What's the difference between thermograph and thermometer?



  • (n.) An instrument for automatically recording indications of the variation of temperature.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) However, the thermographic findings had limited localizing value.
  • (2) The significant correlation between number of mitoses, size and staining of nucleoli and the thermographic results emphasizes that, besides vascularization and altered thermo-regulatory functions, the metabolism of the tumor itself contributes to the temperature differences.
  • (3) The Kiev Research Institute of Otorhinolaryngology has built an automatic diagnostic system that includes a Raduga thermograph and a CM-1403 computer.
  • (4) Specific absorption rate (SAR) patterns were determined by thermographic techniques for both spheres and birds.
  • (5) A total of 192 women with a clinical and thermographic diagnosis of fibrocystic breast disease were randomly assigned to four groups on the basis of two-by-two factorial design: (1) abstention from MTX-containing beverages, (2) abstention from alcohol, (3) abstention from MTX and alcohol, and (4) no dietary advice.
  • (6) The thermographs showed a pattern of ellipsoidal isotherms (major axis horizontal) approximately concentric about a temperature apex (coldest point) which was slightly inferior to the geometric center of the cornea (GCC).
  • (7) The results show that while thermographic measurements of scar temperature were not clinically valuable, rising levels of transcutaneous oxygen tension in treated scars correlated well with a reduction in scar thickness assessed both clinically and by ultrasound.
  • (8) The authors analyzed the results of thermographic and scintigraphic (using 67Ga-citrate produced in the USSR) investigations in 41 patients: 10 with tumors of the oral cavity, 12 with oropharyngeal tumors, and 19 with parapharyngeal tumors.
  • (9) Thermographically non-suspect carcinomas (especially the negative cases with liquid crystal plate thermography) were rich in connective tissue or stroma in most cases.
  • (10) This delayed surgery group and the healed group were retrospectively analysed to determine the predictive value of the initial clinical and thermographic assessments of the depth of the burns.
  • (11) The significant prognostic factors in these series are : number of malignant axillary nodes; location and size of tumour; state of adjacent skin; relations with thoracic wall; pre or post-menopausal status; inflammatory signs; thermographic and mammographic data.
  • (12) The author proposes to correct the thermographic index with reference to actual rectal temperature in order to improve inter- and intra-individual comparability of thermograms.
  • (13) If we assume that the vascular capillary plexus in the stratum papillare is seriously damaged, the subsequent reparation of the upper skin layers must be clinically and thermographically interpreted as wound healing (latent and proliferative period).
  • (14) In thermographic control studies of temperature profiles legs of 93 patients with a sprained ankle temperature phenomenon was observed, which super-imposes the hyperthermia due to inactivity.
  • (15) Thermographic examination provides a valuable tool for monitoring the therapeutic response.
  • (16) Pathogenesis of the lumbo-sacral nerve roots lesion is discussed especially on the role of the sympathetic nerve using thermographic investigation of the lower limbs.
  • (17) Thus, a T1 cancer should be treated differently depending on the thermographic findings.
  • (18) In contrast, however, thermographic signs are of less value, probably due to the presence of a more or less abundant superficial edema.
  • (19) high-speed video-scanning thermographic systems solve the problem and, additionally, provide a permanent record of the temperature-time history of experiments on videotape.
  • (20) The thermographic exams were interpreted independently and in a blind fashion by two radiologists.



  • (n.) An instrument for measuring temperature, founded on the principle that changes of temperature in bodies are accompained by proportional changes in their volumes or dimensions.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Using a meat thermometer, with the probe inside the thickest part of the cut, can ensure that you get it right every time.
  • (2) In both clincis phenylmercuric borate was used for desinfection of the thermometers.
  • (3) In a prospective, blinded trial, 40 healthy adult subjects using six IRED thermometers with two techniques were examined in random sequence.
  • (4) Soft organic material (meat, cucumber peels) was found in four patients, chicken bones in six, pins and needles in six, other nonorganic materials (toys, stone, broken thermometer) in six.
  • (5) At the same time, another health professional used a digital electronic thermometer to measure the temperature at each site and a special rectal probe to measure core temperature.
  • (6) To butcher TS Eliot: I have seen the mercury of my thermometer flicker, And I have seen the eternal footman hold my sheets drenched in sweat at 3am, and snicker, And in short, I was too hot.
  • (7) In the situation where accurate measurement of temperature by thermometer is not available, mother's assessment about presence or absence of fever in her child can be relied upon by health-workers and physicians.
  • (8) Time dependence of the surface temperature at the centre of the target area immediately after exposure and the spatial distribution of the surface temperature around the target area during exposures were measured using a thermocouple thermometer.
  • (9) Besides according to clinical manifestations, the therapeutic effect was objectivized in dynamics through the oscillography "Gesenius-Keller", double-rheography "Schufrid", skin thermometer--Tastotherm P 60 "Braun" and 6-canal ECG apparatus "Hellige".
  • (10) This nosocomial outbreak of infection due to a highly vancomycin-resistant strain of Enterococcus is the first epidemic in which an electronic thermometer has been implicated as the vehicle of transmission for an infectious agent.
  • (11) The Craftemp thermometer is an electrical device for measurement of oral and axillary temperatures.
  • (12) We studied two infrared thermometers (FirstTemp and Thermoscan) and a thermistor (IVAC) in children with cancer.
  • (13) The infrared tympanic thermometer tracked the core temperature (as measured by the thermistor tip of the pulmonary artery catheter) closely, with a correlation coefficient of 0.98, and took less than 2 sec to measure.
  • (14) Nasal mucosal temperature was measured in 71 healthy subjects with an electronic thermometer.
  • (15) This report describes a 23-year-old white man who injected metallic mercury from a thermometer into his antecubital vein in an attempt at suicide.
  • (16) For use on unconscious patients or those who are otherwise unwilling or unable to cooperate with traditional techniques, IR ear thermometers offer a more comfortable and less stressful method of temperature taking for both patients and nurses, especially where rectal temperatures are used.
  • (17) Each cell in the thermometer contains liquid crystals with a slightly different makeup so they reflect the same wavelength of light at just slightly different temperatures.
  • (18) The CDC issued guidance on the scanners, calling them “less precise” than other temperature-taking measures , such as traditional mercury thermometers, and acknowledging that their effectiveness can be impacted by ambient temperatures.
  • (19) To determine if a tympanic membrane thermometer is of benefit on a pediatric unit.
  • (20) A mathematical model has been developed to determine the spatial resolving power of these thermometers.

Words possibly related to "thermograph"