What's the difference between unchristian and unchristianness?



  • (a.) Not Christian; not converted to the Christian faith; infidel.
  • (a.) Contrary to Christianity; not like or becoming a Christian; as, unchristian conduct.
  • (v. t.) To make unchristian.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This seems an extraordinary concession towards a view of women, and of authority, that the vast majority of churchgoers regard as immoral and unchristian.
  • (2) Any contrary view, such as the Pope’s , has been branded “ unchristian ” in the Abbott-friendly, Rupert Murdoch-owned press.
  • (3) During the debate, Giddings's opponents accused him of repeatedly using his position as a platform for his conservative views, while his defenders said he had been used as a scapegoat and subjected to cruel and unchristian treatment whose "express purpose was to pillory the chair".
  • (4) When Enoch Powell made his shameful "rivers of blood" speech in nearby Wolverhampton in 1968, Faulds called him "unChristian... unprincipled, undemocratic and racialist".
  • (5) Donald Tusk, president of the European council, said Orbán was being unchristian in stoking a clash of civilisations between the west and Islam.



  • (n.) The quality or state of being unchristian.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This seems an extraordinary concession towards a view of women, and of authority, that the vast majority of churchgoers regard as immoral and unchristian.
  • (2) Any contrary view, such as the Pope’s , has been branded “ unchristian ” in the Abbott-friendly, Rupert Murdoch-owned press.
  • (3) During the debate, Giddings's opponents accused him of repeatedly using his position as a platform for his conservative views, while his defenders said he had been used as a scapegoat and subjected to cruel and unchristian treatment whose "express purpose was to pillory the chair".
  • (4) When Enoch Powell made his shameful "rivers of blood" speech in nearby Wolverhampton in 1968, Faulds called him "unChristian... unprincipled, undemocratic and racialist".
  • (5) Donald Tusk, president of the European council, said Orbán was being unchristian in stoking a clash of civilisations between the west and Islam.

Words possibly related to "unchristian"

Words possibly related to "unchristianness"