(a.) Placed in a lower order, class, or rank; holding a lower or inferior position.
(a.) Inferior in order, nature, dignity, power, importance, or the like.
(n.) One who stands in order or rank below another; -- distinguished from a principal.
(v. t.) To place in a lower order or class; to make or consider as of less value or importance; as, to subordinate one creature to another.
(v. t.) To make subject; to subject or subdue; as, to subordinate the passions to reason.
Example Sentences:
(1) There were no significant effects of chlordiazepoxide treatment on the behaviour of subordinate rats.
(2) Here we show that the subsequent survival and reproductive success of subordinate female red deer is depressed more by rearing sons than by rearing daughters, whereas the subsequent fitness of dominant females is unaffected by the sex of their present offspring.
(3) Compared to socially dominant females, socially subordinate females had fewer ovulatory menstrual cycles, more cycles with deficient luteal phase plasma progesterone concentrations, increased adrenal weights and increased heart weights.
(4) In none of the constructs were TG sequences folded in a positioned nucleosome, demonstrating that the rotational setting played a subordinate role in the rough positioning in vivo.
(5) Allogrooming was more frequent among subordinates than among dominants and subordinates.
(6) The clashes between the moralistic Levin and his friend Oblonsky, sometimes affectionate, sometimes angry, and Levin's linkage of modernity to Oblonsky's attitudes – that social mores are to be worked around and subordinated to pleasure, that families are base camps for off-base nooky – undermine one possible reading of Anna Karenina , in which Anna is a martyr in the struggle for the modern sexual freedoms that we take for granted, taken down by the hypocritical conservative elite to which she, her lover and her husband belong.
(7) When mice were isolated, no differences were found between the behavior of those that later became alphas and those that became subordinates.
(8) Plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine samples obtained from anesthetized subjects did not differ between dominant and subordinate males.
(9) Existing services and underutilized because of illiteracy, the most important factor, cultural practices, religious practices, and the subordinate status of women.
(10) In the proposed model medicine of catastrophes should consist of organization-methodological centres, regional organs of management and various functional elements, possessed of flexible structure of coordination and subordination.
(11) Results of these studies allow the conclusion, that hypertrophy is a reaction of arterial smooth muscle cells to an increased mechanical load in hypertension which, in turn, is responsible for the thickening of arterial with Hyperplasia - increase in smooth muscle cells' number in the media - played a subordinate role.
(12) Also analogues seem to be the producing of the so-called instinctives as mam(m)a and papa by somewhat older babies which are able to pass over from the babbling into permanent words of the adults' speech in which they persist if used without shifting of sounds since they are produced de novo generation by generation, but they are subordinate to shifting and possible extinction if used in the form of derivatives in the standard language, and some phenomena of the phylogenesis as the survival of less differentiated species contrary to the relatively quick extinction of the highly specialized ones.
(13) The article describes the following results: 1) The majority of those who responded, particularly workers in subordinate positions, were of the opinion that firms, management and co-workers were rather unwilling to accept the physically disabled as competitive and equal employees and colleagues.
(14) Specialty interests cover the whole range of medicine but in most instances are subordinate to the claims of general medicine.
(15) These observations are interpreted in light of behavioral data suggesting that these subordinate males are under sustained social stress.
(16) These data show nonspecific protection against tumor recurrence because of alloimmunization but clearly demonstrate the subordination of any beneficial colon cancer TSA immunotherapeutic effect by contained histocompatibility antigens.
(17) The older mother-adult child relationship may be characterized by a power differential, such that some older mothers feel subordinate to their adult children.
(18) The dominant male in FFF groups displaced subordinates less frequently than did the dominant older male in AFF groups early in the season, but equally frequently later.
(19) In addition to understanding one's subordinates and peers, the effective manager understands the organizational forces that exist in the workplace.
(20) Historically, social work in hospitals has been subordinate to the medical profession.
