(a.) Having the property of transmitting rays of light, so that bodies can be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; diaphanous; pellucid; as, transparent glass; a transparent diamond; -- opposed to opaque.
(a.) Admitting the passage of light; open; porous; as, a transparent veil.
Example Sentences:
(1) Ofcom will conduct research, such as mystery shopping, to assess the transparency of contractual information given to customers by providers at the point of sale".
(2) Pickles said that to restore its public standing, the corporation needed to be more transparent, including opening itself up to freedom of information requests.
(3) It certainly isn’t a good time for the association but we as a team are insisting on this being cleared up transparently and Wolfgang Niersbach, as president, is part of that.
(4) While there has been almost no political reform during their terms of office, there have been several ambitious steps forward in terms of environmental policy: anti-desertification campaigns; tree planting; an environmental transparency law; adoption of carbon targets; eco-services compensation; eco accounting; caps on water; lower economic growth targets; the 12th Five-Year Plan; debate and increased monitoring of PM2.5 [fine particulate matter] and huge investments in eco-cities, "clean car" manufacturing, public transport, energy-saving devices and renewable technology.
(5) Percentages of transmission and reflection were obtained; these allowed derivation of an absorption curve throughout the wavelength range of water transparency.
(6) We propose that a channel with these properties could contribute to maintenance of lens transparency and fluid balance.
(7) In negatively stained preparations, the complexes appeared as electron-transparent zones surrounding cells.
(8) The voltage trace is then analysed with a piece of transparent paper, on which lines corresponding to solutions of the diffusion equation convert the time axis of the voltage trace into a concentration axis.
(9) The US started down this course during the Sony hack last year, and in this case, transparency might be the best deterrent in the future – which, by the way, is something both Snowden and the Snowden-hating national security blog Lawfare argued on Monday.
(10) The area of mammographically visualized breast tissue before and after augmentation mammoplasty was measured using a transparent grid.
(11) This can be made transparent by appropriate scaling and by linear transformation of the system.
(12) Lack of transparency about the nature of the relationship between police and media also led to speculation and perceptions, whatever the facts, that caused "serious harm".
(13) Meanwhile, we need to show that the recent changes to how we work with the BBC Executive are allowing us to be more focused, more rigorous and more transparent in the work that we do, so that licence fee payers can get a better BBC.
(14) And despite the initial scepticism, now completely gone says Henry, DCA's transparency and accountability systems and mechanisms are now "some of the most convincing tools to fundraising, credibility and brand recognition" and is used by face-to-face fundraisers, volunteers and PR to promote the organisation.
(15) At that time, the universe underwent a crucial change: it went from being opaque to transparent.
(16) The root canal anatomy of 149 mandibular second molars was studied using a technique in which the pulp was removed, the canal space filled with black ink and the roots demineralized and made transparent.
(17) My husband believes in human rights, democracy and transparency.
(18) Over the last few days a former member of parliament's intelligence and security committee, Lord King, a former director of GCHQ, Sir David Omand, and a former director general of MI5, Dame Stella Rimington, have questioned whether the agencies need to be more transparent and accept more rigorous scrutiny of their work.
(19) Electron microscopic studies were also performed to elucidate whether the formation of an electron-transparent zone (ETZ) around phagocytized bacilli was linked to their intramacrophagic survival.
(20) The experts' public report will include recommendations for particularly difficult removal requests (such as criminal convictions); thoughts on the implications of the court's decision for European internet users, news publishers, search engines and others; and procedural steps that could improve accountability and transparency for websites and citizens.
(n.) Conformable to fact; in accordance with the actual state of things; correct; not false, erroneous, inaccurate, or the like; as, a true relation or narration; a true history; a declaration is true when it states the facts.
(n.) Right to precision; conformable to a rule or pattern; exact; accurate; as, a true copy; a true likeness of the original.
(n.) Steady in adhering to friends, to promises, to a prince, or the like; unwavering; faithful; loyal; not false, fickle, or perfidious; as, a true friend; a wife true to her husband; an officer true to his charge.
(n.) Actual; not counterfeit, adulterated, or pretended; genuine; pure; real; as, true balsam; true love of country; a true Christian.
