(a.) Eagerly pressing or urgent; zealous; ardent; earnest; bold; valiant; intrepid; as, a strenuous advocate for national rights; a strenuous reformer; a strenuous defender of his country.
Example Sentences:
(1) These results indicate that prolonged strenuous physical exercise can induce acute modifications of plasma lipoproteins, which may in part be related to enhanced lipolysis.
(2) We conclude that this low protein diet is compatible with non-strenuous work.
(3) Screening tests of any kind are currently the centre of controversy as measures are being strenuously taken to contain health costs.
(4) Respiratory frequencies recorded during the most strenuous exercise were approximately 50% below the value observed when dik-diks are exposed to an ambient temperature (Ta) of 42 degrees C. 4.
(5) To determine the etiologic role of strenuous manual tasks in relation to epicondylitis, three clinical cross-sectional examinations were performed on meatcutters (N = 102), sausage makers (N = 125), packers (N = 150), and workers in nonstrenuous tasks (N = 332).
(6) However, the strenuous working conditions, which concern about 20% of pregnant women at work, lead to a higher prematurity rate.
(7) On Thursday he told the Guardian: “There is no more strenuous denial than the one I am giving.
(8) We have opposed this every step of the way and will continue to strenuously oppose this," Bailey said.
(9) Do one-day or shorter sections of the route between Les Houches and Argentière, or tackle the Tour du Mont Blanc, a strenuous 250km trail that takes in the most naturally dramatic slices of Switzerland, France and Italy.
(10) It is concluded that the inotropic effect of ouabain is negligible during strenuous physical activity because of the presence of high levels of sympathetic stimulation.
(11) Resting muscle is generally perceived as a glucose-utilizing organ; however, we show that resting well-oxygenated frog muscle recovering from strenuous exercise can release significant amounts of glucose.
(12) But all those involved strenuously denied they had deliberately, or even consciously, interfered or tampered with their tags.
(13) It has been shown that the increased activity of human and murine macrophages brought about by extreme strenuous physical exercising, insofar as one is able to order them into a progressive scheme of stress happenings, fit very well into the concepts of the 'alarm reaction' phase.
(14) The ability of diabetic rats to perform prolonged, moderately strenuous exercise of an intensity that could be maintained for more than 60 min was not affected by methylpalmoxirate treatment.
(15) Clinical and radiographic OA of fingers and knees did not correlate with previous strenuous occupations.
(16) Strenuous exercise may cause menstrual abnormalities, including amenorrhea.
(17) The backroom staff are aware of the strenuous work the 22-man party – Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain remains in rehabilitation from a medial knee ligament injury – have undertaken in the heat and humidity of Miami and now their base in Urca, Rio de Janeiro, and decided on Tuesday night that their first session in the north would be light despite an outdoor training pitch having been made available by Fifa.
(18) Cardiac glycogen during and following a single bout of moderate running was compared to a bout of strenuous running in fed male Long-Evans rats.
(19) Previous sedentary workers were more disabled in activities of daily living than those whose work had previously been physically strenuous.
(20) As these are likely to include the older athletes who are also more likely to suffer acute myocardial injury during strenuous exercise, our findings assume special import in the interpretation of increased CK and CK-MB serum activities of older athletes.
(a.) Filled with, or characterized by, zeal; warmly engaged, or ardent, in behalf of an object.
(a.) Filled with religious zeal.
Example Sentences:
(1) Republicans were under pressure not to dwell on Clinton’s use of a private email server as too zealous an attack could come off as partisan.
(2) More than 60 officers, who might be investigating a burglary in your street, are zealously pursuing other cops and public officials who may, or may not, have taken bungs from Sun journalists in return for information.
(3) His allies charge the prime minister with cowardice for dispatching one of his most zealously reforming ministers.
(4) Abaaoud’s older sister, Yasmina, told the New York Times in January that neither of the brothers showed a zealous interest in religion before leaving for Syria.
(5) Asked about the plan, Baker said on Monday that "both sides of the coalition" wanted high streets to prosper and that he agreed that over-zealous action by traffic wardens could be a problem.
(6) Care must be taken to guard against the health worker being overly zealous in motivating and mobilizing potential voluntary sterilization contraception candidates.
(7) Colonel David Black of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment says soldiers need to operate without being worried about "over-zealous and remote officialdom".
(8) After a zealous assessment of respective anatomical merits, attention switched to flaws.
(9) Those who leave the left are often those who end up detesting it more: becoming a convert often means being more zealous than existing believers.
(10) Sutherland said the Co-op bank's bad loans were mostly accounted for by Britannia, with half of all its poorly performing retail loans and three quarters of its roughly £440m corporate bad debts blamed on over-zealous loan agreements sold by the building society.
(11) Miller, too, earned Trump’s praise and widespread scorn for his zealous defense of the president and for peddling a baseless claim about phantom illegal voting.
(12) Most attempts to humanize medicine have at best been temporary, barely touching the margins of medicine and sustained largely by their zealous advocates.
(13) Arteta had been introduced as an early substitute for Coquelin, who hurt his knee in a zealous tackle on Claudio Yacob.
(14) In that sense, zealous neoconservatism may not be the cleverest political option, and May's ideas may yet point the way ahead.
(15) It has been zealously guarded by the recipients of the letters themselves, and over the last few years, by the full might of the British state and government, as Whitehall has fought every step of the way to stop the Freedom of Information Act disclosure of the letters to Rob Evans of the Guardian.
(16) When finally open public welfare was translated into reality during 1918-1933 as a result of the zealous efforts on the part of the reformatory psychiatrists, this was mainly done to save cost, whereas Kolb's original aims were largely lost in the process.
(17) Then, one evening, her zealous son accused her of tacitly criticising Mao.
(18) They are in the firing line if they do not endorse a zealous world view.
(19) They are beaten up and raped daily and it's not because they feel bad about themselves or have been got at by some zealous politically correct propaganda.
(20) Behind him lies the zealous, over-confident Dominic Cummings, his special adviser at education – forced out – humiliated at the Treasury select committee when his version of reality collided with its clever Tory chairman, Andrew Tyrie.