(n.) A name for several aroid plants (Colocasia antiquorum, var. esculenta, Colocasia macrorhiza, etc.), and their rootstocks. They have large ovate-sagittate leaves and large fleshy rootstocks, which are cooked and used for food in tropical countries.
Example Sentences:
(1) Last year the then foreign minister - and self-confessed manga addict - Taro Aso, created a "Nobel prize" for international manga artists.
(2) Taro Aso, the finance minister, said on Monday that the elderly should be allowed to "hurry up and die" to relieve pressure on the state to pay for their medical care.
(3) Taro Aso, one of the most controversial figures in Japanese politics, has emerged as the favourite to replace Yasuo Fukuda, less than 24 hours after the prime minister announced his surprise resignation.
(4) "Unless we take appropriate steps, there will be a major impact on the real economy," the prime minister, Taro Aso, told reporters.
(5) However, Obama's team pointed out that the busy president did not hold a press conference after meeting the Japanese prime minister, Taro Aso, last week.
(6) In response to rising paranoia around communism, the comic creators drew on the recent popularity of the Japanese viral sensation Piko Taro’s video Pen Pineapple Apple Pen , which has been viewed more than 16 million times.
(7) While A. parasiticus did produce mycelia and spores on the lettuce and taro root samples, there were not detectable levels of any aflatoxin produced.
(8) The total is a substantial increase from the £68bn package announced by the prime minister, Taro Aso, on Monday, and is likely to top ¥56tn when other measures such as tax cuts and credit guarantees are included.
(9) Cultures of A. flavus produced both aflatoxins B1 and G1 on taro root, but produced by B1 on lettuce, cauliflower, and celery.
(10) Last year engineers from Australia and Britain helped plan the relocation of Taro, a town in the Solomon Islands , to the adjacent mainland.
(11) Taro alpha-D-galactosidase also hydrolyzes (1----4)- and (1----6)-linked alpha-D-galactopyranosyl groups from D-galactose-containing glycoconjugates.
(12) The five samples of taro (Colocasia esculenta) showed wide variation in composition.
(13) These data are consistent with the monosaccharide compositions of the taro wall preparations, which were more similar to those of unlignified walls of dicotyledons than to unlignified walls of the Poaceae.
(14) Profits finally fetch up in Enthoven's Taro III Trust.
(15) Taro Aso, the outgoing prime minister, indicated he would resign as head of the LDP to take responsibility for a disastrous night that could see the party's strength reduced from 300 seats to just over 100.
(16) Our traditional root crops, such as pulaka and taro, are gradually dying because of sea water intrusion and frequent droughts.
(17) No significative differences were poi nted out for the most part of the determined parameters between the stations upstream and downstream Cremona and Casalmaggiore, except the turbid load (turbidity, suspended matter at 105 degrees C, setteable solids) which presented at Casalmaggiore an average value absolutely higher than the calculated one which was achieved considering concentrations and river flow at Cremona and at the mouths of Arda-Ongina and Taro.
(18) We investigated gene expression patterns that occur during taro corm development.
(19) In order to have plenty of milk, mothers are kept on a diet of taro, sweet potato, and cooked papaya fruit supplemented with the young fronds of edible ferns, lightly boiled (Cyathea sp., Diplazium sp., Tectaria latifolia, Microlepia speluncae and Hypolepis sp.).
(20) When I was a kid,” says Tupou, a farmer on the Cook Islands, “we ate mostly fresh fish and tomatoes, pawpaw, and taro.
(n.) A beginner in learning; one who is in the rudiments of any branch of study; a person imperfectly acquainted with a subject; a novice.
Example Sentences:
(1) Hence tyrO, tyrA, and aroF constitute an operon regulated by tyrR.
(2) When I first moved to Glasgow and was very much a tyro writer, I would occasionally wander off to Kelvingrove and potter.
(3) The radioligand [125I-Tyro]ovine CRF [( 125I] oCRF) was used to identify, characterize, and localize CRF receptors in a crude homogenate of mouse spleen.
(4) We have used PCR to identify 13 novel protein-tyrosine kinase genes (tyro-1 to -13), six of which (tyro-1 to -6) are preferentially expressed in the developing vertebrate nervous system.
(5) However, with 125I-Tyro-oCRF(34-41) as the radiolabeled ligand and Tyro-oCRF(34-41) as the standard, serial dilutions of CRF(1-41), CRF(36-41), and CRF(37-41) generated parallel displacement curves, and the molar cross-reactivities were 90%, 45% and 10% respectively.
(6) The rank order of potency of the unlabelled atrial natriuretic peptides for competing with specific 125I-ANF (101-126) binding sites was rANF (92-126) greater than rANF (101-126) greater than rANF (99-126) greater than rANF (103-126) greater than Tyro-Atriopeptin I greater than hANF (105-126) greater than rANF (1-126).
(7) In vitro receptor autoradiography, utilizing 125I-Tyro-ovine CRF, revealed correspondence between CRF binding sites and CRF-immunoreactive fibers in the cerebellar cortex.
(8) Rat, chick, and human CGRP and their synthetic analogues inhibited label binding in a dose-dependent manner with relative potencies as follows; chick greater than rat greater than human greater than [TyrO]rat CGRP.
(9) Yet the tyro managed to gather himself at two sets down, perhaps heeding the exhortations from his box to “Keep your head up Nick” (they might have omitted the up), and raced into a 3-0 lead in the third.
(10) 125I-Tyro rat CGRP binding sites were demonstrated throughout the rat central nervous system.
(11) But then Eriksen, the most understated of high-grade attacking midfielders, has always tended to operate by stealth, a gloriously talented 22-year-old who in his midweek post-training kit looks less like one of Europe's select band of tyro millionaire sportsmen and more like a trainee quantity surveyor just back from a lunchtime game of squash.
(12) Tyro-oCRF(34-41) was digested with trypsin and the reaction products were identified by amino acid analysis.
(13) The binding of 125I-[TyrO]rat CGRP to rat liver plasma membrane was time dependent, saturable and reversible.
(14) Rat CGRP and rat [Tyro]CGRP caused half-maximal effect at 2 nM, and were threefold more potent than human CGRP.
(15) In a pilot study, six postabsorptive young men received either 12- or 4-h infusions of [2H2]Phe and [1-13C]Tyr or [1-13C]Phe and [2H2]Tyro.
(16) The tyro-1 to -6 genes are all expressed during central nervous system neurogenesis and exhibit distinct and highly regionalized patterns of expression in the adult brain.
(17) Arya finally pitched up in Tywin Lannister's fastness, where she has become not just a poppet of a renegade tyro swordswoman but her dad's enemy's trainee cupbearer.
(18) The azide radical N3 reacts selectively with amino acids, in neutral solution preferentially with tryptophan (k (N3 + TrpH) = 4.1 X 10(9) dm3 mol(-1s-1) and in alkaline solution also with cysteine and tyrosine (k(N3 + CyS-) = 2.7 X 10(9) dm3 mol-1s-1) and k(N3 + TyrO-) equals 03.6 X 10(9) dm3 mol-1s-1).
(19) The nonhydrolyzable guanosine analogue guanosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imido)triphosphate was equipotent in causing a decrease in binding of 125I-[D-Tyro]NMB due to decreased receptor affinity in both cell types, without a change in receptor number, demonstrating that the NMB receptor remained coupled to a guanine nucleotide-binding protein in both native and transfected cells.
(20) In the present work, we have characterized by film radioautography the effects of divalent cations and guanine nucleotide on specific receptor for somatostatin (SRIF) using 125I-TyrO-DTrp8-SRIF14 (125I-ToD8-SRIF) as a ligand.