(a.) Of or pertaining to the Tamils, or to their language.
(n.) One of a Dravidian race of men native of Northern Ceylon and Southern India.
(n.) The Tamil language, the most important of the Dravidian languages. See Dravidian, a.
Example Sentences:
(1) This study examines the state of mosquito-borne lymphatic filariasis in Madras, Tamil Nadu, in southern India during the 1970s and into the 1980s.
(2) • The Tamil Tigers (LTTE) were guilty of human rights abuses and demanded a cut of international NGOs' spending in the areas they controlled.
(3) Expect growing localised tensions around specific watersheds between one ethnic group and another, between farmers and cities, and so forth, he warns: “Rather than India versus Pakistan, it’s Karnataka versus Tamil Nadu over the allocation of a river that is shared between those two states.” The Water Stress Index , produced by UK risk analysis firm Maplecroft, provides an indication where water-related conflicts might be most likely to occur.
(4) The UNHCR said in a statement: “International law prescribes that no individual can be returned involuntarily to a country in which he or she has a well-founded fear of persecution.” The Tamil Refugee Council said it had spoken with a relative of one of the asylum seekers on board the vessel from India.
(5) A Tamil asylum seeker, speaking on condition on anonymity, fears being re-detained or deported: We are scared to go and meet the government.
(6) Neither should our distaste for the war be interpreted to mean that we support the Tamil Tigers.
(7) The UN report said most of the casualties came from government shelling and called for an independent international inquiry into what it called credible claims against Colombo and the Tamil Tigers .
(8) Sri Lanka mounted a merciless final assault on the Tamil Tiger insurgency in 2009 .
(9) The announcement will mean scrapping a review process set up by Labor in October 2012 to examine the cases of 55 mostly Tamil refugees, deemed to be a threat by Asio.
(10) It is believed that nine of the detainees adversely assessed by Asio, all Tamils, are refugees.
(11) Only a handful of local reporters have been permitted to visit the former territories held by the LTTE, who were fighting for a separate homeland for Sri Lanka's Tamil minority, since the bloody and controversial end to the 26-year civil conflict in May last year.
(12) On information known publicly, one Tamil man was detained when he came to Australia because he was a lawyer for the LTTE’s civil administration, another because he dug ditches on LTTE orders for civilian Tamils to shelter in during air raids by government aircraft.
(13) Blood samples from 240 unrelated healthy Tamil-speaking South Indian Hindus residing in Madras (capital city of Tamil Nadu, India) were screened for HLA-A and -B antigen profiles.
(14) Fox's decision came after talks with Hague, the foreign secretary, and a warning by the British Tamils Forum that his trip would send mixed messages to President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is facing strong international pressure for an investigation into allegations that Sri Lanka forces committed war crimes.
(15) Beneath the charm, Coleridge, a former British Press Awards young journalist of the year who was flung in jail briefly in Sri Lanka after reporting on the Tamil Tigers, is a sharp operator.
(16) 20 July 2006: The Tamil Tigers close the sluice gates of an eastern reservoir, cutting water to more than 60,000 people, prompting the government to launch its first major offensive on Tiger territory since the 2002 ceasefire.
(17) Recounting how the rebels, known formally as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, (LTTE) once controlled a wide swathe of the north and much of the east, Rajapaksa said that for the first time in 30 years, the country was unified under its elected government.
(18) Victims of Tamil Tiger attacks filed a lawsuit against Rajaratnam in New Jersey on Thursday, accusing him of assisting "crimes against humanity".
(19) Quietly, two weeks ago, a Tamil woman called Ranjini and her toddler son walked free from the gates of Villawood detention centre.
(20) The US state department and human rights groups have accused Sri Lanka's government and the rebels of war crimes against civilians during the final months of fighting, when government forces crushed the Tamil Tigers and ended the conflict.
(a.) Fitted to excite fear or terror; such as may astonish or terrify by its magnitude, force, or violence; terrible; dreadful; as, a tremendous wind; a tremendous shower; a tremendous shock or fall.
Example Sentences:
(1) John Large, a leading nuclear consultant, said: "The HSE as an independent agency will come under tremendous pressure to push through these designs.
(2) In the last few years, the tremendous growth of clinical transplantations has greatly increased the need for grafts.
(3) Unfortunately, it probably won’t happen with many countries … But if we can have a great relationship with Russia, and China, and all countries, I’m all for that, that would be a tremendous asset.
(4) A decrease in EAA with both the GABA receptor agonist and antagonist and tremendous increase of EAA with the gabamimetic drug, EOS, showed that GABA receptors may not be directly involved in EAA.
(5) As Cavani was shunted of the ball, it broke to Suarez, who aimed a quick-witted toe-poke at the bottom corner from 15 yards, only to be denied by Buffon, who showed tremendous agility to plunge to his right and tip it around the post!
(6) Therefore, reducing the prevalence of smoking in adults from about 40% in 1964 to 29% in 1987 can be considered a tremendous public health achievement.
(7) Ana Nicholls, healthcare analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, said: “It is tremendous news that GSK’s long-awaited malaria vaccine has gained approval in Europe.
(8) Specifically, tremendous torques are generated by each of these devices when they are introduced into the coil of a magnetic resonance imager; in addition, the 3M products not only were noted to induce an electrical current, but also were significantly magnetized and rendered afunctional.
(9) During hypoxia of 30 to 90 min duration, induced by nitrogenization of the perfusate, action potential duration (APD) was tremendously decreased in association with decline in the amplitude and rising velocity.
(10) "He had tremendous autonomy which he used to build up his network, and he used the corruption of the state to further his goals."
(11) When Trump described her father as a “tremendous champion of supporting families”, there were boos and hisses.
(12) "These results," said Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, "represent a tremendous reduction in human suffering and are a clear validation of the approach embodied in the MDGs.
(13) Scott Chambliss (production designer) Since the first film all of us had done different projects, and we all came back with this tremendous appreciation for JJ and collaborating with each other.
(14) In the course of the last two years, a tremendous amount of controversy has been raised over dangers accompanying the use of the antibiotic clindamycin.
(15) Evidence is mounting which indicates substantial conservation of protein structure and function of these receptors and enzymes over these tremendous periods of time.
(16) If their career expectations are to be met the tremendous improvements made in some practices must be extended rapidly to the remainder.
(17) In parts of Northern Ireland, where Irish was effectively banned until the early 1990s, I found a tremendous resurgence taking place.
(18) Assuming it ends without Trump being elected, we have to use this as an opportunity to question a lot of assumptions that vast numbers of people had accepted and he has proved are not true.” If Trump does lose the election, as opinion polls strongly suggest, there will tremendous relief for Schwartz.
(19) 'The real sense of '68 was a tremendous sense of liberation, of freedom,' she says, 'of people talking on the street, in the universities, in theatres.
(20) In case the tidal volume was kept constant, increase of ventilatory rate resulted in a tremendous increase of lung volume, together with considerably higher levels of PEE.