(v. i.) A setting of the mind or thoughts upon a subject; hence, application of mind to books, arts, or science, or to any subject, for the purpose of acquiring knowledge.
(v. i.) Mental occupation; absorbed or thoughtful attention; meditation; contemplation.
(v. i.) Any particular branch of learning that is studied; any object of attentive consideration.
(v. i.) A building or apartment devoted to study or to literary work.
(v. i.) A representation or rendering of any object or scene intended, not for exhibition as an original work of art, but for the information, instruction, or assistance of the maker; as, a study of heads or of hands for a figure picture.
(v. i.) A piece for special practice. See Etude.
(n.) To fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon anything in thought; to muse; to ponder.
(n.) To apply the mind to books or learning.
(n.) To endeavor diligently; to be zealous.
(v. t.) To apply the mind to; to read and examine for the purpose of learning and understanding; as, to study law or theology; to study languages.
(v. t.) To consider attentively; to examine closely; as, to study the work of nature.
(v. t.) To form or arrange by previous thought; to con over, as in committing to memory; as, to study a speech.
(v. t.) To make an object of study; to aim at sedulously; to devote one's thoughts to; as, to study the welfare of others; to study variety in composition.
Example Sentences:
(1) The findings are more consistent with those in studies of panic disorder.
(2) We studied further the serum with the highest titer.
(3) In studies of calcium metabolism in 13 unselected patients with untreated sarcoidosis all were normocalcaemic but five had hypercalcuria.
(4) These variants may serve as useful gene markers in alcohol research involving animal model studies with inbred strains in mice.
(5) Thirty-two patients (10 male, 22 female; age 37-82 years) undergoing maintenance haemodialysis or haemofiltration were studied by means of Holter device capable of simultaneously analysing rhythm and ST-changes in three leads.
(6) The effect of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) on growth of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines was studied.
(7) Arterial compliance of great vessels can be studied through the Doppler evaluation of pulsed wave velocity along the arterial tree.
(8) Isotope competition studies indicated that the pathway was regulated by isoleucine.
(9) This study was undertaken to determine whether the survival of Hispanic patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck was different from that of Anglo-American patients.
(10) A study revealed that the percentage of active sperm in semen 30 seconds after ejaculation was 10.3% when a nonoxynol 9 latex condom was used as opposed to 55.9% in a nonspermicidal condom.
(11) The prenatal risk determined by smoking pregnant woman was studied by a fetal electrocardiogram at different gestational ages.
(12) In this study of ten consecutive patients sustaining molten metal injuries to the lower extremity who were treated with excision and grafting, treatment with compression Unna paste boot was compared with that with conventional dressing.
(13) Biochemical, immunocytochemical and histochemical methods were used to study the effect of chronic acetazolamide treatment on carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoenzymes in the rat kidney.
(14) This study compares the mortality of U.S. white males with that of Swedish males who have had the highest reported male life expectancies in the world since the early 1960s.
(15) The telencephalic proliferative response has been studied in adult newts after lesion on the central nervous system.
(16) These immunocytochemical studies clearly demonstrated that cells encountered within the fibrous intimal thickening in the vein graft were inevitably smooth muscle cell in origin.
(17) Theophylline kinetics, as an in vivo probe for the potentially toxic cytochrome P-450I pathway of drug metabolism, were studied in 11 healthy volunteers and 11 patients with calcific chronic pancreatitis at Madras, South India.
(18) A study of factors influencing genetic counseling attendance rate has been conducted in the Bouches-du-Rhône area, in the south of France.
(19) These studies led to the following conclusions: (a) all the prominent NHP which remain bound to DNA are also present in somewhat similar proportions in the saline-EDTA, Tris, and 0.35 M NaCl washes of nuclei; (b) a protein comigrating with actin is prominent in the first saline-EDTA wash of nuclei, but present as only a minor band in the subsequent washes and on washed chromatin; (c) the presence of nuclear matrix proteins in all the nuclear washes and cytosol indicates that these proteins are distributed throughout the cell; (d) a histone-binding protein (J2) analogous to the HMG1 protein of K. V. Shooter, G.H.
(20) The taxonomic relationship of strains H4-14 and 25a with previously described Xanthobacter strains was studied by numerical classification.
(n.) A description, or the doctrine, of death.
Example Sentences:
(1) The group of thanatological problems comprises also the question what happens in the patient's psyche in the last stage of his life.
(2) Significant differences in death imagery and death anxiety were found between subjects enrolled in an introductory psychology course and those enrolled in a thanatology course.
(3) The pattern of immediate causes of death and types of terminal states (mechanisms of death) has been examined on the basis of thanatological analysis of 190 deaths occurred after operations on the heart (valve prosthesis) and lung (pneumonectomy).
(4) Autothanatobiographic insights and experiences in thanatologic praxis in long-time illness until death lead to more differentiated insights than short-time illness until death--especially in respect of changing and contrary courses.
(5) Possibilities of thanatologic information, forms of dialogue, communicative engagement and self-attitude in care-situations are critically conferred--this even in regard to mourning, grief and sorrow of the bereaved.
(6) The author deals in more detail with several areas where collaboration between churches and health services seems promising: psychiatry and clinical psychology, nursing, thanatology, prevention.
(7) The complexities, widespread ramifications and uncertainties surrounding decisions dealing with the process of dying call for a specialty of clinical thanatology.
(8) After assessing the kind of care it was providing to terminally ill patients and their families, Holy Cross Hospital of Silver Spring (MD) committed itself to a more balanced program of care that included the creation of a thanatology department, implementation of special educational programs for hospital personnel, and exploration of the possibility of establishing a hospice care concept at the hospital.
(9) History of origination of a term "thanatology' its interpretation nowadays by pathologists and medicolegal examiners are considered in this work.
(10) The present paper reports some of the observations and subjective reactions experienced by the writer while engaged in a series of experimental thanatological research studies.
(11) But the stress for all medical personnel remains high, and there remains an unfulfilled need to teach effective thanatological techniques to all medical personnel.
(12) The confrontation of thanatologic data in short-time illness until death to autopathothanatobiographic insights in long-time illness until death seems comparable in respect to relations between present clinical findings and anamnestic data.
(13) While community hospitals increasingly are becoming community health care centers, evidence suggests a great need for most of these institutions to improve their care of the terminally ill. Based on a study of existing care programs and of thanatology literature, the authors have developed a model hospital program for dying patients and their families that uses a team approach to integrate resources for their care.
(14) The author develops some proposals, how the requests of thanatology that were adequat to improve the actual situation, could better be transferred to the practice.
(15) This is followed by a description of principal empirical findings, clinical perceptions, and perspectives emerging from work in the thanatological realm.
(16) Not only this is to think over in treatment and care, but also some new thanatologic experiences of the last years--for instance in respect to the question of timing, various circumstances and possible forms of informations and clearing up.
(17) Ethical and pragmatic considerations often preclude the application of classical experimental approaches to in vivo thanatological research.
(18) This paper discusses three topics pertaining to what the Emperor's death highlighted from a thanatological viewpoint: (1) junshi, or following one's master into death, (2) the disclosure of the nature of a malignant illness, and (3) death with dignity.
(19) The III category: iatrogenic diseases did not play a considerable role in the thanatology.
(20) Extensive results of thanatologic sciences since the first decades of 20. century and multivarious practical knowledge in clinical thanatology are discussed--relating to the central problem of understanding different forms of "realisation of death".