

  • (a.) Mad; insane; possessed; rabid; furious; frantic.
  • (v. i.) To grow mad; to act like a madman; to mad.
  • (n.) A large and thick collection of trees; a forest or grove; -- frequently used in the plural.
  • (n.) The substance of trees and the like; the hard fibrous substance which composes the body of a tree and its branches, and which is covered by the bark; timber.
  • (n.) The fibrous material which makes up the greater part of the stems and branches of trees and shrubby plants, and is found to a less extent in herbaceous stems. It consists of elongated tubular or needle-shaped cells of various kinds, usually interwoven with the shinning bands called silver grain.
  • (n.) Trees cut or sawed for the fire or other uses.
  • (v. t.) To supply with wood, or get supplies of wood for; as, to wood a steamboat or a locomotive.
  • (v. i.) To take or get a supply of wood.

Compare wood with other words:

shred vs. wood

wood vs. woold

wood vs. wooed

wood vs. woon

woad vs. wood

pood vs. wood

wood vs. woof

hood vs. wood

woo vs. wood

dood vs. wood

mood vs. wood

rood vs. wood

wood vs. wool

good vs. wood

wood vs. word

motor vs. wood

wilderness vs. wood

tile vs. wood

stone vs. wood

book vs. wood

gurjun vs. wood

asbolin vs. wood

elkwood vs. wood

blowpoint vs. wood

fabrile vs. wood

bogwood vs. wood

wood vs. woodrock

ligniferous vs. wood

flintwood vs. wood

hoult vs. wood

killock vs. wood

ligniform vs. wood

nemophilist vs. wood

sandhiller vs. wood

singlestick vs. wood

monoxylous vs. wood

knarl vs. wood

leverwood vs. wood

wood vs. woodmonger

wood vs. woodhole

panstereorama vs. wood

wood vs. woodward

dualin vs. wood

agalloch vs. wood

paddlewood vs. wood

kafal vs. wood

kakaralli vs. wood

surturbrand vs. wood

stemple vs. wood

wood vs. xylophilous

wood vs. xylite

wood vs. xylogen

beath vs. wood

loggat vs. wood

wood vs. woodhouse

kyanize vs. wood

lightwood vs. wood

verd vs. wood

stinkwood vs. wood

guaiacum vs. wood

wood vs. yewen

bosk vs. wood

pinite vs. wood

fipple vs. wood

sabicu vs. wood

lancewood vs. wood

algum vs. wood

unwormed vs. wood

treenail vs. wood

wood vs. woodless

tulipwood vs. wood

charry vs. wood

ebonize vs. wood

lignification vs. wood

dyewood vs. wood

opalize vs. wood

clough vs. wood

shittah vs. wood

air vs. wood

thicket vs. wood

coal vs. wood

brave vs. wood

children vs. wood

demonstration vs. wood

clan vs. wood

grove vs. wood

log vs. wood

grenadillo vs. wood

treen vs. wood

pinewood vs. wood

hylophagous vs. wood

vibraslap vs. wood

wood vs. xyloid

jacaranda vs. wood

dyke vs. wood

plancher vs. wood

touchwood vs. wood

wood vs. zebrawood

doorsill vs. wood

spurtle vs. wood

tamarack vs. wood

flamed vs. wood

marquetry vs. wood

butternut vs. wood

cade vs. wood

boscage vs. wood

scotchman vs. wood

matchstick vs. wood

sapwood vs. wood

boxwood vs. wood

wood vs. woodcutting

wood vs. woodcutter

oxbow vs. wood

photoxylography vs. wood

batten vs. wood

cordage vs. wood

blackwood vs. wood

spelk vs. wood

lignify vs. wood

ripsaw vs. wood

sawyer vs. wood

wood vs. woodsy

pyroxylic vs. wood

pyroligneous vs. wood

pyrolignic vs. wood

pyrography vs. wood

emboss vs. wood

scrimshaw vs. wood

wood vs. xylopyrography

wood vs. xylophagous

intarsia vs. wood

sawdust vs. wood

lixiviate vs. wood

hamadryad vs. wood

frith vs. wood

stem vs. wood

injury vs. wood

garden vs. wood

hackberry vs. wood

mesquite vs. wood

wood vs. woodman

stainer vs. wood

wood vs. woodwork

hickory vs. wood

tudor vs. wood

lignin vs. wood

ligneous vs. wood

linden vs. wood

mahogany vs. wood

cinder vs. wood

taille vs. wood

circlet vs. wood

skewer vs. wood

toboggan vs. wood

nog vs. wood

shaving vs. wood

sawbuck vs. wood

hemlock vs. wood

dendrology vs. wood

barker vs. wood

pulp vs. wood

dutchman vs. wood

wood vs. woodsman

surname vs. wood

topographic vs. wood

english vs. wood

holt vs. wood

copse vs. wood

cedar vs. wood

straightedge vs. wood

routing vs. wood

turpentine vs. wood

warp vs. wood

whittle vs. wood

juniper vs. wood

dudgeon vs. wood

wood vs. woodcut

gribble vs. wood

cripple vs. wood

sectility vs. wood

ember vs. wood

bushwhacker vs. wood

knag vs. wood

turner vs. wood

billet vs. wood

turning vs. wood

tessera vs. wood

clearing vs. wood

cordon vs. wood

will vs. wood

holly vs. wood

chisel vs. wood

girder vs. wood

termite vs. wood

rosewood vs. wood

tally vs. wood

stack vs. wood

punk vs. wood

larch vs. wood

knacker vs. wood

hornbeam vs. wood

hag vs. wood

glade vs. wood

cleat vs. wood

brace vs. wood

bluff vs. wood

beam vs. wood

wood vs. xylene

wood vs. xylem

wold vs. wood

shaw vs. wood

rick vs. wood

knurl vs. wood

hurst vs. wood

gnarl vs. wood

chock vs. wood

balsa vs. wood

aspen vs. wood

plug vs. wood

lagging vs. wood

backsword vs. wood

umbo vs. wood

fascine vs. wood

coppice vs. wood

cardboard vs. wood

rebate vs. wood

pine vs. wood

stake vs. wood

wood vs. yew

beech vs. wood

nerve vs. wood

bludgeon vs. wood

gib vs. wood

spruce vs. wood

oaken vs. wood

oak vs. wood

wood vs. xylograph

waver vs. wood

fender vs. wood

nur vs. wood

liber vs. wood

flour vs. wood

lumber vs. wood

lug vs. wood

hybrid vs. wood

grain vs. wood

nail vs. wood

sylvan vs. wood

splinter vs. wood

plane vs. wood

rifle vs. wood

vein vs. wood

stick vs. wood

shake vs. wood

set vs. wood

saw vs. wood

spell vs. wood

charcoal vs. wood

chestnut vs. wood

ebony vs. wood

wood vs. woodness

crazed vs. wood

insane vs. wood

wode vs. wood

wood vs. woody

wood vs. wooden

wood vs. woodpecker

wood vs. woodcock

whitewood vs. wood

purplewood vs. wood

ironwood vs. wood

olivewood vs. wood

heartwood vs. wood

driftwood vs. wood

timber vs. wood

erection vs. wood

head vs. wood

branches vs. wood

tree vs. wood

wood vs. wooded

trunk vs. wood

flower vs. wood

cherry vs. wood

kindling vs. wood

board vs. wood

apple vs. wood

metal vs. wood

forest vs. wood

flute vs. wood

abdomen vs. wood