What's the difference between subversion and systematic?



  • (n.) The act of overturning, or the state of being overturned; entire overthrow; an overthrow from the foundation; utter ruin; destruction; as, the subversion of a government; the subversion of despotic power; the subversion of the constitution.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) After heading for Rome with his long-term partner, Howard Auster, he returned to fiction with a bestselling novel, Julian, based on the life of a late Roman emperor; a political novel, Washington DC, based on his own family; and Myra Breckinridge, a subversive satire that examined contradictions of gender and sexuality with enough comic brio to become a worldwide bestseller.
  • (2) In the three cases examined, the panel said that none "represents subversion of the peer review process nor unreasonable attempts to influence the editorial policy of journals".
  • (3) Beijing is furious at the Nobel committee's decision to give the award to Liu, who is serving an 11-year sentence for incitement to subversion for co-authoring Charter 08, an appeal for democratic reforms.
  • (4) Zhou Shifeng, the founder of Beijing’s Fengrui law firm and one of the lawyers at the centre of the crackdown, is accused of “state subversion”.
  • (5) Yet the whole thing was sly and subversive, for it whispered, see, see what you have been missing.
  • (6) It is likely that this process involves subversion of the normal regulatory mechanisms which control expression of proto-oncogenes through the interposition of exogenous, cis-acting enhancer sequences.
  • (7) They were subversive, and they hung out together and watched films.” It meant a lot to her, because until then she had never heard staff talk about the Connor his parents knew and loved.
  • (8) According to state media, he began serving a three-year sentence for subversion last month.
  • (9) His political activism earned him a 10-year jail term for "subversive speech", after which he fled to neighbouring Mozambique to lead guerrilla forces in a protracted war against Ian Smith's government that left 27,000 dead.
  • (10) Where there were pictures of powerful women, the images tended to be subversive: the same photograph of a grimacing Theresa May was used to illustrate three different stories about the home secretary, and two of the three pictures of the German chancellor showed Angela Merkel puffing out her cheeks, looking mildly absurd.
  • (11) One man – Guo Xianliang, an engineer from Yunnan Province – is detained on suspicion of inciting subversion of state power after distributing flyers about Liu and the prize in Guangdong, southern China, the organisation reported.
  • (12) People who are now mainstream politicians were, at their start of their political careers, deemed to be subversive by the Special Branch - to name one: Jack Straw.
  • (13) The "political subversion" consisted of support for those resisting the murderous assaults of the US and its client regimes, and sometimes – horror of horrors – perhaps even providing arms to the victims.
  • (14) O'Brien has since become notorious among equal rights campaigners for his vigorous attacks on gay marriage and gay adoptions , calling homosexuality a "grotesque subversion" and "harmful to the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of those involved".
  • (15) Kenton's alliance with Zaleshoff isn't always an easy one - the journalist is unimpressed by the spy's attempt to fob him off with the official Stalinist line on Trotskyite subversion, for example, and Zaleshoff is, not unreasonably, suspicious of Kenton's motives for helping him - but it's kept afloat by the undercurrent of sexual attraction between Kenton and Zaleshoff's sister.
  • (16) Warp's next act of subversion was to wind up Pete Tong by declaring that bleep was dead and that the future of music was "clonk" - the title of Sweet Exorcist's next 12in.
  • (17) "I love the making of a book, I love the clash between commerce and art and the subversive quality of thinking, right, if you talk about this book in a certain way you can get it in people's hands."
  • (18) Microorganisms implement their strategy of persistence by two principal tactics: (1) sabotage of the host's bronchial defenses (ie, direct microbe-mediated damage to the host), and (2) subversion of the host's normally protective defenses into damaging host tissue itself (ie, indirect host-mediated damage provoked by the microbe).
  • (19) The "final definition" of the program recognized that "final success will require decisive US military intervention," after terrorism and subversion had laid the basis.
  • (20) So the battles of the last century that were considered subversive at the time, have largely been won.



