(v. i.) To shake involuntarily, as with fear, cold, or weakness; to quake; to quiver; to shiver; to shudder; -- said of a person or an animal.
(v. i.) To totter; to shake; -- said of a thing.
(v. i.) To quaver or shake, as sound; to be tremulous; as the voice trembles.
(n.) An involuntary shaking or quivering.
Example Sentences:
(1) Facial twitch was followed by the generalized convulsion, further progressing to trembling of the limbs and then kicking of the hindlimb (full seizure) after 55 days of age.
(2) "To be honest, I dream of the Premier League," replied the Lille forward, setting hearts a-trembling across England.
(3) One chronically discomposed self-structure, defining itself as polluted and helpless, trembles with the appalling imagery of historical and imminent community disasters.
(4) Simulated gait abnormalities involve weakness of 1 or both legs or ataxia and trembling.
(5) Sweating, trembling, inability to concentrate, weakness, hunger and blurred vision were the most frequently reported symptoms.
(6) Chu, with trembling lips, said that “a 70-year-old like me is unable to lead all the Occupy protestors home unharmed and protect young people from being hit”.
(7) Five to 10 min after the drug administration, the camels at both dosages showed lacrimation, salivation, trembling, restlessness, frequent urination and defecation, followed by diarrhea.
(8) Therefore, the coat-color remained cream in ee (cream) hamsters showing only trembling.
(9) He was eventually thrown out by a lacklustre landlord who finally listened to my trembling 3am calls for action.
(10) Panic-related chest pain, dyspnea, trembling, and fear were important factors in the development, pervasiveness, and severity of situational fears and anticipatory anxiety.
(11) The force of the blast made the ground tremble in the Chinese border city of Yanji, 130 miles away.
(12) The basic features included a brief, involuntary, coarse, irregular, wavering movement or tremble involving arm-hand alone, or arm-hand and leg together.
(13) These movements, which were often abnormal, included trembling and asynchronism.
(14) Though the route map that Wenger had provided was clear enough, his men held it with trembling hands.
(15) When he speaks, his voice trembles: "If Nato hadn't intervened, none of us would be here," he cries.
(16) The shiverer mutation consists of a deletion of the 3' end of the myelin basic protein gene which completely prevents production of mature mRNA and protein, and results in severe dysmyelination and a trembling behavior.
(17) His agonising efforts to appease his dying father and establish a relationship with his sister, Glory, are so finely grained, so trembling with a sense of life unlived, and without the neat, redemptive ending of the previous novel, that it is a much stronger and more radical piece.
(18) On the current track, maybe life does become unbearable in the future, when the last remaining cubic centimetre of public space – a trembling pocket of air perhaps, in a cellar at the Emirates British Library – is finally acquired by a friend of King Charles III.
(19) The following clinical signs such as pronounced muscle fasciculation, trembling, grinding teeth, ataxia, lateral recumbency, bloating, regurgitation, hyperesthesia, mydriasis and convulsions were observed.
(20) Similarly, the prominent 4- and 8-Hz peaks, found in the smoothed EMG power spectra from trembling muscles, were eliminated if the limb was effectively prevented from trembling.
(v.) A trembling; a shivering or shaking; a quivering or vibratory motion; as, the tremor of a person who is weak, infirm, or old.
Example Sentences:
(1) Meanwhile the efficiency of muscarinic antagonists in inhibition of tremor reaction induced by arecoline administration is associated with interaction between the drugs and the M2-subtype.
(2) New indications are still being investigated, for example in focal tremors and spasticity.
(3) Starting from the observation that the part above 6 Hz of the power spectrum of force tremor during isometric contractions can be related to the unfused twitches of motor units firing asynchronously, an attempt was made to study the usefulness of force tremor spectral analysis as a global descriptor of motoneurone pool activity.
(4) Visual judgments of tremor amplitude made by neurologists during clinical examinations equaled the sensitivity of computerized tremor amplitude measurements.
(5) Several images of cerebral blood flow were recorded during inhalation of carbon-15-labelled carbon dioxide by positron emission tomography in four patients with essential tremor and four normal controls.
(7) This contrasting pattern may be secondary to a reduction in the intensity of mean muscular tremor in the clonidine group.
(8) Tremors induced by chemical agents (nicotine, zinc and tremorine) were markedly inhibited by HA-966.
(9) Patients manifesting tardive dyskinesia tended to have fewer parkinsonian symptoms than those without the disorder, especially when tremors and akathisia were excluded from consideration.
(10) A dose-dependent increase in tremor was observed for each of the doses of fenoterol.
(11) In PD, affected individuals show slowed movements, tremor, and rigidity.
(12) Modulation in relation to tremor was superimposed on the bidirectional pattern related to ramps.
(13) A 30 days therapeutical trial with trazodone has been performed in 47 patients suffering from different types of tremor.
(14) No subject reported side effects of oxitropium, as compared to three subjects reporting nausea, vomiting and tremors after theophylline.
(15) Acetylcholine (0.1-10 mug) produced a dose-dependent potentiation of oxotremorine tremor in contrast to the multiphasic effect it had on the accompanying hypothermia.
(16) He was admitted to the Hitachi General Hospital because of finger tremor, restlessness and urinary incontinence.
(17) Toxicity included an increase in body weight, cushingoid effects, muscle cramps, and tremors in both groups.
(18) The authors present ten cases of essential tremor, studied before and after administration of clonidine with clinical tests and electrophysiological recordings.
(19) A cat which developed a change of temperament, with muscle tremors, ataxia and pupillary dilatation was suspected and later confirmed histopathologically to have a spongiform encephalopathy.
(20) A 63-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with tremor and somnolence, followed soon by coma.