What's the difference between tracing and translucent?
(n.) The act of one who traces; especially, the act of copying by marking on thin paper, or other transparent substance, the lines of a pattern placed beneath; also, the copy thus producted.
(n.) A regular path or track; a course.
Example Sentences:
(1) Glyceryl p-aminobenzoate and amyl p-dimethyl-aminobenzoate were labeled on 1 and 3 sunscreens, respectively, but glyceryl p-aminobenzoate was not found in any of them and only traces of amyl p-dimethylaminobenzoate were found in 1 sunscreen.
(2) Throughout the entire cultivation cytidyl derivatives occurred in trace quantities.
(3) persisted and was more abnormal in 23% of the cases including specific tracings in 37%.
(4) Traces of the sulphoxide of butylmercapturic acid have been found in rat urine but not in rabbit urine.
(5) No 7 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and only a trace of 7 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity could be demonstrated when bile acid was deleted from the growth medium.
(6) Silicon, a relatively unknown trace element in nutritional research, has been uniquely localized in active calcification sites in young bone.
(7) Although various micronutrients (vitamins and trace elements) have also been found to have either a positive or negative association, findings were more clear-cut for the different food items contributing the micronutrients than for the specific micronutrients themselves.
(8) Methods used in tracing and improving cooperation of subjects are described.
(9) Her black persona unravelled this week when Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal, a couple named on her Montana birth certificate as her biological parents, told Spokane’s KREM 2 News that her ancestry was German and Czech, with traces of Native American.
(10) they are shown to inhibit in vitro the release of iron from acidified host cell cytosol, consisting mostly of hemoglobin, a process that could provide this trace element to the parasite.
(11) Thus, the carotid pulse tracing provides an accurate reproduction of the morphology of the pressure tracing recorded from the ascending aorta, and when calibrated by peripheral blood pressure measurement, it can be used to calculate LV pressure throughout ejection.
(12) Mutant C grew anaerobically in the light, whereas mutant G1 was light sensitive and produced only trace amounts of bacteriochlorophyll a (0.6 mumole per ml of protein).
(13) The effect was shown to be due to caldesmon and not to a trace contaminant by its full reversibility after addition of a monospecific caldesmon antibody.
(14) Of 15 organochlorine compounds analyzed, trace amounts mainly of p,p-DDE and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were detected, but could not be quantitated.
(15) Fifty physiologically characterized units were injected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or Lucifer yellow CH (LY) and their processes were traced to the crista.
(16) Polysomnography has revealed that this drug has several interesting qualities that benzodiazepines do not possess: stages 3-4 increase, stage 2 is unchanged or slightly reduced and no abnormal changes are detected on the EEG tracing.
(17) We find that the labelled cell has a myelinated axon, but that the axon loses its myelin within 50 microns of the soma and has not yet been traced further.
(18) He is likely to propose increased funding of plant disease experts, the stepping up of surveillance at ports of entry and a Europe-wide "plant passport" system to trace the origins of all plants coming into Britain.
(19) In addition, the postulated personality for PD may predispose to hard work, perspiration, and increased exposure to putative trace elements in the water supply.
(20) The voltage trace is then analysed with a piece of transparent paper, on which lines corresponding to solutions of the diffusion equation convert the time axis of the voltage trace into a concentration axis.
(a.) Transmitting rays of light without permitting objects to be distinctly seen; partially transparent.
(a.) Transparent; clear.
Example Sentences:
(1) Inexperienced physicians are often unable to immediately identify these translucencies as air enclosures in the intracranial cavity.
(2) An area of translucence around a dense zone, appearing more clearly with traction, is suspicious.
(3) The pearly skin of these subjects becomes more translucent and the detail extra-perfect.
(4) It was concluded that the CPC coating is superior to the PPG coating since no cracking surface develops, it is translucent, and it provides a more effective athrombogenic surface.
(5) The performance capabilities of the instruments were tested on various shades of opaque and translucent dental porcelain surfaces.
(6) With the translucent occluder, retest threshold variability was 18.8% less and sensitivity was increased by 0.7 dB.
(7) Ifind it hard to get excited about slimy, translucent, near‑flavourless egg whites, but I can't bear to throw them away.
(8) Because of its low filler particle percentage, microfilled composite resins--traditionally recommended for anterior restorations--are extremely translucent.
(9) The cell bodies were surrounded by a basal lamina, while the cytoplasmic extensions investing the nerve endings were surrounded by an envelope consisting of alternating electron dense and electron translucent layers containing material that stained with PAS and Alcian Blue.
(10) Formation of neointima and transformation of mesenchymal cells into the endothelial ones are studied using scanning and translucent electron microscopy and autoradiography.
(11) The parent conidium and later the proximal germ tube showed progressive vacuolation and the cytoplasm became largely occupied by electron-translucent material.
(12) To examine the significance of fetal nuchal translucency at 10-14 weeks' gestation in the prediction of abnormal fetal karyotype.
(13) Clinically, cytomegalovirus retinitis is characterized by lesions, usually in the posterior pole, that take the form of fluffy white infiltrates with irregular, translucent, granular appearing margins.
(14) Through dexterous operation of the Shinkai6500's mechanical arms by pilot Sasaki-san, we quickly began collecting samples of rocks, the hot fluids from the vents, and the creatures thriving around them: speckled anemones with almost-translucent tentacles, and the orange-tinted shrimp scurrying among them.
(15) In contrast, the flat-mound and translucent-mound mutants, which aggregate normally, produced very few spores.
(16) The mature resting sporangium (RS) wall of Coelomomyces dodgei (Chytridiomycetes; Blastocladiales) consists of three principal layers: (I) an outer pigmented layer (1.8-2.2 microns) that contains polysaccharide, (II) a middle electron translucent layer (1.3-1.6 microns) comparatively free of polysaccharide, and (III) an inner layer (125 nm) rich in polysaccharide that surrounds the meiospores.
(17) Zone I consisted of osteoblasts adjacent to the bone surface and a supraosteoblast layer of smaller, compact cells, Zone II was a relatively translucent zone with numerous capillaries and Zone III consisted of cells intermingled with collagen fibrils.
(18) Within these small translucent colonies, mutational events occur which give rise to the normal resistant type colonies.
(19) Films are presented for tracking on a translucent screen after reflection from a galvanometer driven mirror.
(20) The plaques were translucent to opaque and varied in size and shape, from multiple isolated islands to bizarre patterns involving more than half the corneal surface.