(a.) Not worthy; wanting merit, value, or fitness; undeserving; worthless; unbecoming; -- often with of.
Example Sentences:
(1) He told the court: “We have been trying at the bar to imagine whether we can think of any other group of legal or natural persons, terrorist suspects, arms dealers, Jews, in respect of whose evidence one might even begin to think that one could tenably say, ‘Well, of course, in looking at this evidence I have been very careful because I know from the past that these people are a bit devious and a bit unworthy, and the only thing they’re really interested in is subverting public health.’ ” Yet last week’s judgment, running to 1,000 paragraphs, confirmed in excoriating detail just how determined big tobacco has been down the decades to achieve precisely this goal.
(2) Jan Vertonghen: Tottenham can do something special under Pochettino Read more This is not to suggest Leicester are unworthy league winners.
(3) IPA Freedom to Publish Committee chair Bjørn Smith-Simonsen called the prosecution "undemocratic, anachronistic and unworthy of a modern and open society ... Sanci is being harassed for doing his publisher's job.
(4) A picture pops onto the screen, and you are immediately given the option to click yes or no, or even better you can swipe them to the left or right to get that heightened experience that you are whooshing unworthy candidates directly into the bin.
(5) When Harold Wilson oversaw the award of MBEs to the Beatles for services to exports, some previous recipients sent their awards back, complaining that the Beatles were unworthy of the honour.
(6) Nevertheless, to compare this face with some powerful depictions of despair is to see how hard it is to call a halt to the human story, to say that anything in life is unworthy of life.
(7) The divide over women's rights fundamentally comes down to the question of whether you think women are equally as human as men, or whether you think we're a sub-category of person, designed to serve men's needs and desires, and unworthy of protection from humanity's most awful impulses.
(8) After all, if my religious practices are so unworthy of preservation, why should I expect the respect and protection from violence that is the right of any other European citizen?
(9) It stems from fear, and from the fact that in the recent past in Britain, all women were discriminated against, very strongly, because all women were seen as potential mothers and treated as if this therefore made them unworthy of investment in their preparation for a future beyond the domestic sphere.
(10) It was precisely how Inter had played in that Champions League semi-final but there was always a sense at Madrid that it was somehow unworthy of the club.
(11) I still feel this would have been unnecessary, unfair and unworthy of the UK.
(12) If someone has the benefit, indeed privilege, of a good education, it seems necessarily to follow that he or she is somehow unworthy and, in any event, clearly knows nothing about "real life".
(13) But with humour so subjective, any attempt to codify it as good or bad, worthy or unworthy, victimless or vindictive - as the Ministry of Justice amendment to the Coroners and Justice bill in the Lords proposes - just makes an idiot out of you in the end.
(14) If the preppie males were significantly less supportive of equal rights for all regardless of gender, they may perceive females to be unworthy of equal rights and perhaps categorize them as belonging to a group available for exploitation, be it sexual, economic or otherwise.
(15) The majority of women experience a variety of symptoms at the time of the menopause, but these are frequently regarded as being unworthy of management by their doctors.
(16) By this time, however, everyone was vying with each other to have him play a character part in their films, and he took the chance to make some fairly easy money in a succession of sometimes unworthy roles.
(17) I hope I’ve made myself clear... thank you, let’s leave it there.” Partridge co-creator Armando Iannucci previously revealed that the BBC – the original home of the Coogan character, first on Radio 4 and then BBC2 – passed on Mid Morning Matters, deeming it unworthy of a primetime spot .
(18) An excellent boxer Tyson Fury may be; however his extremely callous and erroneous remarks about our community make him an unworthy candidate to be recognised among the UK’s excellent sporting personalities and ambassadors.” Courtney Robinson from Fight4Equality said: “In Tyson Fury’s neanderthal worldview, women are merely objects designed to entertain and serve men.
(19) Cyril Smith was knighted and the system must have known he was unworthy.
