(1) Both capped and uncapped mRNAs interact directly with eIF-4B to form a stable complex, which can be detected by a simple nitrocellulose filter binding assay.
(2) The naturally uncapped genomic and mRNAs of poliovirus initiate translation by an internal ribosome-binding mechanism.
(3) He said the uncapped scheme provided “an incentive for employers and unions to sign up to unsustainable redundancy entitlements safe in the knowledge that if the company fails the fair entitlements guarantee and the Australian taxpayer will pay for it”.
(4) The aspects of surgical treatment depended on whether the metastases were solitary or multiple, capable or uncapable of radioiodine uptake.
(5) Although uncapable as such to facilitate lordosis behavior the dose of 100 micrograms P rendered the animals responsive to the odor of urine.
(6) Of all the parameters tested for in the questionnaire, those with positive serology differed significantly from the whole population only in that a higher proportion of the positives reported exposure to silo gas and illness after uncapping silos.
(7) When capped pre-mRNA was replaced by uncapped pre-mRNA, complex formation was significantly reduced.
(8) Translation of capped host cell mRNAs is inhibited, whereas translation of uncapped poliovirus mRNA proceeds exclusively.
(9) Expression of this heterodimeric enzyme in E. coli may facilitate the analysis of its functional domains and provide a useful reagent for the specific 5' labeling of uncapped or capped RNA and for enhancing RNA translatability in eukaryotic systems.
(10) Antiserum to estradiol activated both reinitiation, development and completion of meiosis, but the cells matured by estradiol deficit were as a rule uncapable of fertilization and further cleavage.
(11) m7GpppG-capped or -uncapped RCNMV RNA-1 and RNA-2 transcripts were infectious and induced symptoms identical to those of wild-type virus infection when coinoculated on the systemic hosts Nicotiana benthamiana and N. clevelandii, and on the local lesion host Chenopodium amaranticolor.
(12) However, this salt dependence was much less marked in the mammalian reticulocyte extract and, at salt concentrations optimal for translation of normal capped mRNAs, reticulocyte lysates translated uncapped with mRNAs at 30 to 60% the normal efficiency.
(13) Therefore, the exonuclease activity released from ribosomes by high salt extraction was separated from the enzyme(s) that degraded uncapped RNAs.
(14) Similarly, the synthesis of PVS genomic RNA-directed peptides was inhibited by the cap analogue m7G5'ppp5'G, suggesting the presence of a cap structure at the 5' terminus whilst subgenomic RNA encoded products remained unaffected, suggesting an uncapped structure.
(15) Poly(A) less messengers are less active when tested in a wheat germ cell free system and become uncapable to terminate globin chain elongation.
(16) First we give landowners our money – vast amounts of it, uncapped and almost unconditional.
(17) This year the bar on uncapped recruitment has been lowered to include students earning an A and two B grades, meaning a larger number of students able to seek offers from more competitive courses.
(18) However, addition of a 5'-cap to beta-eliminated globin mRNA or satellite tobacco necrosis virus RNA (normally uncapped) increased binding affinity of these mRNAs for eIF-4B and causes binding of these mRNAs to become sensitive to inhibition by m7G5'ppp.
(19) The ApppG-primed precursor mRNAs served as a control (uncapped) in the injection experiments, and their splicing reactions were compared with those of their capped (m7GpppG-primed) counterparts.
(20) Investigation of the influence of various parameters on the ratio of full-length to incomplete products leads to the conclusion that a high fidelity of translation can be obtained provided certain precautions are followed: the use of capped, rather than uncapped, mRNAs at low concentrations, with KCl concentrations about 20 mM above the level that gives maximum incorporation.
(v. t.) To take out of a case or covering; to remove a case or covering from; to uncover.
(v. t.) To strip; to flay.
(v. t.) To display, or spread to view, as a flag, or the colors of a military body.