be placed in solitary.
(12) During the autopsy of a 24 year old woman, who died of cardiorespiratory insufficiency a large solitary tumour was found extending into the right ventricle of the heart and obstructing the pulmonary valve subtotally.
(13) Eighteen patients received implants for recurrent malignant astrocytoma (Group II) and 3 for recurrent solitary cerebral metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the lung (Group III).
(14) For whites, in addition to health and solitary activities, interaction with family and sex were also found to be significant.
(15) The adaptive value of sound signal characteristics for transmission in the underground tunnel ecotope was tested using tunnels of the solitary territorial subterranean mole rats.
(16) These results suggest distinct operating mechanisms of fast and slow rhythms in the solitary complex in vitro.
(17) With one probable exception all of the tumours were solitary.
(18) Government officials drew the public’s ire after charging Manning with three counts of misconduct following the suicide attempt, including two which carried possible penalties of indefinite solitary confinement.
(19) Solitary abnormalities on bone scan or chest film serve as an excellent examples of this dilemma.
(20) Membrane potential trajectories of 68 bulbar respiratory neurones from the peri-solitary and peri-ambigual areas of the brain-stem were recorded in anaesthetized cats to explore the synaptic influences of post-inspiratory neurones upon the medullary inspiratory network.
(a.) Quiet; calm; undisturbed; peaceful; not agitated; as, the atmosphere is tranquil; the condition of the country is tranquil.
Example Sentences:
(1) The pharmacological examination showed that the new compounds are deprived of the hypnotic activity characteristic for 3,3'-spirobi-5-methyltetrahydrofuranone-2 (2) and behaved in most tests as tranquillizers.
(2) The magnitude of enzyme activation by DZM and CDP appear to correlate with their relative potency of tranquilizing effect.
(3) The recognition that all minor tranquillizers carry the risk of dependence has had a significant impact in their prescription over the years.
(4) Contrary to other studies, central nervous system stimulants are not the most widely prescribed psychoactive drugs in childhood and adolescence, but rather, minor tranquilizers, sedatives and hypnotics are the most widely prescribed psychoactive drugs.
(5) It is important to maintain a perspective of dependence on minor tranquillizers, particularly as attitudes are in danger of being distorted by excessive media attention.
(6) Therefore it is not surprising that drugs - notably the barbiturates and more recently the benzodiazepines (tranquilizers) - have been prescribed to give to the brain that peace of mind that it seeks.
(7) The use of major tranquilizers also decreased significantly (-23%) on Gotland.
(8) The only individual factor independently associated with use of minor tranquilizers was mental health status.
(9) In the rural tranquillity of Jamaica, people routinely reach the high 90s and a great many make 100.
(10) The authors propose a differential approach to the treatment of the identified disorders including the use of tranquilizers, antidepressants, neuroleptics and nootropic drugs, as well as methods of rational psychotherapy.
(11) To determine the effect of relaxation training on the frequency of intake of pro re nata medication for relief of tension and to compare the difference between live and taped instructions of this training 60 patients on PRN minor tranquilizers and sedatives in one nursing unit were studied.
(12) LH may be decreased subsequent to treatment with oral contraceptives or phenothiazine tranquilizers and in a few other conditions.
(13) When relating the results to comparable research on the effects of alcohol, tranquilizers and stimulants, it is concluded that with Neoston in the relatively high dosage as used here, no real detrimental effects on traffic safety are to be expected.
(14) A good agreement was established between the anxiolytic (tranquilizing) effect of phenazepam after administration to rats per os and the rate of its supply to the systemic blood flow.
(15) They made the hypothesis that if a tranquillizing drug were administered the operative level of neuroticism would be decreased, and as a consequence the level of susceptibility of neurotic extraverts would be raised, and that of neurotic introverts lowered.
(16) Beta-blockers reduced HR increases due to mental stress, whereas the minor tranquilizer reduced skin conductance level throughout the whole trial.
(17) In our hands it has been used to reverse the adverse central effects of tranquilizers, antihistamines and belladonna alkaloids.
(18) The modulators are the wellknown drugs: diazepam which is a facilitator of some of the GABA receptors, and used clinically for its tranquilizing, anxiolytic, sedative-hypnotic and anti-convulsant properties; sodium valproate which is known to enhance the GABA synapse function, and used clinically for its anti-convulsant property; haloperidol which is a dopaminergic receptor (D2) blocker, and clinically used for its anti-psychotic property; cyproheptadine which is both anti-histaminic and anti-serotonergic (blocks 5-HT2 receptor), used clinically for its antihistaminic and other beneficial properties; and hydrocortisone which is the stress-resisting glucocorticoid having direct effects on both brain and body cells, used clinically for the wide-ranging glucocorticoid therapeutic effects.
(19) An analysis has been made of individual purchases of hypnotics, sedatives and minor tranquilizers made during 1973 by patients who had bought such drugs either only once (group S, n= 417) or regularly (group R, n=76) during a 16-month period five years earlier from pharmacies in the town of Ostersund, county of Jmtland, Sweden.
(20) Increased risk for glioma was associated with rural residence, history of a positive tuberculosis skin test and consumption of pork products; increased meningioma risk was associated with a positive reaction to a tuberculosis skin test, previous stroke, use of tranquillizers and a vegetarian life-style in childhood.