

  • (n.) A plant from which layers are propagated by bending its branches into the soil.
  • (v. i.) To ramfy; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers.
  • (n.) A single seat with three or four legs and without a back, made in various forms for various uses.
  • (n.) A seat used in evacuating the bowels; hence, an evacuation; a discharge from the bowels.
  • (n.) A stool pigeon, or decoy bird.
  • (n.) A small channel on the side of a vessel, for the dead-eyes of the backstays.
  • (n.) A bishop's seat or see; a bishop-stool.
  • (n.) A bench or form for resting the feet or the knees; a footstool; as, a kneeling stool.
  • (n.) Material, such as oyster shells, spread on the sea bottom for oyster spat to adhere to.

Compare stool with other words:

poo vs. stool

stool vs. stoop

stool vs. stoom

stook vs. stool

carp vs. stool

spool vs. stool

stool vs. tool

stood vs. stool

diluent vs. stool

stool vs. void

armchair vs. stool

crap vs. stool

excretion vs. stool

defecate vs. stool

faeces vs. stool

manure vs. stool

mobile vs. stool

sill vs. stool

rob vs. stool

sitting vs. stool

feces vs. stool

potty vs. stool

melena vs. stool

stool vs. thunderbox

crock vs. stool

breakable vs. stool

blood vs. stool

stool vs. turd

stool vs. taboret

stool vs. tiller

stool vs. sucker

propagate vs. stool

ramify vs. stool

layer vs. stool

plant vs. stool

stool vs. stoolie

oyster vs. stool

spat vs. stool

decoy vs. stool

excrement vs. stool

back vs. stool

footstool vs. stool

ottoman vs. stool

stool vs. table

evacuation vs. stool

seat vs. stool

buffet vs. stool

sell vs. stool

stool vs. toilet

stool vs. throne

chair vs. stool