(1) The first-time reader of William Gibson’s Neuromancer , if unacquainted with any of Gibson’s other novels, is likely to be perplexed and disoriented.
(2) The pigs were assigned to each pen on the basis of body weight and sex, ensuring that pigs in each pen were unacquainted.
(3) The level of consensus declined when initially unacquainted Ss interacted one-on-one (Study 2), but did not decline--and even increased--when Ss interacted in a group (Study 3).
(4) Ss were 68 pairs of unacquainted boys in Grades 3-6.
(5) While early exposure to gland odor apparently does not affect physical maturation, it may enhance later responsiveness to stimuli (gland odors) that are useful in locating conspecifics and that facilitate social interactions between previously unacquainted gerbils.
(6) Previously unacquainted groups of normally developing and mildly developmentally delayed preschool-age boys (N = 64) were brought together to form a series of 8 mainstreamed playgroups.
(7) Although histoplasmosis rarely presents as a monarthritis, unacquaintance with this entity may result in fatal acute dissemination of the histoplasmosis.
(8) Doctors and the surroundings of children are often unacquainted with chronic illnesses in combination with physical activity.
(9) If any readers out there have heretofore remained unacquainted with the joys of Weird Al, don't feel too embarrassed (although, really, you should be).
(10) This research focused on the target effect on a perceiver's judgments of personality when the perceiver and the target are unacquainted.
(11) Infection with R equi may go unrecognized by physicians unacquainted with its presentation and unaware of the organism's ability to mimic diphtheroids and to stain weakly positive with an acid-fast stain.
(12) 44 pairs of unacquainted infants (either 10--12 or 22--24 months of age) came with their mothers to an unfamiliar room.
(13) Take congressman Lamar Smith of Texas: 45% of his constituents, not unacquainted with his ties to the oil industry, were less inclined to vote for Smith when as chair of the house science committee he failed to investigate ExxonMobil’s alleged climate cover-up.
(14) In 16 cases of fractures of the sternum already diagnosed by X-ray, an examiner unacquainted with the X-ray results was able to locate and diagnose all fractures by ultrasound within 1 min.
(15) Ten strong love couples, determined through the use of Rubin's love scale, were compared to 10 pairs of unacquainted Ss for the amount of mutual eye contact, as well as conversation time and time spent in pure gazing without conversation.
(16) Unacquainted college women (N = 102) participated in one-on-one interactions in a round-robin design.
(17) The present paper compares, in right-handed subjects unacquainted with Braille, the comparative skill of right and left middle (M) and index (I) fingers in counting Braille dots.
(18) In the present study we examined the response of individually housed females to the formation of triads of unacquainted females and, subsequently, the response of these triads to the introduction of a single male.
(19) Group 1 consisted of 20 adult dental professionals; group 2 comprised 18 college students unacquainted with dental studies.
(20) Diveristy of clinical forms and variability of the disease process dynamics likewise the difficulties in treatment resulting from unacquaintance with etiology of the disease are emphasized.
Example Sentences:
(1) If placed in a position which seems to require unfamiliar knowledge or expertise, the practitioner need only seek a consultant anesthesiologist for assistance.
(2) Unfamiliar-object-dominant neurons (n = 7) responded more to unfamiliar objects than to familiar objects.
(3) The kinds of audience investigated included the mate, unfamiliar females, other females and males with which subjects had had prior visual and auditory contact, and broody hens with and without young.
(4) The voices in the soundtrack are those of real refugees who guide the viewer through the experience – from arriving in an unfamiliar city to acute worry for loved ones left behind, concern about not being allowed to work, and the Home Office interview on which so much rides .
(5) The results supported most of the predicted self-other differences, but almost all were matched by differences between familiar and unfamiliar others.
(6) Both familiar and unfamiliar (i.e., well-known and unknown) faces were used, and some face pairs were repeated with a mean delay of about 10 min.
(7) Behaviour was unaltered at 30-31 weeks in encounters with unfamiliar males.
(8) Pigeons are able to home from unfamiliar sites because they acquire an olfactory map extending beyond the area they have flown over.
(9) To investigate the role of "behavioral inhibition to the unfamiliar" as an early temperamental characteristic of children at risk for adult panic disorder and agoraphobia (PDAG), we compared children of parents with PDAG with those from psychiatric comparison groups.
(10) For those unfamiliar with it, the Internet of Things (also known as M2M or machine to machine) refers to an expanding network of interconnected internet-enabled devices.
(11) The failure to demonstrate objective benefits of health status reports in this study may be due to physician unfamiliarity with health status scores, failure to link the report with an office visit, the relative stability of clinical status in the subjects over 1 year and the relatively short time-frame of the study.
(12) Investigations mostly failed to show overt or covert face recognition, but NR performed at an above-chance level in selecting the familiar face on a task requiring a forced-choice between a familiar and an unfamiliar face.
(13) As a teacher I know the importance of analogies in helping students gain a greater understanding of something previously unfamiliar.
(14) Unfamiliarity with the disease is a problem in Haiti.
(15) Prior hormonal, copulatory, or cohabitation experience did not significantly influence sexual responses between females and unfamiliar male partners.
(16) In contrast to existing evidence that maternal depression may be a risk factor for the child's long-term peer relationships, no differences in social behavior were found between children of normal and affectively ill mothers during a brief encounter with unfamiliar peers.
(17) Sure, they speak a different language and use an unfamiliar currency, but they're still people.
(18) It was the ICC's first-ever verdict, and the court is now heading into unfamiliar legal territory as judges must decide on reparations for Lubanga's victims.
(19) The main findings were: 1) PCT increased significantly in response to the tests carried out in unfamiliar environments (OFA and CSC) compared with the response to the home-cage confrontation.
(20) A dual task study of unfamiliar music perception during concurrent right and left hand finger tapping was conducted with a group of left-handed non-musicians.