

  • (prep.) In the inner or interior part of; inside of; not without; as, within doors.
  • (prep.) In the limits or compass of; not further in length than; as, within five miles; not longer in time than; as, within an hour; not exceeding in quantity; as, expenses kept within one's income.
  • (prep.) Hence, inside the limits, reach, or influence of; not going outside of; not beyond, overstepping, exceeding, or the like.
  • (adv.) In the inner part; inwardly; internally.
  • (adv.) In the house; in doors; as, the master is within.

Compare within with other words:

beyond vs. within

within vs. withing

after vs. within

throughout vs. within

over vs. within

content vs. within

internity vs. within

inglobe vs. within

neorama vs. within

though vs. within

before vs. within

across vs. within

through vs. within

noon vs. within

during vs. within

amongst vs. within

until vs. within

indwelling vs. within

immanence vs. within

internally vs. within

inmost vs. within

inly vs. within

therein vs. within

with vs. within

endogenous vs. within

subversion vs. within

restrict vs. within

immanent vs. within

cartel vs. within

between vs. within

lance vs. within

confine vs. within

inside vs. within

interior vs. within

outwith vs. within

outside vs. within

within vs. without

internal vs. within