(1) Clinical signs of disease developed as early as 15 days after transition to the experimental diets and included impaired vision, decreased response to external stimuli, and abnormal gait.
(2) They retained the ability to make this discrimination when the coloured stimuli were placed against a background bright enough to saturate the rods.3.
(3) We conclude that neuronal activities in the region of the retrofacial nucleus are important both in the integration of stimuli from the central chemoreceptors and in defining the discharge patterns of respiratory neurons.
(4) Substance P, a potent vasodilating peptide, seems to be released from trigeminal nerve endings in response to nervous stimulation and is involved in the transmission of painful stimuli within the periphery.
(5) Their receptive fields comprise a temporally and spatially linear mechanism (center plus antagonistic surround) that responds to relatively low spatial frequency stimuli, and a temporally nonlinear mechanism, coextensive with the linear mechanism, that--though broad in extent--responds best to high spatial-frequency stimuli.
(6) The electrical stimulation of the tail associated to a restraint condition of the rat produces a significant increase of immunoreactive DYN in cervical, thoracic and lumbar segments of spinal cord, therefore indicating a correlative, if not causal, relationship between the spinal dynorphinergic system and aversive stimuli.
(7) In the first, a technique for establishing an effective reinforcer from a range of possible reinforcing stimuli was evaluated.
(8) II, the visual and auditory stimuli were exposed conversely over the habituation- (either stimulus) and the test-periods (both stimuli).
(9) Stimuli presented to this island could be detected and discriminated, although the subject reported he did not see them.
(10) Preliminary rhythmic somatic stimulation has a predominantly facilitating effect on EPs appearing in response to tonal stimuli in the areas A1, S2, S1.
(11) The proportions of one of the warning stimuli, with respect to the total number of trials, were 0.10, 0.30 and 0.50.
(12) The effects of postnatal methyl mercury exposure on the ontogeny of renal and hepatic responsiveness to trophic stimuli were examined.
(13) The stimuli were two simple tones in experiment 1 and two tonal complexes in both experiments 2 and 3.
(14) The effects of noise on information processing in perceptual and memory tasks, as well as time reaction to perceptual stimuli, were investigated in a laboratory experiment.
(15) This factor was named interleukin-8 (IL-8) since it is produced by various kinds of cells in response to inflammatory stimuli including LPS, IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and has pleiotropic effects on T lymphocytes and basophils as well as neutrophils.
(16) In general patients with diarrhoea were more sensitive to stimuli than those with constipation.
(17) Previous experiments using natural stimuli have provided evidence that the VOR is subserved by parallel pathways, including some that are modified during learning and some that are not.
(18) Anti-histamine and anti-serotonin drugs, as well as substances capable of blocking synthesis of prostaglandins or activation of the kinin system, and also atropine, were ineffective in reducing the responses to TsTX or electrical stimuli.
(19) In positive patterning, elemental stimuli, A and B, were presented without an unconditioned stimulus while their compound, AB, was paired with electric shock.
(20) symptoms, bowel habits, normal physical examination, absence of intestinal infections or parasites) b) physiopathological evaluation (hyperactivity of the distal colon, hypersensitivity to stimuli, stress), and c) physiological evaluation of the patient.
(v. t.) A goad; hence, something that rouses the mind or spirits; an incentive; as, the hope of gain is a powerful stimulus to labor and action.
(v. t.) That which excites or produces a temporary increase of vital action, either in the whole organism or in any of its parts; especially (Physiol.), any substance or agent capable of evoking the activity of a nerve or irritable muscle, or capable of producing an impression upon a sensory organ or more particularly upon its specific end organ.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the absence of atrial dilatation there was minimal stimulus for ANF secretion.
(2) At the same time the duodenum can be isolated from the stomach and maintained under constant stimulus by a continual infusion at regulated pressure, volume and temperature into the distal cannula.
(3) With glucose and protein as intraduodenal stimulus (no pancreatin added), the plasma amino acids rose significantly less (by approximately 50% of the control experiment) and the increment in insulin (but not C-peptide) concentrations was significantly reduced by loxiglumide.
(4) Since intracellular Ca2+ seems to play a role in stimulus-secretion coupling and ion movements, several aspects of Ca2+ homeostasis have been investigated in CF.
(5) Three coyotes were operantly conditioned to depress one of two foot treadles, left or right, depending on the condition of the stimulus light.
(6) Clinical measurements of the loudness discomfort level (LDL) are generally performed while the subject listens to a particular stimulus presented from an audiometer through headphones (AUD-HP).
(7) NE differentially affected responses to stimulus movement in the preferred and non-preferred direction in one-third of these neurons, such that directional selectivity was increased.
(8) II, the visual and auditory stimuli were exposed conversely over the habituation- (either stimulus) and the test-periods (both stimuli).
(9) The marine vibrio alone is a powerful stimulus to mucus secretion but lethal for the host.
(10) Taken together with our previous studies showing that MDMA substitutes for the phenylisopropylamine stimulant (+)amphetamine, but that neither MDE nor N-OH MDA substitute for (+)amphetamine or for the phenylisopropylamine hallucinogen 1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOM), the present results [i.e., MDMA-stimulus generalization to MDE, N-OH MDA, but not to (+)amphetamine] suggest that 1) MDMA produces effects other than those that may be considered amphetamine-like, and 2) MDE and N-OH MDA are MDMA-like agents with even less of an amphetamine-like component of action than MDMA itself.
(11) Changes in pain tolerance after administration of differently labelled placebos were studied by measuring the reaction time after a cold stimulus.
(12) 27% of the neurons revealed high sensitivity to the temperature stimulus with coefficient Q10 from 2.4 to 30; 6% of the neurons reacted by the on-response type; 5% of the neurons changed their activity and preserved the new level.
(13) Isolated outer hair cells from the organ of Corti of the guinea pig have been shown to change length in response to a mechanical stimulus in the form of a tone burst at a fixed frequency of 200 Hz (Canlon et al., 1988).
(14) Adhesion and O2- production were also found to be differentially affected by the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenylene iodonium, the sulfhydryl reagent N-ethylmaleimide and the A2 agonist adenosine, indicating that these neutrophil responses have various transductional pathways that also depend on the type of stimulus.
(15) The following results were obtained: 1) In normal subjects, the changes in ABR waveforms according to the changes of the rise-time, interstimulus interval and frequency of the stimulus were mainly attributed to component wave C. 2) In patients with central disorders, component wave C were initially affected.
(16) Following each stimulus, the subject had to press a button for RT and then report the digit perceived.
(17) Subjects with high ocular-dominance scores (right- or left-dominant subjects) showed for the green stimulus asymmetric behavior, while subjects with low ocular-dominance scores showed a tendency toward symmetry in perception.
(18) Prior to each long-term intake test, rats received a 1 min, 1 ml intraoral infusion of the same chemical stimulus.
(19) In positive patterning, elemental stimuli, A and B, were presented without an unconditioned stimulus while their compound, AB, was paired with electric shock.
(20) In a recent study, Orr and Lanzetta (1984) showed that the excitatory properties of fear facial expressions previously described (Lanzetta & Orr, 1981; Orr & Lanzetta, 1980) do not depend on associative mechanisms; even in the absence of reinforcement, fear faces intensify the emotional reaction to a previously conditioned stimulus and disrupt extinction of an acquired fear response.