(a.) Paying tribute to another, either from compulsion, as an acknowledgment of submission, or to secure protection, or for the purpose of purchasing peace.
(a.) Hence, subject; subordinate; inferior.
(a.) Paid in tribute.
(a.) Yielding supplies of any kind; serving to form or make up, a greater object of the same kind, as a part, branch, etc.; contributing; as, the Ohio has many tributary streams, and is itself tributary to the Mississippi.
(n.) A ruler or state that pays tribute, or a stated sum, to a conquering power, for the purpose of securing peace and protection, or as an acknowledgment of submission, or for the purchase of security.
(n.) A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; an affluent.
Example Sentences:
(1) Ligation of the left renal vein on the medial side of the adrenolumbar tributary maintained a patent left renal vein in all cases with 60% of left kidney biopsies showing no histological evidence of changes to glomeruli or tubules, and the remainder showing early acute tubular necrosis.
(2) Their tortuous or irregular outline did not usually correspond in position or appearance to normal tributaries of the vein.
(3) Meningeal tributaries are relatively large in humans, and drain principally into the cranio-orbital sinus or sphenoparietal sinus.
(4) Already at the stage of anlage the intestinal trunk is not included in the ThD root system, but serves as the RLS anterior tributary, or its lumbar, preaortic tributary.
(5) This was due to reductions of hepatic arterial and portal venous tributaries.
(6) The occurrence of cell-infiltrated intimal lesions at the confluence of many small tributaries with canine jugular and femoral veins suggested that these areas (confluences) might 1) differ structurally from the rest of the receiving vein and 2) serve as initiation sites for thrombi.
(7) This study shows that somatostatin analogue decreases portal pressure principally by reducing portal tributary blood flow.
(8) Multiplanar CDI can image flow in the circle of Willis and its tributaries and branches.
(9) Factors evaluated included technical success of the examination; visualization of the portal vein, splenic vein, and other tributaries; contrast medium density, portal blood flow direction; presence and type of collaterals and varices; and liver size and configuration.
(10) Obstruction of a major temporal branch vein, or one of its macular tributaries, presents a significant threat to vision.
(11) Twelve variants of ways of spreading vertical reflux of blood along the pelvic veins have been established and two ways of its transmission to the lower extremity veins: a direct way of reflux from the iliac to femoral vein and an indirect ways of reflux--from tributaries of the iliac vein to those of the femoral vein.
(12) Mortality of pelyad (Coregonus peled) caused by Tetraonchus alaskensis took place in winter 1973 in the Voikara and Syn rivers (the Ural tributaries of the Lower Ob) during anadromous and catadromous migrations.
(13) Between the gestational ages of 3 and 4 months, the middle cerebral artery and its tributaries run radially on the sylvian fossa and over the convexity.
(14) EPA Gazza’s Italia 90 tears were but a trickling tributary compared with the Amazon of anguish unleashed by the shell-shocked hosts during their mortifying 7-1 loss to Germany.
(15) It is proposed that the vein of Galen aneurysm represents a venous ectasia secondary to an increased flow (usually caused by a deep-seated arteriovenous shunt draining either directly into the vein of Galen aneurysm or into a tributary of the vein of Galen) associated with obstruction of a dural sinus distal to the aneurysm.
(16) Eleven stents were placed successfully in pulmonary arteries (out of thirteen attempted), and 11 of 14 were installed in tributaries of the precava or postcava.
(17) The scintillation camer superior venacavogram provides a quick, safe, and accurate method of evaluating the patency of the SVC and its tributaries.
(18) All of these patients had tumor thrombi in their large tributary veins in addition to the primary tumors.
(19) This paper outlines an objective and reproducible method of mapping hepatic lesions into territories defined solely by the major hepatic veins and their tributaries.
(20) Testicular vein cast--right and left--was prepared in autopsy specimens to identify the course, tributaries and communications of the testicular vein.