(adv.) In accordance with truth; truly.
Example Sentences:
(1) While it is true that Clinton’s favorability rating is languishing among all voters, her favorability among Democrats is as robust as Biden’s, at nearly 75% .
(2) Accidentally discovered nearly 40 years ago as the first true antidepressants, the MAOIs soon fell into disfavor due to concerns about toxicity and seemingly lesser efficacy compared with the newer tricyclic compounds.
(3) We identified four distinct clinical patterns in the 244 patients with true positive MAI infections: (a) pulmonary nodules ("tuberculomas") indistinguishable from pulmonary neoplasms (78 patients); (b) chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis with sputum repeatedly positive for MAI or granulomas on biopsy (58 patients, virtually all older white women); (c) cavitary lung disease and scattered pulmonary nodules mimicking M. tuberculosis infection (12 patients); (d) diffuse pulmonary infiltrations in immunocompromised hosts, primarily patients with AIDS (96 patients).
(4) But what they take for a witticism might very well be true; most of Ellis's novels tell more or less the same story, about the same alienated ennui, and maybe they really are nothing more than the fictionalised diaries of an unremarkably unhappy man.
(5) True, Syria subsequently disarmed itself of chemical weapons, but this was after the climbdown on bombing had shown western public opinion had no appetite for another war of choice.
(6) Since the incidence of gastric cancer in our population seems to be unchanged, this may suggest a true increase in proximal gastric tumours.
(7) That the BBC has probably not been as vulnerable since the 1980s is also true – not least because the enemies of impartiality are more powerful, and the BBC's competitors (maimed after a year's exposure of their own behaviour in the Leveson inquiry ) are keen to wreck it.
(8) When the results of the different studies are pooled, however, there is a significant difference between those patients with true infarction, and those in whom infarction was excluded, in terms of overall mortality (12% and 7%; P less than 0.0001) and the development of subsequent non-fatal infarction (11% and 6%; P less than 0.05) when the results are analysed for a period of follow-up of one year.
(9) Technically speaking, this modality of brief psychotherapy is based on the nonuse of transferential interpretations, on impeding the regression od the patient, on facilitating a cognitice-affective development of his conflicts and thus obtain an internal object mutation which allows the transformation of the "past" into true history, and the "present" into vital perspectives.
(10) Emergency CT showed evidence of pericardial effusion suggesting hemopericardium, enlargement of the ascending aorta and a peripheral semilunar filling defect which caused a slight deformation of the true channel.
(11) According to perimeter of leg, 13% of these girl students might he considered affected of second degree malnutrition, this situation prevailed from 13 to 18 years of age, but was not true in the 12--year--old group.
(12) Using the intersection point of these pH-logPCO2 lines as a point of equal hemoglobin-independent "base excess" for each condition, values for true base excess were plotted.
(13) These high Danish rates seem to reflect the true prevalence and incidence in the less serious types of progressive muscular dystrophy, probably because the Danish health system with free medical care and easy access to specialized hospital departments makes it possible to identify all cases of progressive muscular dystrophy.
(14) But I feel I'm being true to myself in the way my career has panned out and I'm making the correct decision here.
(15) The enterococcal population of the 'dosed' birds contained a greater proportion of Enterococcus faecium than did that of the control birds while the converse was true for Ent.
(16) Although the estimation of incidence only from hospital cases underestimates the true incidence, and also considering the limitation of comparing results of studies from several time periods, the incidence of UC in our area is the highest one reported to the present time in Spain and Southern Europe.
(17) If mammography becomes a wide spread screening method for early detection of breast cancer, the number of non-true interval cancers could be a feed back on the effectiveness of the screening.
(18) True Love Impulse Body Spray, Simple Kind to Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser and VO5 Styling Mousse Extra Body marked double-digit price rises on average across the four chains.
(19) Levinson's film, to be titled Black Mass, will be based on the New York Times bestseller Black Mass: The True Story of an Unholy Alliance Between the FBI and the Irish Mob , by Boston Globe reporters Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill.
(20) We're all familiar with this approach, which is based around meeting targets, and it's true that it got things done.