What's the difference between subdivision and tract?



  • (n.) The act of subdividing, or separating a part into smaller parts.
  • (n.) A part of a thing made by subdividing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Other fusiform cells of the cPVN are oriented in a rostral-caudal plane and are situated more medially in this subdivision.
  • (2) Hypertrophy is restricted to subdivisions of the inferior olive included in recurrent cerebello-mesencephalic-olivary circuits.
  • (3) No substance P binding sites were present in the central region of the parvocellular subdivision or the solitary tract.
  • (4) This histochemical difference corresponded to more subtle differences in Nissl and myelin staining patterns, and suggests further structural subdivisions of potential functional significance.
  • (5) The purpose of the present study was to develop methods for routine identification of the non-compacta subdivisions in the macaque monkey.
  • (6) They were found predominantly in the first subdivision of the neck segment, which suggests that propulsion of the glomerular filtrate is a primary function of this part of the renal tubule.
  • (7) We demonstrate how FST increases with the degree of subdivision among populations.
  • (8) Ducts of the lateral prostate (LP), a ventrolateral subdivision of the DLP, initiated branching morphogenesis between 1 to 5 days after birth.
  • (9) Tests of homogeneity of means, variances and correlations for systolic blood pressure (BP), diastolic BP and weight among subdivisions of a smple of adoptive families are presented.
  • (10) Large granular T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder (LGTLD) is a heterogeneous disorder covering a broad spectrum of diseases and requiring further subdivision.
  • (11) The numerical difference was especially prominent in comparing the abducens nucleus with one of the vertical recti subdivisions.
  • (12) A chronological subdivision of the swallowing act is needed for a step-by-step analysis.
  • (13) Of the cytoarchitectonic subdivisions of S1, area 2 projects most heavily upon area 5 and area 3b the least, and there is a reversal in the antero-posterior dimension with more posterior parts of S1 projecting to more anterior parts of area 5.
  • (14) Experiments using the methods of anterograde and retrograde axonal transport and anterograde degeneration show that each subdivision has a unique pattern of connections with the midbrain.
  • (15) While the functional significance of the seams remains unknown and their specific composition clearly requires further study, it is likely that they represent important functional (e.g., viscoelastic) or biological (e.g., nutritional) subdivisions of ligament substance.
  • (16) Except for the external and posterior subdivisions, the NOA is relatively homogeneous and, in spite of the apparent lack of sublamination in Niss-stained material, four clearly defined cellular laminae were distinguished by the Golgi method.
  • (17) In contrast, no dendrite of a motoneuron in the medial subdivision entered the intermediate subdivision and vice versa.
  • (18) A rostro-lateral subdivision contains smaller, more lightly stained neurons which tend to form clusters.
  • (19) This supports the notion that these subdivisions form an anatomically, physiologically, and now molecularly distinct pathway known as the M-stream.
  • (20) Boundaries of various subdivisions, based on cytoarchitectonic criteria, were included in the model.



  • (n.) A written discourse or dissertation, generally of short extent; a short treatise, especially on practical religion.
  • (v.) Something drawn out or extended; expanse.
  • (v.) A region or quantity of land or water, of indefinite extent; an area; as, an unexplored tract of sea.
  • (v.) Traits; features; lineaments.
  • (v.) The footprint of a wild beast.
  • (v.) Track; trace.
  • (v.) Treatment; exposition.
  • (v.) Continuity or extension of anything; as, the tract of speech.
  • (v.) Continued or protracted duration; length; extent.
  • (v.) Verses of Scripture sung at Mass, instead of the Alleluia, from Septuagesima Sunday till the Saturday befor Easter; -- so called because sung tractim, or without a break, by one voice, instead of by many as in the antiphons.
  • (v. t.) To trace out; to track; also, to draw out; to protact.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Within the outflow tract wall, the labelled cells were enmeshed by strands of alcian blue-stained extracellular matrix.
  • (2) Findings on plain X-ray of the abdomen, using the usual parameters of psoas and kidney shadows in the Nigerian, indicate that the two communities studied are similar but urinary calculi and urinary tract distortion are significantly more prominent in the community with the higher endemicity of urinary schistosomiasis.
  • (3) Sixteen patients (27%) manifested anomalies of the urinary tract: 12 had markedly altered kidneys, 8 of which were unilateral and ipsilateral to the diaphragmatic defect.
  • (4) Positivity was not correlated with current residence census tract socioeconomic indicators in black or white females.
  • (5) The course of urogenital tuberculosis is complicated by unspecific bacterial infections of the urinary tract and nephrolithiasis.
  • (6) They are best explained by interactions between central sympathetic activity, brainstem control of respiration and vasomotor activity, reflexes arising from around and within the respiratory tract, and the matching of ventilation to perfusion in the lungs.
  • (7) Febrile reactions were not distributed randomly among the patients; those with respiratory tract infection experienced more febrile reactions during periods with infection than during periods without.
  • (8) The pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in atypical pneumonias can be considered confirmed according to the availabile literature; its importance for other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, particularly for chronic bronchitis, is not yet sufficiently clear.
  • (9) We present numerical methods for studying the relationship between the shape of the vocal tract and its acoustic output.
  • (10) A good understanding of upper gastrointestinal physiology is required to properly understand the pathophysiological events in various diseases or after operations on the upper gastrointestinal tract.
  • (11) The primary afferent fibers diverge in the brainstem into a short ascending and a long descending tract.
  • (12) About tow amyloid tumors diagnosed because of oropharyngeous signs, the authors remind the main symptoms at the upper airway and ENT tracts; the local, regional and general treatment will be discussed.
  • (13) Magnetic polyethyleneimine (PEI) microcapsules have been developed for trapping electrophilic intermediates in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
  • (14) Cholecystectomy provided successful treatment in three of the four patients but the fourth was too ill to undergo an operation; in general, definitive treatment is cholecystectomy, together with excision of the fistulous tract if this takes a direct path through the abdominal wall from the gallbladder, or curettage if the course is devious.
  • (15) Plasmid profiling was used to distinguish strains of lactobacilli inhabiting the digestive tract of piglets and the feces of sows.
  • (16) Urologic evaluation of all patients with congenital scoliosis is recommended; however, diagnostic ultrasonographic evaluations of the urinary tract have proven to be an acceptable alternative as an initial screening modality.
  • (17) A total of 38 patients underwent attempted percutaneous extraction of upper tract calculi with the Wolf nephroscope.
  • (18) A significant increase in the number of C. albicans CFU in homogenized and plated segments of the GI tract was recognized in mice with murine AIDS versus the control animals.
  • (19) Total white cell counts were reviewed in paediatric in-patients with viral gastroenteritis, bacterial gastroenteritis, delayed recovery following acute gastroenteritis, viral lower respiratory tract infections and cow's milk protein intolerance.
  • (20) Both Shigella and Salmonella transferred multi-drug resistance to some enterobacteria--E. coli and Proteus as well as to Salmonella typhimurium when the latter was also present in the intestinal tract; of these some 10--40 per cent acquire the multi-drug resistance of Salmonella heidelberg and Shigella sonnei.