What's the difference between thrips and thysanoptera?



  • (n.) Any one of numerous small species of Thysanoptera, especially those which attack useful plants, as the grain thrips (Thrips cerealium).

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In addition to being protected after mechanical inoculation, the transgenic tobacco plants are also resistant to inoculation using viruliferous thrips, i.e.



  • (n. pl.) A division of insects, considered by some writers a distinct order, but regarded by others as belonging to the Hemiptera. They are all of small size, and have narrow, broadly fringed wings with rudimentary nervures. Most of the species feed upon the juices of plants, and some, as those which attack grain, are very injurious to crops. Called also Physopoda. See Thrips.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "thrips"

Words possibly related to "thysanoptera"