(1) A tiny studio flat that has become a symbol of London's soaring property prices is to be investigated by planning, environmental health and fire safety authorities after the Guardian revealed details of its shoebox-like proportions.
(2) In Tirana, Francis lauded the mutual respect and trust between Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox Christians in Albania as a "precious gift" and a powerful symbol in today's world.
(3) They operate on a mystical and symbolic plane, which is foreign to the practice of "Western" medicine.
(4) They include the Francoist slogan "Arriba España" and the yoke-and-arrows symbol of the far right Falange, whose members killed the women.
(5) Plasma drug concentrations, subjective self-ratings, and the digit symbol substitution test (DSST) were evaluated during 24 hours after dosage.
(6) YOH shifted the healthy subjects' mood towards feeling panicked, elevated systolic blood pressure and plasma prolactin concentrations, reduced digit symbol substitution, and induced drowsiness and passiveness.
(7) Brazil and Argentina unite in protest against culture of sexual violence Read more The symbolic power of so many women standing together proves that focusing on victims does not mean portraying women as passive.
(8) There on the street is Young Jo whose last words were, "I am wery symbolic, sir."
(9) Third, the appropriation of these symbolic forms of society, self, and the emotions by the current Iranian Islamic state and the role of the state in defining the meaning and legitimacy of emotions and their expression is analyzed.
(10) The philosopher defended his actions by referring to Pierre Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence, naturally enough, but it didn't wash with HR.
(11) This museum is a symbol of the artistic vitality of Paris.
(12) The best was the oral version of the Symbol Digit Modalities test, which by itself accounted for 70% of the variance of the full-sized-vehicle driving score.
(13) The performance tests included tracking, choice reaction, flicker fusion, exophoria, nystagmus, digit symbol substitution and the subjective assessment of mood.
(14) Besides, Francis says, once their reformation had gone on longer than their initial career, the rest of the band were starting to feel wary about just playing the old material, particularly when they found themselves booked to play a Canadian casino, the kind of venue that is traditionally the preserve of oldies acts: "It was just sort of symbolic, like ha-ha, here we are, at the casino.
(15) To investigate this issue, data from two previous papers were reanalysed to investigate the complete time course of precuing target location with either: (1) a peripheral cue that may draw attention reflexively, or (2) a central, symbolic cue that may require attention to be directed voluntarily.
(16) This more recent system has developed embedded wlithin the posteriorly located analytic and mnemonic cortical tissues and provides for communications between individuals within the species at symbolic, verbal levels.
(17) The top of the fence can also be manipulated in certain ways such as including curvature outward at the top of the fence to make scaling it much more difficult for most.” Some critics, including Washington DC congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, have warned against excessive fortification, but the report argues: “We recognise all the competing considerations that may go into questions regarding the fence, but believe that protection of the President and the White House must be the higher priority.” “Every additional second of response time provided by a fence that is more difficult to climb makes a material difference in ensuring the President’s safety and protecting the symbol that is the White House.” The panel also urges that a new head of secret service, to replace ousted head Julia Pierson, be brought in from outside the agency, ensuring it is better staffed and trained in future.
(18) "They said I was speaking about things I should not be speaking about ... insulting national symbols.
(19) It would be symbolic – not legally binding – but Pearson’s proposal is not just constitutional poetry.
(20) The task was to discriminate the orientation of the middle [symbol: see text].
(n.) Something intended or supposed to represent or indicate another thing or an event; a sign; a symbol; as, the rainbow is a token of God's covenant established with Noah.
(n.) A memorial of friendship; something by which the friendship of another person is to be kept in mind; a memento; a souvenir.
(n.) Something given or shown as a symbol or guarantee of authority or right; a sign of authenticity, of power, good faith, etc.
(n.) A piece of metal intended for currency, and issued by a private party, usually bearing the name of the issuer, and redeemable in lawful money. Also, a coin issued by government, esp. when its use as lawful money is limited and its intrinsic value is much below its nominal value.
(n.) A livid spot upon the body, indicating, or supposed to indicate, the approach of death.
(n.) Ten and a half quires, or, commonly, 250 sheets, of paper printed on both sides; also, in some cases, the same number of sheets printed on one side, or half the number printed on both sides.
(n.) A piece of metal given beforehand to each person in the congregation who is permitted to partake of the Lord's Supper.
(n.) A bit of leather having a peculiar mark designating a particular miner. Each hewer sends one of these with each corf or tub he has hewn.
(n.) To betoken.
Example Sentences:
(1) You’d know that if you listened to them and saw their presence as more than tokenism.
(2) These 2 experiences are often split in bottlefed and token breastfed infants.
(3) It’s not about a token nod to curvy girls …”, Cosmo ‘s editor, Bronwyn McCahon, explains in her campaign launch letter : “Showcasing body diversity at both ends of the spectrum has become part of Cosmo’s DNA.
(4) By the same token we stopped all association with businesses that make cluster bombs.
(5) By the same token, the mast cell is responsible for interactions with inhaled, ingested, and injected antigens that comprise IgE-mediated allergic reactions.
(6) A 36-item version of the token test is described together with its administration and scoring instructions.
(7) Consequently, steady-state trace inert gas exchange cannot in practice be used to differentiate series from parallel models, but by the same token, if series gas exchange occurs, equivalent parallel analysis is possible.
(8) The information included a detailed case description, an audiotape of M's speech obtained at 4, 9, 13, and 17 days post-stroke, and test results from the Western Aphasia Battery, the Token Test, and a battery for apraxia of speech.
(9) This schema and framework: (1) acknowledge that the term "breastfeeding" alone is insufficient to describe the numerous types of breastfeeding behavior, (2) distinguish full from partial breastfeeding, (3) subdivide full breastfeeding into categories of exclusive and almost exclusive breastfeeding, (4) differentiate among levels of partial breastfeeding, and (5) recognize that there can be token breastfeeding with little to no nutritional impact.
(10) In the second experiment, preadolescent learning-disabled students who were required to read and spell correctly a greater number of words per reward token later spent more time and completed more work for reward tokens in mathematics, and handwriting.
(11) A pretest-posttest design containing natural tokens was used to assess the effects of training.
(12) Under this, 1% commission was to be paid if the $40m radar deal went through, to a Tanzania-registered firm, Merlin International Ltd. Mr Vithlani was the majority shareholder in Merlin, Mr Somaiya said, while he had a small token interest himself.
(13) Total speech tokens increased for 7 of the 8 subjects and diversity of speech sounds increased for 6 subjects.
(14) The effects of reward and cost token procedures on the social and academic behavior of two groups of elementary special-education students were assessed using a reversal design.
(15) In condition A, the opportunity to self-stimulate was contingent on the payment of tokens (two tokens for 2 minutes of self-stimulation).
(16) Wherever the aphasics' performance was worse than that of the controls, the deviancy-scores correlated significantly with the Token Test.
(17) a) The token economy may be viewed as a palliative measure to prevent the incredibly regressive effects of institutionalization.
(18) Students (N = 32) in two of the schools remained in traditional programs, serving as controls, whereas students (N = 14) in the third school participated in a token reinforcement program.
(19) So, by that token, the public would have loathed PMQs and loved the civilised debate on Stafford hospital that followed.
(20) d) What the patient learns in a token economic system may not be what the token economy's program director probably intends.