What's the difference between valvula and valvule?
(n.) A little valve or fold; a valvelet; a valvule.
Example Sentences:
(1) Zebrin II-negative Purkinje cells are present in a continuous region encompassing the rostromedial part of the valvula, the lobus transitorius, lobe C1 and the ventral part of lobe C2, and in a small, lateral zone of the posterior part of the caudal lobe.
(2) Injections of horseradish peroxidase into the telencephalon retrogradely labeled neurons ipsilaterally in various thalamic, preglomerular, and tuberal nuclei, the nucleus of the locus coeruleus (also contralaterally), the superior raphe, and portions of the nucleus lateralis valvulae.
(3) A supernumerary valvula of the pulmonary semilunar valve was found in a 51-year old, male Japanese.
(4) It is concluded that in all operations in the area of the terminal ileum and colon the Valvula Bauhini should be retained if possible.
(5) In the valvula, the majority of the undifferentiated cells leave the ridges to form a continuous granular layer at the base of the ridges.
(6) Eighth nerve projections to the valvula cerebelli are less prominent than the projections from the lateral line.
(8) After injections of the posterior part of the lateral zone of the area dorsalis telencephalic (Dlp) with either horseradish peroxidase or the newly available carbocyanine dye DiI, efferent cells were labeled in the valvula cerebelli of the mormyrid fish, Gnathonemus petersii.
(9) Both species have ipsilateral input to the valvula from the central pretectal and dorsal accessory optic nuclei, the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei, the lateral nucleus of the valvula, the perilemniscal nucleus, and nucleus isthmi and contralateral input from the inferior olivary nucleus.
(10) Within the cardia, rings of secretory cells (formation zones) and non-secretory tissue (valvula cardiaca) interlock to secrete and mould the layers of membrane.
(11) The topographical order of the cerebellopetal projections of the lateral nucleus of the valvula and inferior olive is also described, as are differential inputs to various subdivisions of the cerebellum in the two species.
(12) Serotoninergic fibers appear to be almost completely absent in the large and differentiated corpus and valvula cerebelli.
(13) The first and second pairs of valvulae were often misshapen and reduced in sclerotization and length, or even fused with the third valvulae.
(14) In the adult gymnotiform teleost Eigenmannia, Purkinje cells in the corpus cerebelli (CCb), lateral valvula cerebelli (VCbl), and eminentia granularis anterior (EGa) are zebrin II+.
(15) The proximal and distal portions of the small bowel can frequently be differentiated both in vitro and in vivo by the echoes emanating from the valvulae conniventes ("keyboard sign").
(16) Thus, the valvula cerebelli is a shared derived feature (synapomorphy) of all ray-finned fishes.
(17) At more caudal levels immunoreactive NPY-neurons were found in the nucleus lateralis valvulae of the dorsal tegmentum mesencephali.
(18) Afferent pathways to the torus longitudinalis were found to originate mainly in the valvula cerebelli.
(19) Following a 1 h stimulation period, the different areas of the LLO-system (lateral nerve, medulla oblongata, cerebellum and valvulae cerebelli), as well as the optic tectum, subtectum and spinal cord showed a significant increase of protein labelling; whereas after 12 h post-incorporation times only the lateral nerve showed highly significant differences as compared to controls.
(20) They also occurred in the mesencephalic nucleus lateralis valvulae, in the metencephalic nucleus gustatorius secundus and near the ventricular borders of the facial and vagal lobes in the myelencephalon.
(n.) A little valve; a valvelet.
(n.) A small valvelike process.
Example Sentences:
(1) This report expands previous descriptions of antiphospholipid syndromes by describing a subset of lupus patients with significant aortic and mitral valvulitis in addition to circulating antiphospholipid antibodies, thrombocytopenia, and recurrent thromboses.
(2) By light microscopy trypanosomes and inflammatory cells were also shown to occur in all four types of heart valves implicating diffuse valvulitis.
(3) The first two patients had a bioprosthetic valvulation and the 5 succeeding patients a St Jude Medical mechanical prosthesis.
(4) Valvules were constantly found, whereas endovenous structures such as those found in the ilio-caval junctions were very rare.
(5) Unlike rheumatic valvulitis, it is not associated with significant permanent morbidity.
(6) MR due to KD is regarded as a new clinical entity, and its pathogenesis is thought to be due to ischemia, papillary muscle dysfunction, coronary angitis, myocardial failure and valvulitis.
(7) Vasculitis with granulomatosis, destructive changes in the intima were found in the supravalvular part of the aorta and at the base of the aortic valve as well as severe fibrinous valvulitis.
(8) There was no evidence of previous rheumatic valvulitis, subacute bacterial endocarditis or other etiologies.
(9) Since rheumatic valvulitis may play a subordinate role, in contrast to etiologies such as myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve, rupture of chordae tendineae, papillary muscle dysfunction due to coronary artery disease and other causes, left ventricular function is generally determined by the adaptations of the myocardium to the volume overload, or to ischemia or infarction from coronary artery disease rather than to a concomitant myocarditis.
(10) This article reports the surface structure of the endothelial cells covering the cardiac valves and their changes in chronic inactive rheumatic valvulitis and bacterial endocarditis.
(11) This report describes the 48 arteriolar and capillary sized V, Aschoff nodules, valvulitis, and myocytolytic lesions in the heart and great vessels in 18 of 100 human vitreous VM containing eyelid inoculated mice versus 0 of 200 controls (P less than 0.05) plus VM within parasitized leucocytes in 15 of 15 of those lesions by TEM.
(12) One patient developed classic ARF with valvulitis 18 months after the initial episode.
(13) Among more than 50% of arthritic rabbits, immunological lesions of aortic artery and cardiac valvules are found.
(14) Given a less significant set-back, it has been suggested that restorative surgery of the deep venous network, valve repair or insertion of a valvulated section, should be used in the treatment of post-phlebitic illness.
(15) In one of these it was due to rheumatoid granulomatous valve disease and in the other due to non-specific aortic valvulitis.
(16) The elevated antibody level in patients with rheumatic valvulitis, including patients with Sydenham's chorea with valvulitis, persisted for periods of at least 1 yr and up to 20 yr after the last acute attack.
(17) Myocarditis, coagulation necrosis, lesion of the conduction system, pericarditis, and endocarditis with valvulitis were also present.
(18) Pure mitral regurgitation, present in 269 patients (52%), was the most common lesion while rheumatic valvulitis, seen in 286 patients (55%), was the most common etiology.
(19) Two patients with a unique aortic valvulitis required aortic valve replacement.
(20) In the walls of individual segments of the cardiac draining system the authors observed collagenization, and in myocardial small veins, reduction of venous valvules.