What's the difference between vivarium and vivary?



  • (n.) A place artificially arranged for keeping or raising living animals, as a park, a pond, an aquarium, a warren, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The mitochondrial respiration rate in various metabolic states was similar in flight rats and vivarium controls.
  • (2) Rabbits treated as described and housed in a conventional vivarium environment were found to be free of mites during a subsequent 33 to 139 day observation period.
  • (3) The incidence of the condition was high in rabbits kept for 2 mo or more in the vivarium.
  • (4) Testes from rats flown on Cosmos 1887 were compared with vivarium control and synchronous control samples.
  • (5) In the "Cosmos-1887" biosatellite experiment, the plasma samples obtained two days after the landing as well as plasma of synchronous animals exhibited the higher fibrinogen levels when compared to those of vivarium animals.
  • (6) A total of 48 infections was discovered, 31 in staff of the radiation therapy area, 12 in the staff of the Vivarium facility, and 5 in other individuals who worked in the Medical Center.
  • (7) A single introduction of vitamin E and D,L-methionine to rats kept on the vivarium ration or their addition to protein-free diet separately does not affect the glutathionperoxidase and glutathionreductase activities in the liver.
  • (8) Control animals were maintained in usual atmosphere of vivarium.
  • (9) The plasma protein spectrum of flight and synchronous groups of animals in "Cosmos-1887" experiment where plasma samples were prepared in the period of time from 5 to 10 hours after spaceflight coincided with the pattern of vivarium animals.
  • (10) In in vivo tests subject to enquiry was incorporation of I--14C-acetate in non-saponified lipids, ubiquinone and sterines in the liver of rats receiving the usual ration of the vivarium or the one short of aromatic amino acids, and on this basis the relative rates of both the biosynthesis and decomposition of these compounds were determined.
  • (11) By use of age-matched vivarium controls (normal cage environment) and synchronous controls (simulated flight conditions), as well as a basal control group (killed before lift-off on the 1st day of flight), the combined influences of growth and space-flight could be examined.
  • (12) The effect of social isolation, consisting of individual housing in the vivarium under standard conditions and imposed on male rats older than 90 days, was assessed on tactile startle reactivity, nociception, resting heart rate and arterial blood pressure, and on intercorrelations among these variables.
  • (13) On the other hand, cells from rats flown in space showed no significant differences from vivarium and synchronous control rats in cytotoxicity for K-562 target cells.
  • (14) Control groups included vivarium, synchronous, and antiorthostatically suspended rats.
  • (15) Plasma melatonin was low at the time of euthanasia (lights on) and was not different among the experimental groups (flight animals, synchronous controls, and vivarium controls).
  • (16) The experimental group of rats were subjected to pure HK, that is, without the use of any preventive measures, and the control group placed under ordinary vivarium conditions and served as control.
  • (17) To examine the effects of spaceflight on the proliferation and turnover of jejunal mucosal cells, we compared the percentages of mitotic cells present in the crypts of Lieberkühn in the proximal, middle, and distal jejunum in each of five rats flown on the COSMOS 2044 mission and in rats included in the vivarium, synchronous, and caudal-elevated groups.
  • (18) In rats of three age groups (one month-old rattlings, young 3-month old and adult rats not younger than 5 months) receiving the usual vivarium food the exhalation of C14O2 substantially decreased with the age and the maximum radioactivity of the air following intraperitoneal introduction of citric acid-3-C14 was greatly delayed.
  • (19) They were compared to five female rats kept in vivarium and five female conditioned rats in synchronised way.
  • (20) As a control the ovaries of immature offspring of the females, living in the vivarium have been studied.



  • (n.) A vivarium.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "vivarium"

Words possibly related to "vivary"