(n.) A fabric, usually of worsted, worked upon a warp of linen or other thread by hand, the designs being usually more or less pictorial and the stuff employed for wall hangings and the like. The term is also applied to different kinds of embroidery.
(v. t.) To adorn with tapestry, or as with tapestry.
Example Sentences:
(1) George RR Martin , whose series of novels inspired the HBO drama , has woven a tapestry of extraordinary size and richness; and most of the threads he has used derive from the history of our own world.
(2) The company launched in 1995 with an idea for a range of “colonial-inspired” tapestry bags, designed by Cox and sold by Liberty, Harrods and the General Trading Company.
(3) There was a lift to the top floor to see the remaining tapestry, but even here, life was not straightforward.
(4) The adjoining galleries blaze with colour from enamel and gold, jewels and tapestries, stained glass and ceramics.
(5) It is in a majestic salon, the walls of which are decorated with flamboyant 18th-century Flemish tapestries with a Tiepolo fresco adorning the ceiling, while the terrace overlooks a landscaped garden.
(6) This is at once a work of advocacy, rhetoric and literature, a vital thread in the tapestry of American prose.
(7) The first illustrates the impact of an unusual exposure source experienced by a female art conservator while restoring an antique Peruvian tapestry from the Chancay Period (A.D. 1000-1500).
(8) She has a bedroom symbolising each of her marriages, with huge tapestries detailing the humorous, intricate life Grayson has conceived for her, and an entrance hall described pretty accurately as a chapel space.
(9) I think we need a full explanation of that without delay.” Johnson had earlier described the correspondence between Serco CEO Rupert Soames and the prime minister, which took place while Cameron’s negotiations over a new EU deal were still ongoing, as “the biggest stitch-up since the Bayeux tapestry”, adding: “It makes us look like a banana republic.” Elsewhere on Tuesday, Cameron suggested in a speech that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Isis , was probably in favour of Britain leaving the EU.
(10) It’s about a slow unfolding of this tapestry that we’ve woven.
(11) The American psychiatrists' handbook DSM-5 goes further in this direction than ever, turning life's rich tapestry of oddballs into a grid of disorders.
(12) The tapestries would frame the space and create a sort of open-air building, though members of the Eisenhower family have gone so far to protest that the metal scrims remind them of Communist imagery or chain-link fences at a Nazi concentration camp.
(13) If you want an analogy, all the colours are present right across the tapestry.
(14) So we spoke in her bedroom, where she sat in pristine nightgown and shawl, in a rocking chair by the gold-curtained window, surrounded by a basket of tapestry wool (she was stitching a complex pattern for an evening bag), a walker, and a half-read Arnold Bennett novel, preparation for her book club – "Do you know, he's surprisingly good."
(15) At the moment, however, the six tapestries are on show at Temple Newsam House in Yorkshire, a Tudor-Jacobean mansion owned by Leeds city council, one and a half miles from the nearest train station and accessible by bus only in the summer months.
(16) It is inequality that is disfiguring the housing market, with house prices out of reach for first-time buyers as waiting lists for social housing extend to 1.7 million, and a new class of multi-millionaire buy-to-let landlords have become an unwelcome part of the social tapestry.
(17) He features in many of Perry’s works, from his first tapestry Vote Alan Measles for God (2008), in which the red, roaring teddy brandishes a suicide-belt atop the Twin Towers, to an intricate other-worldly shrine in which Alan Measles sits likes a Hindu deity.
(18) They were men and women; young and old; black, white, Latino, Asian, and Native American – woven together like a great American tapestry, sharing in the dream that our Nation would one day make real the promise of liberty, equality, and justice for all.
(19) The arrest of the kingpin known as Z-40 is the first high profile takedown of a drug baron since President Enrique Peña Nieto took office in December with Mexico in the midst of a complex tapestry of cartel turf wars.
(20) Three stainless steel tapestries depicting the Kansas landscape of Ike’s boyhood home were part of Gehry’s original design.
(imp. & p. p.) of Variegate
(a.) Having marks or patches of different colors; as, variegated leaves, or flowers.
Example Sentences:
(1) For the second propositus, a woman presenting with abdominal and psychiatric manifestations, the age of onset was 38 years; the acute attack had no recognizable cause; she had mild skin lesions and initially was incorrectly diagnosed as intermittent acute porphyria; the diagnosis of variegate porphyria was only established at the age of 50 years.
(2) Such characteristics are reminiscent of the behavior of variegating position-effects in Drosophila and the application of this paradigm to human disease phenotypes provides both a mechanism by which differential genome imprinting may be accomplished as well as genetic models that may explain the clinical association of syntenic diseases, the association between tumor progression and specific chromosomal aneuploidy and the unusual inheritance characteristics of many diseases.
(3) The diagnosis depends on fecal excretion of porphyrins, which is greatly increased in variegate porphyria and consists predominantly of protoporphyrin.
(4) Although clinical improvements occurred in the case of variegate porphyria, the results were inconclusive for reasons given.
(5) Appropriate laboratory tests on urine and feces samples are necessary to distinguish between PCTS and variegate porphyria when a young woman presents with the skin lesions characteristic of cutaneous hepatic porphyrias.
(6) One patient with variegate prophyria and two with hereditary coproporphyria had an attack related to pregnancy.
(7) The theory of the unconscious that arises from the method of direct interpretation reflects a differentiated inner world with variegated landscapes of images and frameworks.
(8) The faecal porphyrin patterns of 24 patients with porphyria cutanea tarda symptomatica (PCTS), eight patients with variegate porphyria, three patients with other types of porphyria, and 20 non-porphyrics subjects have been compared using a two-demensional thin layer chromatographic technique that separates porphyrins of the isocoproporphyrin series from other faecal porphyrins.
(9) A 62-year-old man with variegate porphyria is reported.
(10) Four patients with variegate porphyria (VP) were treated with repeated haem arginate infusions daily for 4 days and then weekly for 4 weeks.
(11) Hence, the differences in binding of the w+ gene probe in the variegating and variegation-suppressed strains reflect differences in chromosomal packaging rather than alterations in gene number.
(12) The lesions appeared brownish black, and most were variegated from tan to black.
(13) Thus, mice with variegating transgenes can provide molecular access to gene control mechanisms and to their consequences in development and disease.
(14) The results provide some indication as to the mechanism and timing for the general suppression of position-effect variegation by supernumerary heterochromatin in the genome.
(15) Beautiful and ancient plants, such as spreading bellflower , could become extinct in some places through the escape of variegated yellow archangel from gardens.
(16) Variegated endocrine cells were documented within this lining, using immunohistochemical and ultrastructural techniques.
(18) In white-mottled (wm) position-effect variegation mutants, a significant correlation was found between the extent of variegation (percentage of yellow cells) and riboflavin content (growth effect) of the MT.
(19) Four patients suffering from variegate prophyria were investigated during acute attacks.
(20) These changes include variegated hyperplasia of the pulp with epithelioid cells, mature eosinophilic granulocytes and immunoblasts occasionally resembling Hodgkin cells.