What's the difference between thermal and thermic?



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to heat; warm; hot; as, the thermal unit; thermal waters.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Between 25 and 40 degrees C, the thermal dependencies of VR and f were approximately constant (Q10's of 1.31 and 1.36 got VR and f, respectively).
  • (2) Thermal stabilities (Tm's) of the hybrid between the 2'-O-methyl ribooligomer and the complementary ribooligomer and of the related hybrids are compared.
  • (3) Studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of acute (24 h) thermal stress on anterior pituitary function in hens.
  • (4) Average temperature changes observed were less than 1 degree C. The present study demonstrates that the electrically evoked response in mammalian brain can be altered by ultrasound in a non-thermal, non-cavitational mode, and that such effects are potentially reversible.
  • (5) Fibroblasts from two such TSD patients had Hex A activity comprising 16% of total Hex when measured by thermal fractionation and quantitation with 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine (4MUG).
  • (6) The slope of the thermal inactivation curve of enterotoxin A in beef bouillon (initial pH 6.2) was found to be approximately 27.8 C (50 F) with three different concentrations of toxin.
  • (7) Considerable glucose 6-phosphatase activity survived 240min of treatment with phospholipase C at 5 degrees C, but in the absence of substrate or at physiological glucose 6-phosphate concentrations the delipidated enzyme was completely inactivated within 10min at 37 degrees C. However, 80mM-glucose 6-phosphate stabilized it and phospholipid dispersions substantially restored thermal stability.
  • (8) Both enzymes are capable of catalyzing the refolding of thermally denatured type III collagen.
  • (9) Effects of fixation with glutaraldehyde (GA), glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide (GA-OsO(4)), and osmium tetroxide (OsO(4)) on ion and ATP content, cell volume, vital dye staining, and stability to mechanical and thermal stress were studied in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (EATC).
  • (10) The physical parameters measured are the intensity attenuation and absorption coefficients, the ultrasonic speed, the thermal conductivity, specific-heat capacity and the mass density.
  • (11) Thus, MT and MB evoke distinct forms of thermal dysfunction from the androgen receptor in ligand-sensitive androgen resistance.
  • (12) The procedure to accomplish this end utilizes the measured thermal pain threshold, surface temperature, exposure time, and incident energy on a standardized skin site (volar surface of the forearm) to obtain conductivity values.
  • (13) The subjects were exposed to manganese, iron , chromium compounds, thermal radiation, high temperature and noise.
  • (14) Thermal-denaturation studies showed that this bromoperoxidase could tolerate high temperatures.
  • (15) The melanins examined show significant differences in conductivity, thermal activation energy and photocurrent intensity values.
  • (16) Pig kidney extracts have been partially purified by thermal denaturation and chromatography on Sephadex G-200 and D.E.A.E.
  • (17) The temperature optimum is 70-73 degrees C and growth occurs from 62 to 77 degrees C. The organism's thermal and physiological characteristics are compared to those of Bacillus stearothermophilus, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, Sulfolobus acidocalderius, Thermus aquaticus, Thermus flavus, as well as Thiobacillus denitrificans, the latter being the only other facultatively anaerobic chemolithotroph which has been isolated and described.
  • (18) A low-intensity thermally evoked tail avoidance reflex (LITETAR) was used to study changes in nociceptive response produced by local anesthetics and cobalt chloride microinjected into the dorsal posterior mesencephalic tegmentum (DPMT) of conscious rats.
  • (19) The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies demonstrate an increased susceptibility of the Ala 183----Pro mutant to thermal denaturation.
  • (20) Comparison with earlier neutron studies on triclinic lysozyme showed that neither the molecular structure nor the thermal motions were affected significantly by the ethanol.



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to heat; due to heat; thermal; as, thermic lines.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The reduction of such potentials can be explained in terms of collision between the antidromic volleys and those elicited orthodromically by chemical and thermic stimulation.
  • (2) No perforations, stenoses or thermic lesions after wound healing were observed.
  • (3) NE synthesis rate, during the thermic effect of a meal, was calculated from the rate of NE accumulation after monoamine oxidase inhibition by pargyline and clorgyline.
  • (4) An Eastman Kodak cholesteric mixture at 10% solution and with thermic range varying from 35 degrees to 39 degrees was used.
  • (5) Aimed at the centralized manufacture of physostigmin salicylate injection solutions, the efficacy of different stabilizators has been studied under conditions of the thermic load.
  • (6) The optical and thermic properties of the catheter prototypes were determined by physical methods.
  • (7) Membrane preparations were also obtained from a group of cold exposed animals, to determine whether these adrenoceptors could be modified by a thermic stress.
  • (8) The actual occupational hygienic limit values for heat stress are based only on acute thermic effects.
  • (9) We describe a new method of studying the thermic response to dietary fuels that involves continuous infusion of a liquid formula diet through a thin nasogastric tube.
  • (10) Experimental studies of the influence of a new pharmacologic preparation thymogene on the processes of cellular multiplication of the corneal epithelium in physiologic conditions and thermic burn of the eye in 140 rats.
  • (11) These drugs can also take part in thermic reactions, probably through an addition mechanism to the double bond.
  • (12) The authors carried out studies on a group of analgetic preparations (morphine, lydol, thylidine, pentazocine and analgine) by the method of D Amour and Smith, using thermic painful stimulation.
  • (13) Possibly an increased thermic stability can already be achieved by special amino acid exchanges without significant changes in the protein structure.
  • (14) This cellular immune deficiency induced by the thermic trauma was treated with thymostimulin (TP-1 Serono), an immunomodulating polypeptide preparation, which mainly influences T-lymphocytes.
  • (15) We used this technique to measure the thermic responses to insulin and glucose infusions in 120 glucose-tolerant Pima Indians, a population with a high prevalence of obesity.
  • (16) The energy emitted from the excimer laser, in the lower UV range, does not result in thermic damage.
  • (17) The majority of the thermic effect of high levels of glucose infused with TPN can be explained on the basis of the thermic effect of TPN and glucose storage.
  • (18) Secondary to the heat generated at the site of conventional, continuous-wave laser radiation, thermic lesions of the vascular wall can be observed as adverse reactions.
  • (19) Thermic and pH modulation of phosphofructokinase (EC activity with respect to fructose 6-phosphate has been studied comparatively in trout (Salmo gairdneri R.) haemopoietic cells and erythrocytes.
  • (20) No evidence for increased thermic sensitivity to NE during mixed nutrient overfeeding in humans was found by the authors although in small rodents increased NE sensitivity is an important regulator of adaptive thermogenesis.

Words possibly related to "thermic"