(1) Experimental and clinical data suggest that the valva ileocaecalis under neurogenic and hormonal influences, modulates antegrade and retrograde flow of succus entericus.
(2) The hypothesis to be tested was, can anatomical and functional integrity of the valva ileocaecalis be preserved during the performance of a right hemicolectomy with reestablishment of intestinal continuity via a cecocolostomy?
(3) Radiographic analysis of the heterotopic valva ileocaecalis revealed intermittent antegrade and no retrograde flow of contrast material, which suggested functional integrity.
(4) Function of the heterotopic valva ileocaecalis was assessed 6-12 weeks post-operatively employing radiographic criteria (fluoroscopic analysis after intraluminal instillation of barium sulfate).
(5) The cardiac embolism etiology subgroups are associated with the presence of personal history of stroke, just as the mitral valva prolapse (MVP) patients group.
(6) The indication of surgical valva replacement also at older age (greater than 60 years) with chronically rheumatic valvular diseases requires both the assessment of the pre-operative constellation of findings and perioperative complications.
(n.) A saclike envelope of certain fungi, which bursts open as the plant develops.