(n.) A ship or seagoing vessel propelled by the power of steam; a steamer.
Example Sentences:
(1) The sailors, who are suing their employers Maersk Line and the Waterman Steamship Corp for $50m, said Richard Phillips was a sullen, self-righteous man: their suit claims the captain's wilful disregard for his crew's safety contributed to the attack.
(2) Then on 15 June, 1918, the SS Makambo, a steamship carrying fruit and vegetables, ran aground.
(3) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Cargo steamship SS Makambo, which ran aground off Lord Howe Island in 1918, introducing the black rats which now plague the local wildlife.
(4) Eleven crew members are bringing a lawsuit against Maersk Line and the Waterman Steamship Corporation, and it will be difficult for historians to pick through what actually happened until that is resolved.
(5) The diphyllobothriasis incidence in the workers of the Amur basin steamship company during 1980-1989 was studied.
(6) A restless polymath, he imbued the kingdom with gloriously ambitious railways, sensational steamships, revolutionary bridges and a new industrial-era architecture.
(7) Education, hospitals and improved health, steamships, railways, and the telegraph – these were the tools of empire, brought to colonised peoples by the gift of commerce and good British government.
(n.) The mouth to the grate of a furnace; also, the space in front of the furnace, where the stokers stand.