(20) Trump’s “constant stream of cruel comments” disturbed Collins throughout the primary and through the Republican convention, she wrote, “but it was his attacks directed at people who could not respond on an equal footing – either because they do not share his power or stature or because professional responsibility precluded them from engaging at such a level – that revealed Mr Trump as unworthy of being our president”.
(n.) To roll one's self about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire.
(n.) To live in filth or gross vice; to disport one's self in a beastly and unworthy manner.
(n.) To wither; to fade.
(v. t.) To roll; esp., to roll in anything defiling or unclean.
(n.) A kind of rolling walk.
Example Sentences:
(1) University websites wallowed in self-congratulation in the wake of the REF, where experts assessed research in 36 subject areas, looking at quality, the infrastructure that supported it, and its impact on the outside world.
(2) Let them wallow in the content that Bolt provides them, carefully calibrated to both infuriate Australia’s dwindling bigoted minority while reassuring them.
(3) As the turbulent commercial radio sector enters another new phase, Park wants to sweep away the thinking that has left too many of his colleagues wallowing in self-pity, and turn his fire on a familiar target.
(4) Her parents divorced when she was young, money was tight and there was no cable TV to wallow in.
(5) Unashamedly wallowing in pop Celebrating its 18th birthday, this year's V line-up reads like a typical, if solidly suburban, teenage house party playlist.
(6) The outrage is thumped home by this coincidence of timing: that the Premier League has reached its quarter century, now wallowing in £2.8bn annual television deals, with clubs spending £50m on right-backs , in the same year that the authorities have finally brought criminal charges for those deaths 28 years ago.
(7) Trimming, triangulating, sneaking small policy advantages and wallowing in the narcissism of small differences, the parties seemed locked in a distant and disreputable Westminster charade.
(8) The message is loud and clear to all dictators: you can arrest the opposition every other day, pass draconian laws and let your country wallow in poverty, as long as your troops are available for us when we need to go on a peace keeping mission in, say, Somalia.
(9) It was 12.24am, local time, when Alessandro Diamanti walked forward for the final, decisive kick and, when it was all done, Italy had booked a semi-final against Germany while England were wallowing in the familiar sense of deja vu that comes with another harrowing disappointment in a penalty shoot-out.
(10) When inspiration strikes, you have to hope that the other 10 people on stage will give you space to wallow in your "moment".
(11) Other newspapers, too, wallowed in the rumours of orgiastic high court judges, sado-masochistic cabinet ministers and aristocratic sex slaves wearing cards that read 'If my services don't please you, whip me'.
(12) Kevin and Perry Go Large is an excuse to wallow vicariously in the misery of adolescence.
(13) There, you wallow in yesteryear’s fabulosity, cast off by someone whose spending habits you’re morally outraged by but whose taste you can’t fault.
(14) He says his research allowed him to wallow in 70s conspiracy films such as The Conversation, The Parallax View and Three Days of the Condor, "though reading Pynchon and the Illuminatus!
(15) To wallow in it would be fun but sullying, and also obscures the fact that Simmonds has done us a favour.
(16) "The pursuit of judicial refuge may produce a paradoxical effect: in the short term a rich infusion of talent for the benches; but beyond that, critics argue, the future looks bleak.Sympathy for barristers – popularly perceived as wallowing in claret, six-figure salaries and refresher fees – is limited.
(17) When he wasn't writing, he was usually swimming, most often in his moat, or wallowing in the massive cast-iron bath that lived at the back of the house.
(18) It’s so routine.” Media coverage of climate change in Fiji doesn’t have the luxury of wallowing in the sort of cosseted denialism seen in the US, Britain or Australia.
(19) It would be amazing to be able to relish the moment and wallow in some exciting new technology and upcoming entertainment, but unfortunately it's all coming loaded with all this woolly, drab bullshit around it.
(20) A sly kick at the rear of Winston Reid’s legs prompted the winger’s second yellow card – and an early wallow in the Radox.