(1) The paper, which traditionally supports the Tory party and was edited by the former Conservative cabinet minister Bill Deedes during seven years of Thatcher's reign, feared an avalanche of "bile" would "spew" from its pages and decided to keep comments closed, according to insiders.
(2) Media organisations gorge themselves, then spew out vast quantities of video, sound and copy.
(3) Meanwhile, California's pollution control officers warned this month that extreme heat and wildfires could set back decades of improvements in air quality, boosting smog formation and spewing dangerous smoke into the air.
(4) The old divisions between rich and poor countries, the climate polluters of the past and the rising economies now spewing out carbon in their rush to prosperity, were wearing away, they said.
(5) The tea-shop owner’s home is just a couple of hundred metres from a huge, ageing coal-fired power plant in central Turkey , whose red-and-white chimneys spew dirty fumes.
(6) Could hit their market share if so.” During the byelection, anonymous Tweeters such as @northerncomment – a hate-spewing account followed by O’Flynn – were still chuntering about a boycott of Walkers.
(7) On 1 February, 17 died when Mount Sinabung in North Sumatra province spewed lava and gas.
(8) Meanwhile, at the top of the tree, managers of the maquiladoras – faced with recession and competition from Asia – needed fewer workers, spewing their surplus humanity (which flocked here from all over Mexico) into the new narco-economy of "opportunities" for murder, extortion and kidnapping.
(9) Few who spew this vitriol would dare speak with the type of personalized scorn toward, say, George Bush or Tony Blair – who actually launched an aggressive war that resulted in the deaths of at least 100,000 innocent people and kidnapped people from around the globe with no due process and sent them to be tortured.
(10) That's why his praise for European fascists as being the only ones saying "sensible" things about Islam is significant: not because it means he's a European fascist, but because it's unsurprising that the bile spewed at Muslims from that faction would be appealing to Harris because he shares those sentiments both in his rhetoric and his advocated policies, albeit with a more intellectualized expression.
(11) The refinery chimneys were spewing out 1.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the air per year till 2011.
(12) Drillers have lost control over wells during fracking, including one last month in Bradford County that spewed chemicals for 19 hours.
(13) The plant, located 150 miles north of Tokyo, has spewed radiation into the atmosphere and contaminated seawater and agricultural produce, forcing the evacuation of 80,000 people living nearby.
(14) But environmental groups have accused the bloc of doing too little to end subsidies for carbon-spewing coal power plants, and of undermining investments in renewables.
(15) Gatwick’s gung ho about expansion Barely had David Cameron got back to Downing Street than the Airports Commission was reopening its consultation on Heathrow versus Gatwick, and publishing new data on the fumes each expanded airport would spew into their neighbourhoods.
(16) Every time I see Lindsey Graham spew hate during interviews I ask why the media never questions how I single handily [sic] destroyed his hapless run for president.
(17) But he warned that countries must avoid being "locked in" to high-carbon infrastructure - power stations and buildings constructed today will still be in operation and spewing out carbon decades from now, and that will be unsustainable.
(18) The fascinating pitter-patter of stomach contents against the back of your teeth as a fearsome torrent of spew erupts from within like a liquid poltergeist fleeing an exorcism.
(19) These mobile factories dig out earth and line a concrete shell around them as they push ahead, spewing out spoil and laying track behind them.
(20) And MSNBC still has quite a ways to go before it matches Fox's demonstrated willingness to spew outright falsehoods in pursuit of its partisan agenda.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Spit
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Spit
Example Sentences:
(1) I'm married to an Irish woman, and she remembers in the atmosphere stirred up in the 1970s people spitting on her.
(2) There was nothing accidental about Saffiyah Khan’s easy nonchalance, grinning through the spitting rage of Ian Crossland at the EDL rally in Birmingham city centre at the weekend; Ieshia Evans knew there was more power in calm when she approached the police in Baton Rouge last summer.
(3) Venom entered the eyes of 9 patients spat at by the spitting cobra, Naja nigricollis.
(4) For every “coterie” of Audens, Spenders and Isherwoods, there is a chorus of George Orwells, Roy Campbells and Dylan Thomases, spitting vitriol.
(5) Those who remember the Two Davids of the 1987 SDP-Liberal Alliance will recall the exquisite agony only too well, cruelly captured by the Spitting Image puppet of little Steel perched in big Owen's pocket.
(6) Raised in Manchester, Coogan began his comedy career in Ipswich in the 1980s, supplementing stand-up with voiceover work and impressions for Spitting Image, before moving to Radio 4 to work with Chris Morris and Armando Iannucci on On the Hour.
(7) Unlike my little brother, who used to store his peas in his cheeks like a hamster – he would then ask to be allowed to go to the loo where he would spit and flush – I always liked vegetables as a child (and yes, I know that, technically, avocado is a fruit; but its savoury qualities are such that I am going to count it, in this instance, as a vegetable).
(8) She might as well spit "Don't tell me I can't let my personal life affect my professional judgment" through a mouthful of Jaffa Cakes.
(9) In addition, SPIT does not require sophisticated equipment or expensive reagents.
(10) For starters, any Swiss finishing school would definitely have an issue with the volume and velocity of spit that gets produced on the pitch.
(11) Both aneurysm were successfully clipped but Mark remained hemiplegic with severe physical and behavioural problems, including incontinence, sexual disinhibition, aggression and uninhibited spitting.
(12) Trying to outspit a spitting cobra This was another mad challenge for my series Michaela's Wild Challenge!
(13) However, a considerable proportion of the respondents harbored incorrect beliefs regarding mosquito transmission and dangers to blood donors, and many showed uncertainty or incorrect knowledge regarding possible HIV transmission by biting, spitting, or use of public toilets.
(14) 2006 : Fifa vice-president Jack Warner welcomes questions from an investigative reporter asking about alleged corruption: "I would spit on you – but I will not dignify you with my spit ... go fuck yourself ... no foreigner, particularly a white foreigner, will come to my country and harass me."
(15) They would then spit on batons and rape us with them.
(16) Most of the restaurants in China to me smelled dirty, though what I was smelling was likely some unfamiliar ingredient, and I was allowing the things I'd seen earlier in the day – the spitting and snot blowing, etc – to fill in the blanks.
(17) But there was also a diversion into why, across the industrialised world, the numbers of diagnosed autistic people have increased, and two sentences that caused me to spit out my toast.
(18) There, with pleasing historical symmetry, it was placed within spitting distance of the statue of another famous French Jew, three times prime minister Leon Blum.
(19) The letter did not directly mention Muslims, and began instead by attacking people who drop litter or spit on buses.
(20) In June, the owner, Oliver Poiss, threw a huge summer solstice party with six wild boar roasting on spits and a $10,000 equipment giveaway.