(1) V cholerae O1, biotype El Tor, serotype Inaba, was isolated from three city water samples.
(2) The El Tor vibrios survived for 12 to 24 days in experimentally contaminated sewage water, and for up to 10 days in sewage-contaminated soil.
(3) The Caudal neurosecretory system and the neurohemal organ of a fresh water fish, Tor tor, is described.
(4) Searching through Tor, it is possible to access a site which will sell 100 credit cards (with the CVV2 digits – the three numbers on the reverse of the card) for just $150 (£98), around £1 per card.
(5) For more mainstream users, it could mean running Tor so that your children's location can't be identified when they are online, or could mean a political activist in China, Russia or Syria could protect their identity.
(6) A nucleotide sequence homologous to the 1.2-kb V. cholerae biotype el tor DNA coding for both the 14,000- and 22,000-Da proteins is present in all strains of classical vibrios but is not transcribed.
(7) A point source outbreak of Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor Inaba infections occurred aboard an oil rig south of Port Arthur, Texas, in September 1981.
(8) In this study, the in-vitro activity of ampicillin, chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), cefoperazone, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, ceftizoxime, ofloxacin, pefloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and fleroxacin against clinically isolated strains of V. cholerae biotype El-Tor have been investigated.
(9) Security blogger and former Washington Post reporter Brian Krebs wrote on Sunday that users were identified using a flaw in Firefox 17, on which the Tor browser is based.
(10) The CAMP reaction is easy to perform and may be useful for routine use in the differentiation of V. cholerae biotype El Tor from classical V. cholerae.
(11) This study provides arguments that (1) strains of biotypes cholerae and El Tor are different clones, (2) a cholera pandemic is not a single world-wide epidemic (due to a single clone) but rather a simultaneous occurrence of several epidemics (several clones involved), and (3) epidemic waves of biotype El Tor could be due to the emergence of new clones.
(12) The "NAG" vibrios were practically identical with the "E1 Tor" vibrio in biochemical properties, polypeptide composition, enteritogenic activity in rabbit ileal loops and showed various antigenic similarities in gel precipitation and indirect immunofluorescence tests.
(13) Derivatives of JBK 70 and CVD 101 (CVD 104 and 105) deleted of genes encoding the EI Tor hemolysin still caused mild diarrhea.
(14) International Business Times reported that part of the GCHQ-NSA collaboration will focus on trying to decrypt messages sent through Tor.
(15) In contrast, only one of the nine El Tor strains studied produced detectable amounts of TCP surface antigen in vivo and no fimbriae or surface antigen reacting with anti-TCP serum was found on El Tor vibrios from human cholera stools.
(16) Its software package – the Tor browser bundle – can be downloaded and used to take advantage of that technology, with a separate version available for Android smartphones.
(17) The article summarizes the experience of diagnosis and treatment of El Tor cholera in servicemen during an outbreak of intestinal polyinfection in the conditions of dry hot climate in desert and mountainous terrain of Afghanistan.
(18) Compact DNA form presents a tor with 100 nm external diameter and 430 nm width.
(19) So even if the NSA aims to surveil everyone, everywhere, they have to be a lot more selective about which Tor users they spy on."
(20) Prior administration of TOR increased nuclear uptake of [3H]E2 whereas TAM had no effect.
(n.) Anything small; -- frequently applied as a term of endearment to a little child.
(n.) A drinking cup of small size, holding about half a pint.
(n.) A foolish fellow.
Example Sentences:
(1) The Press Association tots up a total of £26bn in asset sales last year – including the state’s Eurostar stake, 30% of the Royal Mail and a slice of Lloyds.
(2) In Experiment 1, the definitions that Jones used with phonological interlopers created more TOTs even when no interlopers were presented.
(3) The results showed that both the TOT and NC were decreased by changing the body position from erect to recumbent.
(4) "Pulpit poofs" were hounded from the church, playground workers were exposed as "lesbians plotting to pervert nursery tots", celebrities such as Kenny Everett, Russell Harty and Freddie Mercury were hounded as diseased vermin.
(5) Following responses of No, TOT, and Yes to "Do you know his name?
(6) VOTs were identified more quickly than TOTs, and the two ears did not differ in consistency or speed of identification for either condition.
(7) Around the same time, the motor racing heiress Tamara Ecclestone totted up a champagne bill of £30,000 in one evening.
(8) A more uniform response in ventilatory timing was found at CO2 loaded ventilation and T degree max as well as the total duration of the ventilatory cycle (T degree tot) were significantly longer than (T1) (P less than 0.01) and (Ttot) (P less than 0.05) respectively.
(9) In so far as can be gleaned , the 120,000 families whose feral ways Mr Pickles and the prime minister like pointing to were totted up using outdated surveys concerned not with the school skiving, crime and loutishness that dominated yesterday's spin.
(10) New TOT-efficient lines were more readily established from parenterally infected Ae.
(11) Highly significant (p less than 0.001) synchronous sinusoidal seasonal cycles, peaking in the first month of winter, were demonstrated for plasma levels of total (TOT-C), low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) cholesterol.
(12) In contrast tot he healthy children (mean PCV 35.90%), the sick children had a mean PCV of 31.70 +or- 6.95%.
(13) Significant morbidity, particularly neurologic deficit and hemorrhage, may occur due tot the nature and location of lateral skull base tumors.
(14) Back-hybridization of poly(A(+))-RNA(tot) and poly(A(+))-RNA(11S) to their respective (3)H-cDNA revealed a highly abundant class representing 41% and 85% of the sequences in their respective (3)H-cDNA's.
(15) Results confirmed both expectations: (1) for the brain-injured group, TOT was lower and did not improve across trials; moreover, the number of recall errors was higher, increasing across trials; (2) for the control group, the number of recall errors was negligible across trials and TOT improved with time; (3) the normal trade-off between two simultaneous difficult tasks was not observed in the brain-injured group as they failed in both tasks; (4) the number of recall errors of the brain-injured subjects markedly increased towards the end of each trial, suggesting rapidly increasing fatigue.
(16) Part of this disparity may be due tot he inefficiency to previous sizing methods in measuring ultrafine size range, to evaluate size distribution of smoke from standard research cigarettes, commercial filter cigarettes, and from marijuana cigarettes with different delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol contents.
(17) They reported that interlopers that were phonologically related to the target word increased the incidence of TOTs and concluded that this supported Woodworth's position.
(18) Last month I was given unrestricted access to the enormous archive the PCGG has assembled in its years of global detective work: the president’s handwritten diary, frequently puffed with self-regard; the notepaper headed “From the office of the president”, with scribbled sums endlessly totting up his cash; minutes of company meetings with his comments scrawled in the margins; contracts; “side agreements”; records of multiple bank accounts; hundreds of share certificates; private investigators’ reports; and tens of thousands of pages of court judgments.
(19) Analysis of poly(A(+))-RNA(tot) and poly(A(+))-RNA(11S) under denaturing conditions on 2% agarose gel electrophoresis demonstrated two major components in both poly(A(+))-RNA populations.
(20) Our kind waiter, Paul, delighted our tot with her own special jug and cup, and steaming bowlfuls of spätzle pasta.