What's the difference between text and transcribe?



  • (n.) A discourse or composition on which a note or commentary is written; the original words of an author, in distinction from a paraphrase, annotation, or commentary.
  • (n.) The four Gospels, by way of distinction or eminence.
  • (n.) A verse or passage of Scripture, especially one chosen as the subject of a sermon, or in proof of a doctrine.
  • (n.) Hence, anything chosen as the subject of an argument, literary composition, or the like; topic; theme.
  • (n.) A style of writing in large characters; text-hand also, a kind of type used in printing; as, German text.
  • (v. t.) To write in large characters, as in text hand.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The IgG index (formula: see text) corrects for the influence of serum protein abnormalities as well as a bloodbrain barrier damage and is, therefore, a better measure for the presence of an IgG elevation in CSF due to IgG synthesis, when compared with other IgG quotients commonly used.
  • (2) Sara Tomlinson, 45, received a text message from her 16 year old daughter Katie at about 3pm.
  • (3) It is of particular interest that in this paraprotein the major component is a biantennary complex-type oligosaccharide that lacks a fucose residue and an oligosaccharide with the structure (Formula: see text) exists as one of the most abundant components.
  • (4) The properties of these tumour-associated "antigens" in the membrane of rat sarcomata are summarized below: [Table: see text]
  • (5) A text generation produces acceptable German reports.
  • (6) The “100% Australian-made” text on packaging has been enlarged to appeal to customer patriotism.
  • (7) It is microcomputer-based, and more easily set up and administered than the drifting-text procedure.
  • (8) In this connection the question about the contribution of each word of length l (l-tuple) to the inhomogeneity of genetic text arises.
  • (9) She devoured political science texts, took evening classes at Goldsmiths college, and performed at protests and fundraisers, but became disillusioned.
  • (10) All are satisfied by [Formula: see text], where N is the size of rod signal, constant for threshold; theta, theta(D) are steady backgrounds of light and receptor noise; varphi is the threshold flash with sigma a constant of about 2.5 log td sec; B the fraction of pigment in the bleached state.
  • (11) Disagreements over the language of the text continued throughout Friday.
  • (12) And of course, as the articles are shared far and wide across the apparently much-hated web, they become gospel to those who read them and unfortunately become quasi-religious texts to musicians of all stripes who blame the internet for everything that is wrong with their careers.
  • (13) The reaction sequence leading from EAC1-9 to ghosts can be summarized as follows: formula: (see text).
  • (14) The O-polysaccharide was found to be a high molecular weight polymer of a repeating pentasaccharide unit composed of D-mannose, D-galactose, L-rhamnose, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose, and 2-acetamido-2,3-dideoxy-3-formamido-D-rhamnose residues (1:1:1:1:1) and had the structure: [formula: see text]
  • (15) Patterns of change and variability in text recall performance were assessed in seven elderly women by testing them weekly for up to 2 years.
  • (16) Ensuring residents have multiple ways to pay (such as via a text message or through a smartphone app) will also be important as they offer residents the control they feel they have with cash and can be used to top up a direct debit.
  • (17) Aware that her press secretary, Bernard Ingham, a former labour correspondent for the Guardian who understood the range of attitudes within trade unions, had tried to soften the impression that she saw Kinnock as another General Galtieri [Argentina’s president during the Falklands war], the draft text tried to distinguish between unions, rival parties and what the final text (the one she actually delivered) called “an organised revolutionary minority” with their “outmoded Marxist dogma about class warfare”.
  • (18) Usually the condition for quasi-equilibrium is expressed in terms of the rate constants around EHR: (formula: see text) i.e.
  • (19) Subjects read text passages and occasionally responded to lexical-decision probes.
  • (20) Purified U3B RNA was subjected to various enzymatic digestion procedures, including digests of 32P-labeled U3B RNA, RNA ligase, and polynucleotide kinase labeling, for determination of its primary sequence which is: (formula: see text).



  • (v. t.) To write over again, or in the same words; to copy; as, to transcribe Livy or Tacitus; to transcribe a letter.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) RNA transcribed in vitro from the early region of bacteriophage T3 or T7 was translated by cytoplasmic ribosomes which synthesized protein in cell-free systems prepared from mammalian cells and wheat germ.
  • (2) The gene, which is located at chromosome XIII, is transcribed as a mRNA of about 2.7 kilobases, and the amount of message has been found to increase 3- to 4-fold during the culture.
  • (3) RNA preparations were reverse-transcribed, amplified by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and separated by electrophoresis.
  • (4) Early after infection, the E3 promoter is used to make mainly mRNAs a and h. Late after infection, the E3 promoter appears to be shut off and the major late promoter is used to make mainly mRNAs d and e. The late L4 mRNA 3' end site is not used early even though early E3 pre-mRNAs transcribe through the L4 RNA 3' end site.
  • (5) Thus, hyp does not appear to affect metastable variation but does affect the level of transcription of the pilA gene in the ON (transcribed) mode.
  • (6) MDR1-containing amplicons may include a number of additional transcribed genes that do not appear to contribute to multidrug resistance.
  • (7) In vivo, ribosomal RNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is transcribed from the light strand of gamma DNA.
  • (8) Each of the two spliced molecules contains a 5'-terminal leader sequence transcribed from a DNA segment with an estimated length of 60 to 110 nuvleotides.
  • (9) Sequences representing the entire TIR are transcribed into poly(A)+ mRNA at both early and late times in the infection.
  • (10) VZV TK templates were linearized at internal restriction sites and RNAs transcribed from these templates directed the synthesis of polypeptides with sizes consistent with the colinearity of the VZV TK gene.
  • (11) Oligodeoxynucleotides related to the non-transcribed DNA strands can effectively inhibit the RNA synthesis catalyzed by E. coli RNA polymerase.
  • (12) To identify the molecular defect in a patient with the intermediate form of the disease, arylsulfatase B mRNA from his fibroblasts was reverse-transcribed, amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, and subcloned.
  • (13) Similar sequence periodicities are found in the internal control regions of other genes transcribed by RNA polymerase III, and also in the SV40 promoter and a monkey gene region to which the transcription factor Sp1 binds.
  • (14) Nevertheless, XA is transcribed into a stable 2.6-kb polyadenylated RNA that is expressed uniquely in the adrenal gland.
  • (15) To determine which enzymes are responsible for the processing cleavages of ribosomal RNA transcripts in Escherichia coli, we constructed a mutant strain lacking RNAase III and containing a thermolabile RNAase P. At the nonpermissive temperature, this strain accumulates a novel "19S" RNA species which contains 17S precursor rRNA sequences covalently linked to tRNA sequences transcribed from the ribosomal RNA spacer region between the 16S and the 23S rRNA cistrons.
  • (16) RNA transcribed by RNA polymerase II on denatured DNA was only large RNA around 28S.
  • (17) Expression of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor gene during long-term administration of competitive and non-competitive NMDA antagonists was studied in rat brain using antisense cRNA transcribed from reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-generated rat NMDA receptor cDNA.
  • (18) In addition, the transcriptional behaviour of this tRNALeuCUG gene in various in vitro systems is described and it seems that, although the gene is transcribed in all test systems, the very A + T-rich 5'-flanking sequence of this particular gene may be somewhat inhibitory to transcription in vitro.
  • (19) A combination of techniques for reverse transcribing mRNA into cDNA and the incorporation of 32P-gamma ATP into the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-generated fragments allowed us to detect beta 2-AR mRNA in surgically excised thyroid specimens.
  • (20) A new repetitive DNA region was identified in the non-transcribed spacer of human rDNA, namely a long (4.6 kb) sequence motif (Xbal element) was present in two copies.