(n.) One of many textile fabrics having a pile like that of velvet.
Example Sentences:
(1) Nineteen Dacron velour fistula bypasses between the brachial artery and median basilic vein were performed in fifteen selected patients for a total dialysis period of ninety-six months.
(2) Placement of impervious knitted Dacron velour aortic grafts in baboons reproduced platelet consumption that progressively normalized over six weeks postoperatively.
(3) Silicone urethral prostheses lined with dacron velour were used for urethral replacement in eight mongrel dogs.
(4) In the second trial 24 grafts without velours trimming (Cooley II, Meadox), 24 grafts manufactured by a new warp-knitting procedure without velours trimming (Protegraft 2000, B. Braun AG) and 24 identical grafts of B. Braun AG but with gelatine impregnation were evaluated.
(5) Five pathogenic, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus epidermidis strains were used to measure the differential microbial adherence to ACD versus untreated velour-knitted Dacron (VKD) vascular prostheses.
(6) After repair of the VSD, the postoperative course was complicated by the intravascular hemolysis induced by the interaction between the red blood cells and the double velour Dacron patch.
(7) At three years 90% of the vein grafts were patent, compared to 45% of the Dacron Velour grafts.
(8) This paper relates general developments in vascular prosthesis research and focuses on specific results with Dacron velour materials.
(9) A bare steel seat was associated with a 100 per cent embolism, and a significant reduction occurred when a cloth-covered seat of Dacron-velour was introduced.
(10) While the narrow woven textile-lined prostheses were rejected into the urinary bladder after a short period, the Dacron-velour-lined prostheses remained well attached to the bladder wall.
(11) It is concluded that synthetic knitted velour prostheses are biodegradable.
(12) The grafts tested, in order of preference were Cooley double velour, Weavenit, Sauvage filamentous, Cooley knitted, DeBakey woven, and Cooley woven.
(13) Major segments of velour floated in amorphous caseous material for up to five weeks.
(14) Gelatine-impregnated or not the grafts without velours showed no satisfying results.
(15) When the distal anastomosis was located above the knee the patency rate was 100 per cent and 87 per cent for autogenous vein and velour Dacron graft respectively, while the corresponding figures for distal anastomosis below the knee were 58 per cent and 11 per cent.
(16) Two hundred twenty-four consecutive patients (361 graft limbs) who underwent bypass grafting with the USCI Sauvage filamentous velour Dacron arterial prosthesis for aortoiliac occlusive disease over the 9 year period 1970 to 1979 are reviewed.
(17) Because of encouraging results, 10 atrial patches, consisting of Dacron velour and oxidized Orlon side-by-side, were implanted into the right atrium of dogs.
(18) Multiple saccular aneurysms developed in a patient with a Dacron velour graft.
(19) With the velour interface, fibrous tissue invaded the velour, followed later by bone, which sometimes reached the metal surface.
(20) Best results were obtained utilizing a PTC having a polycarbonate extra-cutaneous flange, a nylon velour covered polycarbonate subcutaneous skirt, and an extended threaded central conduit to also allow fixation intrathoracicly behind the 2 ribs traversed by the device.