What's the difference between toroid and torus?



Example Sentences:



  • (n.) A lage molding used in the bases of columns. Its profile is semicircular. See Illust. of Molding.
  • (n.) One of the ventral parapodia of tubicolous annelids. It usually has the form of an oblong thickening or elevation of the integument with rows of uncini or hooks along the center. See Illust. under Tubicolae.
  • (n.) The receptacle, or part of the flower on which the carpels stand.
  • (n.) See 3d Tore, 2.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In addition, labelled cells were found in the torus semicircularis, in and around the nucleus isthmus pars parvocellularis.
  • (2) By means of biomicroscopy main regularities in development of the skin capillary network have been revealed in the nail torus in the postnatal ontogenesis.
  • (3) Patients of the dominant families have often had a torus palatinus.
  • (4) The torus also received bilateral input from the nucleus ventromedialis thalami, nucleus of lemniscus lateralis, nucleus medialis, anterior octaval nucleus, descending octaval nucleus, and the reticular formation.
  • (5) We employed intracellular recording and labeling methods to investigate ampullary and tuberous information processing in laminae 1-5 of the dorsal torus semicircularis of Eigenmannia.
  • (6) A cylinder of endoplasmic reticulum is intimately involved in cross-wall deposition from its earliest stages; as the wall grows in, it becomes increasingly constricted in the pore region, finally assuming a torus-like configuration.
  • (7) Unlike tuberous afferents to the torus, ampullary afferents had numerous varicosities along their finest-diameter branches.
  • (8) The anterior end of the olfactory groove was first classified into three types, i.e., normal type, obliterated type (obliterated by cancellous bone) and dangerous type (with Recessus cristae galli and Torus olfactorius).
  • (9) This independence of the auditory and the second order lateral line nuclei is further substantiated by their separate projection to other brain areas, like the torus semicircularis of the midbrain, and their functional properties.
  • (10) 60:361-407, '34) bilaterally, nucleus dorsomedialis thalami bilaterally, VM contralaterally, optic tectum bilaterally, torus semicircularis bilaterally, and nucleus lateralis valvulae ipsilaterally.
  • (11) Of the three neuronal types observed in the torus: fusiform, rounded-ovoid and triangular-stellate, the highest percentage corresponds to the neurons with rounded-ovoid somata, followed by the triangular-stellate and then the fusiform neurons.
  • (12) Single-unit recordings from neurons in the torus semicircularis of Rana ridibunda were analyzed to determine the degree to which these neurons can detect acoustic stimuli superimposed on continuous, broad-band noise.
  • (13) Scattered fibers were found in all other parts of the brain except in the cerebellum, the nucleus isthmi and the torus semicircularis, where no immunoreactivity could be detected.
  • (14) Impulse responses of single units located in the torus semicircularis of the immobilized lake frog (Rana ridibunda) to long-lasting characteristic frequency tones modulated by low-frequency pseudorandom noise were registered.
  • (15) In the mesencephalon, FMRF-amide-containing fibres appeared in the dorsal tegmentum, in the torus semicircularis and in the deep layers of the tectum opticum.
  • (16) The lateral preglomerular nucleus receives an electrosensory input from nucleus electrosensorius in the diencephalon, but it also receives auditory and mechanosensory inputs directly from the torus semicircularis.
  • (17) the laminar nucleus of the torus semicircularis, a cell group which receives spinal afferents and projects to the spinal cord as the mammalian periaqueductal gray.
  • (18) In the case of squalene-based black lipid membranes (BLMs), in contrast, vesicles do not nucleate lenses but they apparently do fuse with the torus at the bilayer boundary.
  • (19) Stability of the inner torus ring is achieved when DNA phosphate groups are about 90% neutralized by trivalent cations, another prediction that is consistent with the observed formation of toruses in these conditions.
  • (20) The present study demonstrates that (i) the lateral lemniscus is supplied by fibers of the medullary acoustic nucleus (nucleus intermedius) and the superior olive; (ii) the subtectal dorsal tegmentum can be clearly separated into a dorsally located torus semicircularis and a ventrally situated dorsal tegmental nucleus, the former processing auditory and vibratory, the latter vestibular signals; and (iii) the hearing capabilities of this animal, as estimated from the tuning of toral units, are comparable to those of anurans with extratympanic sound transmission.

Words possibly related to "toroid"