  • (a.) Alt. of Systematical

Example Sentences:

  • (1) When the concentration of thrombin or fibrinogen was altered systematically, mu T and mup were found to mirror each other except when the fibrinogen concentration was increased at low thrombin concentrations.
  • (2) Since 1979, patients started on long-term lithium treatment at the Psychiatric Hospital in Risskov have been followed systematically with recording of clinical and laboratory variables before the start of treatment, after 6 and 12 months of treatment, and thereafter at yearly intervals.
  • (3) In the present study, 125 oesophageal biopsies obtained under direct vision at endoscopy from 22 patients with Barrett's oesophagus were systematically studied using fluorescence and peroxidase antiperoxidase single and double-staining immunocytochemical methods employing highly specific antibodies to localize the following peptide-containing cell types in Barrett's mucosa: gastrin, somatostatin, gastric inhibitory polypeptide, motilin, neurotensin and pancreatic glucagon.
  • (4) On the other hand, the patients treated with cimetidine showed a marked, systematic increase in theophylline plasma levels, even exceeding the upper limit of its known therapeutic range in 4 cases.
  • (5) The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the problems which arise from simultaneously developing regulatory and competitive approaches to health care cost containment can be solved, if recognized, and that those problems deserve more systematic investigation than they have so far received.
  • (6) At constant arterial pO2, changes in coronary flow were associated with changes in energy-rich phosphates, but not systematically with changes in coronary venous pO2.
  • (7) From November, 1972 to November, 1974 the members of the team of a haemodialysis unit were systematically given Australia antigen immunoglobulin protection.
  • (8) Immense amounts of data about cancer-associated chromosome aberrations have been collected during the last 10 years, and the systematic evaluation of these data has disclosed a number of correlations between chromosome change and neoplastic disease.
  • (9) Statistical diagnostic tests are used for the final evaluation of the method acceptability, specifically in deciding whether or not the systematic error indicated requires a root source search for its removal or is simply a calibration constant of the method.
  • (10) We firmly believe that a systematic approach to the 12-lead ECG can provide information that can diagnose the difference between ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia, and in many instances diagnose the mechanism and site of origin of the supraventricular tachycardia.
  • (11) But for decades now there has been a systematic undermining of it [the NHS’s] core values.
  • (12) Because this transport system in the choroid plexus is normally responsible for the excretion of the serotonin metabolite from the brain to the plasma, accumulation of endogenously produced organic acids in the brain, secondary to reduced clearance by the choroid plexus, could be a contributing factor in the development of encephalopathy in children with medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency who have elevated levels of octanoic acid systematically.
  • (13) Then these two repeats were separated and deleted systematically to obtain various deletions.
  • (14) The diet dilution technique overcomes the major disadvantage of the graded supplementation method for determining the requirements of amino acids, namely that of the amino acid balance changing systematically in successive dietary treatments.
  • (15) Rooting latency showed a significant additive maternal strain effect but little systematic effect of pup genotype.
  • (16) At a private meeting last Tuesday, Hunt assured Cameron and the cabinet secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, that he had not been aware that his special adviser, Adam Smith, was systematically leaking information and advice to News Corp about its bid for BSkyB.
  • (17) The beads enable us to examine several aspects of the adhesion process with particles having uniform properties that can be varied systematically.
  • (18) Systematic treatment of aberrant subclavian arteries should perhaps be considered when it can be performed during thoracic surgery.
  • (19) Nine factors have been isolated whose varying combinations were most contributory to the risk of the development of CS in the studied population: cardiac diseases, transient disorder of the cerebral circulation, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, aggravated heredity for cardiovascular diseases, intermittent claudication, diabetes mellitus, systematic alcohol abuse, and hypodynamia.
  • (20) This is the first study to document systematically and prospectively the marked restriction of normal activity in affected individuals and the long duration of the disability.