What's the difference between tata and tath?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Theoretical computations are performed of the intercalative binding of the neocarzinostatin chromophore (NCS) with the double-stranded oligonucleotides d(CGCG)2, d(GCGC)2, d(TATA)2 and d(ATAT)2.
  • (2) Although the islet promoter was found to lack a TATA box, a major transcript from the islet promoter was mapped 486 nucleotides upstream of the translation initiation site.
  • (3) Tata Steel, the owner of Britain’s largest steel works in Port Talbot, is in talks with the government about a similar restructuring for the British Steel pension scheme , which has liabilities of £15bn.
  • (4) The regulatory region of the casein gene contains two different TATA signals flanking the duplication site in the promoter region.
  • (5) Any loan between Tata and the government would be on commercial terms, but it could be a key in helping turn around the loss-making business.
  • (6) The nucleotide sequence of the E3 promoter region revealed consensus sequences for several DNA binding proteins but no apparent TATA box or Sp1 sites.
  • (7) The sequence TAGAAAA was found 30 bases upstream from the transcription initiation site and could be analogous to the TATA box.
  • (8) Although no CCAAT box was found a well-defined TATA box is present at position -126.
  • (9) Several promoter elements in the correct orientation for the transcript are present including consensus TATA and CAAT boxes and an SP1 site.
  • (10) The equilibrium between the loop and fully paired duplex conformations of the TATA 12-mer and TATA 16-mer is shifted toward the latter on addition of moderate salt.
  • (11) The TATA box-binding protein TBP directs transcription by all three eukaryotic RNA polymerases.
  • (12) The comparison of TATA expressed by the two variants and the B16 melanoma, made between different modes of inducing tumor-rejection activity, revealed that i) these two variants failed to induce an autologous antitumor response, ii) they were resistant to crossed immunization with an immunogenic preparations of B16 melanoma and iii) only MB16 melanoma preparations reduced significantly the tumoral incidence of B16 melanoma cells.
  • (13) The TATA-binding protein (TBP) is a principal component of the general factor TFIID and is required for specific transcription by RNA polymerase II.
  • (14) It is thought Tata, the Indian conglomerate that also owns Jaguar Land Rover and Tetley Tea, is also preparing to cut several hundred roles in operations that serve the Scunthorpe plant, mainly at its Rotherham site.
  • (15) Two putative metal-responsive elements (MREs a and b) within 240 bp of the transcription start site resembled mammalian MREs in their critical 8-bp cores (TGCRCNCS) and in their locations relative to each other and to the TATA box.
  • (16) The effect of increasing torsional stress on the conformation of the composing elements was determined by analysis of the sensitivity to the single strand-specific S1 endonuclease and it was observed that the sites of conformational alterations correspond to the positions relevant for promoter function (upstream activator sequence, TATA sequence, and RNA initiation site).
  • (17) Despite the variable loop sizes, the CTF (CCAAT-binding) protein interacts--either directly or indirectly via a co-activator--with the general basal TATA-binding transcription factors.
  • (18) Our results show, for the first time, that the TATA-less rpL32 gene utilizes TFIID for transcription initiation.
  • (19) Similar to its human counterpart, yeast TFIID also exhibited specific binding to the adenovirus type 2 major late promoter TATA element, as shown by both DNase I footprinting and gel mobility shift assays.
  • (20) A retrospective analysis of all total gastrectomies performed for adenocarcinoma of the stomach, between January 1975 and December 1986 at the Tata Memorial Hospital was undertaken to evaluate the results and establish the usefulness of the procedure.



  • (obs.) 3d pers. sing. pres. of Ta, to take.
  • (n.) Dung, or droppings of cattle.
  • (n.) The luxuriant grass growing about the droppings of cattle in a pasture.
  • (v. t.) To manure (land) by pasturing cattle on it, or causing them to lie upon it.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) One hundred and ten Ethiopian thyrotoxic patients were studied between February 1986 and January 1991 in a weekly endocrine clinic of Tikur Anbessa Teaching Hospital (TATH) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Words possibly related to "tata"

Words possibly related to "tath"