(n.) That needle-shaped part at the tip of the playing arm of phonograph which sits in the groove of a phonograph record while it is turning, to detect the undulations in the phonograph groove and convert them into vibrations which are transmitted to a system (since 1920 electronic) which converts the signal into sound; also called needle. The stylus is frequently composed of metal or diamond.
(n.) The needle-like device used to cut the grooves which record the sound on the original disc during recording of a phonograph record.
(n.) A pen-shaped pointing device used to specify the cursor position on a graphics tablet.
Example Sentences:
(1) This has been possible by (1) the use of specially modified SFM tips with a consistent radius of curvature of 10 nm or less, to minimize the amount of image distortion introduced by the finite dimensions of commercially available tips, (2) the optimization of a method to deposit and bind DNA molecules to the mica surface in a stable fashion, and (3) careful control of the sample humidity, to prevent solvation of the molecules and detachment from the surface by the scanning tip or stylus.
(2) The procedure consisted in an aversive stimulus that the patient received every time he traced one of the four maze-paths connected to an electric shock generator with a stylus.
(3) Alterations in surface roughness were determined and compared with an electromechanical stylus.
(4) The method of operative treatment with the fixation of the epicondyle with the help of a screw-stylus which, while fixing the fragments, allows early development of movements in the elbow articulation.
(5) Three groups of four monkeys were trained to negotiate a small hand ("stylus") maze, and to use a "pointer" to guide response in a two-choice position discrimination task.
(6) The S Pen is responsive and easy to use, but actually using a stylus on a phone feels clumsy and fiddly, meaning it can safely be ignored in favour of a finger unless you're actually trying to sketch something on-screen.
(7) As a corrective procedure, it is recommended that the baseline width produced by a round recording stylus of uniform thickness irrespective of the vertical deflection velocity should be less.
(8) The physician uses a stylus to point, draw and handwrite on a Dynamic Dialog Interface that provides the same flexibility as the paper record and numerous other advantages.
(9) Men with chronic, penetrating missile wounds of the brain were examined with two `spatial' tasks: a visually-guided stylus maze and a locomotor map-reading task.
(10) The capacity to process information during movement selection and execution was studied in Parkinsonian patients and controls in a task involving movement of a hand-held stylus between two targets whose size and separation could be systematicaly varied.
(11) The stylus is removed after insertion of the plug into the vas deferens.
(12) For 1024 points with a 25 msec sampling time, the trajectory of the stylus pen was transmitted to the computer in real time.
(13) With its large 5.7in screen and S Pen stylus, the Note 3 is unashamedly a phablet that will stretch prospective buyers hands and pockets, but provide fast and fluid experience while its at it.
(14) Pen Window allows you to perform multi-window multi-tasking, by drawing out a window of your desired size with the stylus that you can fill with a select few apps that include Google Hangouts, a browser and a calculator - something that sounds potentially useful, but ends up being laborious to use and slower than just switching between dedicated full-screen apps.
(15) At higher forces individual circular DNA molecules can be manipulated with the SFM stylus.
(16) Retroactive interference was observed during relearning of a radial stylus maze and during relearning of the locations of pairs of playing cards in a concentration game.
(17) On a modification of the Fitts Reciprocal Tapping task children moved a stylus (held in the hand or attached to a special shoe worn on the foot) between two metal targets separated by different distances.
(18) The stylus-sample forces that may be endured before sample damage occurs depends on the ambient relative humidity.
(19) A stylus with 45-degree cuspal angulation and an opposing copper-plated lower arch was used for approximation of the natural situation.
(20) None of the past methods of marking call numbers on the spines or covers of books-direct hand lettering by pen, brush, or stylus; affixing cold release characters; embossing by hot type; or gluing labels which are handlettered, typed, or printed-nor even present automatic data processing systems have offered all the advantages of the relatively new Se-Lin labeling system: legibility, reasonable speed of application, automatic protective covering, permanent bonding, and no need for a skilled letterer.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Write
(n.) The act or art of forming letters and characters on paper, wood, stone, or other material, for the purpose of recording the ideas which characters and words express, or of communicating them to others by visible signs.
(n.) Anything written or printed; anything expressed in characters or letters
(n.) Any legal instrument, as a deed, a receipt, a bond, an agreement, or the like.
(n.) Any written composition; a pamphlet; a work; a literary production; a book; as, the writings of Addison.
(n.) An inscription.
(n.) Handwriting; chirography.
Example Sentences:
(1) It is my desperate hope that we close out of town.” In the book, God publishes his own 'It Getteth Better' video and clarifies his original writings on homosexuality: I remember dictating these lines to Moses; and afterward looking up to find him staring at me in wide-eyed astonishment, and saying, "Thou do knowest that when the Israelites read this, they're going to lose their fucking shit, right?"
(2) We report on a patient, with a CT-verified low density lesion in the right parietal area, who exhibited not only deficits in left conceptual space, but also in reading, writing, and the production of speech.
(3) Writing in the Observer , Schmidt said his company's accounts were complicated but complied with international taxation treaties that allowed it to pay most of its tax in the United States.
(4) During these delays, medical staff attempt to manage these often complex and painful conditions with ad hoc and temporizing measures,” write the doctors.
(5) Arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical, brilliant – all of that I can handle in Paul,” Levinson writes.
(6) Maybe it’s because they are skulking, sedentary creatures, tied to their post; the theatre critic isn’t going anywhere other than the stalls, and then back home to write.
(7) They are about to use a newer version to write prescriptions and office visit notes and to find general medical and patient-specific information.
(8) She said a referendum was off the table for this general election but, pressed on whether it would be in the SNP manifesto for 2016, she responded: “We will write that manifesto when we get there.
(9) An important step in instrument development is writing the items that are derived from concept analysis and validation.
(10) The authors write: “In the wake of the financial crisis, central banks accumulated large numbers of new responsibilities, often in an ad hoc way.
(11) One mortgage payer, writing on the MoneySavingExpert forum, said: "They are asking for an extra £200 per month for the remaining nine years of our mortgage.
(12) The government also faced considerable international political pressure, with the United Nations' special rapporteur on torture, Juan Méndez, calling publicly on the government to "provide full redress to the victims, including fair and adequate compensation", and writing privately to David Cameron, along with two former special rapporteurs, to warn that the government's position was undermining its moral authority across the world.
(13) Kang Hyun-kyung writes for the Korea Times, not the Korean Herald.
(14) "The new feminine ideal is of egg-smooth perfection from hairline to toes," she writes, describing the exquisite agony of having her fingers, arms, back, buttocks and nostrils waxed.
(15) An untiring advocate of the joys and merits of his adopted home county, Bradbury figured Norfolk as a place of writing parsons, farmer-writers and sensitive poets: John Skelton, Rider Haggard, John Middleton Murry, William Cowper, George MacBeth, George Szirtes.
(16) A commercial medical writing company is employed by a drug company to produce papers that can be rolled out in academic journals to build a brand message.
(17) David Rothkopf, writing in Foreign Policy, is similarly sceptical. "
(18) The existence is therefore proposed of some neural mechanism that controls the higher cerebral function of writing via the thalamus.
(19) The postulated deficit is contrasted to the hypothesis of impairment to the lexical-semantic component, required to explain performance by brain-damaged subjects described elsewhere who make seemingly identical types of oral production errors to those of RGB and HW, but, in addition, make comparable errors in writing and comprehension tasks.
(20) Based on our work on the EIA and assessors’ own reports on the 2010 REF pilot , assessment panels are able to account for factors such as the quality of evidence, context and situation in which the impact was occurring – and even the quality of the writing – to differentiate between, and grade, case studies.