What's the difference between tain and thin?



  • (n.) Thin tin plate; also, tin foil for mirrors.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The authors main tain that the mechanisms underlying the above changes are not contradictory but rather interrelated and complementary.
  • (2) The similar absorption curves obtained with Pronasone 20 mg and 30 mg doses and the aberrantly high values and delayed peaks ob tained in 2 subjects with the 30 mg dose imply that further work on dosage range, ointment formulation, and the method of application may be necessary before dependable clinical utility can be demonstrated.
  • (3) Pressure values were higher for the Tru-Tain stent than for the lip bumper.
  • (4) Maybe that’s because Laurie’s Roper has been enter taining us for so long with his cool, his wit, his urbanity and his sheer wickedness that we don’t want to let him go.
  • (5) Some of the nonwords, like tain and goach, shared their VC unit with a number of real words.
  • (6) Measurements of intraoral muscle force with foil strain gauges, load cells, and pressure transducers bonded to a Tru-Tain stent and to a lip bumper appliance were tested by means of seven functional exercises in five adult subjects over a 5-day interval.
  • (7) The diagnoses, number and types of consultations requested, types of patients cared for by residents in various levels of taining, and other pertinent data are reviewed.
  • (8) For general pictures, however, haematoxylin-eosin taining offers most advantage.
  • (9) Semiconductor pressure transducers mounted on Tru-Tain stents in the mandibular midline and left canine areas were used to measure lip pressures with the patient at rest and during five functional exercises.
  • (10) Firefly luciferase exposed to a temperature of 135 degrees C for 36 hours re tained up to 40 percent of its original activity.
  • (11) The enzyme activity of a homogenate of cells grown at pH 7.2 in Eagles's MEM supplemented with 10% new born calf serum and con taining galactose in place of glucose, was about ten times that of a homogenate of cells cultured at pH 6.3 in the same medium.
  • (12) Provided a high index of suspicion be mai-tained, particularly in those groups of patients in whom secondary gout is common, a combination of signs may allow the diagnosis to be correctly inferred, leading to biochemical confirmation.



  • (superl.) Having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite; as, a thin plate of metal; thin paper; a thin board; a thin covering.
  • (superl.) Rare; not dense or thick; -- applied to fluids or soft mixtures; as, thin blood; thin broth; thin air.
  • (superl.) Not close; not crowded; not filling the space; not having the individuals of which the thing is composed in a close or compact state; hence, not abundant; as, the trees of a forest are thin; the corn or grass is thin.
  • (superl.) Not full or well grown; wanting in plumpness.
  • (superl.) Not stout; slim; slender; lean; gaunt; as, a person becomes thin by disease.
  • (superl.) Wanting in body or volume; small; feeble; not full.
  • (superl.) Slight; small; slender; flimsy; wanting substance or depth or force; superficial; inadequate; not sufficient for a covering; as, a thin disguise.
  • (adv.) Not thickly or closely; in a seattered state; as, seed sown thin.
  • (v. t.) To make thin (in any of the senses of the adjective).
  • (v. i.) To grow or become thin; -- used with some adverbs, as out, away, etc.; as, geological strata thin out, i. e., gradually diminish in thickness until they disappear.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) They are going to all destinations.” Supplies are running thin and aftershocks have strained nerves in the city.
  • (2) Multiple overlapping thin 3D slab acquisition is presented as a magnitude contrast (time of flight) technique which combines advantages from multiple thin slice 2D and direct 3D volume acquisitions to obtain high-resolution cross-sectional images of vessel detail.
  • (3) Pitlike surface structures seen in negatively stained whole cells and thin sections were correlated with periodically spaced perforations of the rigid sacculus.
  • (4) Thin films (OD approximately 0.7) of glucose-embedded membranes, prepared as a control, showed virtually 100% conversion to the M state, and stacks of such thin film specimens gave very similar x-ray diffraction patterns in the bR568 and the M412 state in most experiments.
  • (5) Dose distributions were evaluated under thin sheet lead used as surface bolus for 4- and 10-MV photons and 6- and 9-MeV electrons using a parallel-plate ion chamber and film.
  • (6) Separation of PL by thin-layer chromatography revealed a prevalence of phosphatidylcholine followed by phosphatidylethanolamine.
  • (7) Thin layers of carbon (20 microns) and vacuoles (30 microns) suggested a large temperature gradient along the tissue ablation front.
  • (8) The ruling centre-right coalition government of Angela Merkel was dealt a blow by voters in a critical regional election on Sunday after the centre-left opposition secured a wafer-thin victory, setting the scene for a tension-filled national election in the autumn when everything will be up for grabs.
  • (9) When [14C]methyl-labelled N,N-dimethylformamide was injected and urine samples investigated by radio thin layer chromatography, the major area of radioactivity corresponded to the Rf of N-(hydroxymethyl)-N-methylformamide.
  • (10) Three cases of gastroduodenal perforation and one case of ulceration and extreme thinning of the gastric wall occurred in preterm babies treated with dexamethasone for bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
  • (11) Take-out: Apple can still innovate and Apple can still generate irrational lust out of thin air.
  • (12) The triglycerides are isolated by means of thin-layer chromatography.
  • (13) The OPL first appears as a thin, discontinuous break in the cytoblast layer that is frequently interrupted by the profiles of migrating neuro- and glioblasts.
  • (14) It's bad enough that they're so thin,” said Kilbourne.
  • (15) A specific vitamin A-dependent fluorophore was isolated from these retinas using thin-layer chromatography (TLC).
  • (16) Thinning of the dermis and the arrangement of collagen in parallel bundles appear to be constant findings.
  • (17) Thin-layer chromatogram with immunostaining revealed that serum IgG from this patient reacted with GM1, GD1a, GD1b, but did not react with GM2 and GT1b.
  • (18) A CT of the chest revealed typical thin-walled cysts of lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
  • (19) Homogenates of mucosa and muscle layer were incubated with (14C)-labelled arachidonic acid, and prostaglandin formation was determined using thin-layer chromatography.
  • (20) Draining of thin films has thus a dehydrating effect as well as a sorting and ordering effect.