(n.) The act of wandering; deviation, especially from truth or moral rectitude, from the natural state, or from a type.
(n.) A partial alienation of reason.
(n.) A small periodical change of position in the stars and other heavenly bodies, due to the combined effect of the motion of light and the motion of the observer; called annual aberration, when the observer's motion is that of the earth in its orbit, and daily or diurnal aberration, when of the earth on its axis; amounting when greatest, in the former case, to 20.4'', and in the latter, to 0.3''. Planetary aberration is that due to the motion of light and the motion of the planet relative to the earth.
(n.) The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, of rays of light emanating from one and the same point, or the deviation of such rays from a single focus; called spherical aberration, when due to the spherical form of the lens or mirror, such form giving different foci for central and marginal rays; and chromatic aberration, when due to different refrangibilities of the colored rays of the spectrum, those of each color having a distinct focus.
(n.) The passage of blood or other fluid into parts not appropriate for it.
(n.) The producing of an unintended effect by the glancing of an instrument, as when a shot intended for A glances and strikes B.
Example Sentences:
(1) The purpose of these studies was to better understand the molecular basis of chromosome aberration formation after mitomycin C treatment.
(2) The effects of phenoxyacetic acid herbicides were investigated on the induction of chromosome aberrations in human peripheral lymphocyte cultures in vitro and in lymphocytes of exposed workers in vivo.
(3) Recent studies have shown that an aberration in platelet-derived growth factor gene expression is unlikely to be a factor in proliferation of smooth-muscle cells.
(4) Maximal aberration yields were observed for 2,4-diaminotoluene, 2,6-diaminotoluene and cytosine beta-D-arabinofuranoside from 17 to 21 h, eugenol from 15 to 21 h, cadmium sulfate from 15 to 24 h and 2-aminobiphenyl, from 17 to 24 h. For adriamycin at 1 microM, the % aberrant cells remained elevated throughout the period from 9 to 29 h, while small increases at 0.1 microM ADR were found only at 13 and at 25 h. For most chemicals the maximal aberration yield occurred at a different time for each concentration tested.
(5) Aberrant forms (elongated and twisted) in the vacuole and double virions in the plasma membrane were observed as early as 65 h after infection.
(6) Detailed studies of the between-cell aberration distributions give evidence that positive selection against cells with high aberration frequencies has also occurred in these experiments.
(7) Chromosome aberrations were scored in BHK21 C13 Syrian hamster fibroblasts, exposed to 60Co gamma-rays, 250 kV X-rays, 15 MeV neutrons or neutrons of mean energy 2.1 MeV produced from the 9Be(d,n)10B reaction.
(8) Immense amounts of data about cancer-associated chromosome aberrations have been collected during the last 10 years, and the systematic evaluation of these data has disclosed a number of correlations between chromosome change and neoplastic disease.
(9) ECGs taken routinely over a period of years help differntiate ventricular from supraventricular tachycardias with aberrant conduction.
(10) In three patients treated with photrine cells with aberrative karyotypes ranged within 14-37.5%.
(11) 50 cells at metaphase per animal were scored for chromosomal aberrations.
(12) Thus, in human lymphocytes the frequencies of chromatid aberrations induced by most clastogenic agents were strongly enhanced when caffeine was given during the G2 phase, but little affected by post-treatments with caffeine during the S phase.
(13) Systematic treatment of aberrant subclavian arteries should perhaps be considered when it can be performed during thoracic surgery.
(14) At that time the factor IX users also had milder immune aberrations than the hemophilia A group.
(15) The predominant specific aberrations in gliomas were an over-representation of chromosome 7 (13 cases) and an under-representation of chromosome 10 (16 cases).
(16) It was shown that six pesticides induced a statistically significant increase in the number of chromosomal aberrations: Bi 58 EC, Metasystox (I) forte, Sadofos 30, Nogos 50 EC, Foschlor 25 and Thiodan 35.
(17) Cystic dystrophy of aberrant pancreatic tissue without chronic pancreatitis is a rare disease described by Potet and Duclert in 1970.
(18) Methyl sinapate also increased the frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations in the CHO K-1 cells treated with MMC, 4NQO or UV.
(19) In the exposed group structural chromosome aberrations were found in 2%, while in the control group in 0.9% of analysed metaphases.
(20) These findings indicate structural abnormalities in the secretory apparatus of neuroendocrine cells in dysplastic bronchi and correlate with experimental observations of aberrant hormonal production associated with bronchial dysplasia.
Example Sentences:
(1) A consecutive series of 95 3 to 4 year old and 43 7 to 11 year old children attending surgical, and medical outpatient clinics was studied, using questionnaires that measured behavioural deviance and had adequate reliability and validity for screening populations of children.
(2) In a sample of families of nonschizophrenic outpatient adolescents, a manual for scoring such deviance on stories told for seven TAT cards was developed.
(3) The personality profiles of all three groups emerged as significantly different from each other on all scales with the exception of social introversion and psychopathic deviance.
(4) These symptoms, while shortlived, are similar in nature to symptoms which other authors have shown to be correlated with later increased rate of neurological deviance.
(5) Factors that favoured traumatization were: poor living conditions, interpersonal problems, limited inner resources, low self-esteem (narcissistic problems) and severe psychic deviancy.
(6) Wherever the aphasics' performance was worse than that of the controls, the deviancy-scores correlated significantly with the Token Test.
(7) Measures of communication deviance and of activity, balance and warmth, derived from two family activities, correlated significantly with 3-yr. follow-up adaptive functioning, measured by IQ.
(8) Second-order constructs of General Deviance confirmed integrity of the syndrome at these life stages, although subtle changes in certain components of the construct emerged.
(9) The first assumes a log linear model for the Poisson data and leads to tests based on the deviance.
(10) The test battery included the following instruments: the Psychopathic Deviancy (Pd) scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI); the MacAndrew Alcoholism scale (MAC), a special scale of the MMPI; the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS); the Millon Alcohol Abuse Scale; and the Millon Drug Abuse Scale.
(11) 8.3% of children seen by these professionals were thought to show signs of psychological deviance.
(12) The rate of psychometric deviance in the HR group (23%) was significantly higher than that in either the PC (7%) or NC (2%) groups, and profile analyses showed that the HR subgroup could be delineated by qualitative distinctions in personality functioning.
(13) The psychopathological risk is the "burning out" of the subject, and the defences developed against it, such as humour (casualness), aloofness (abdication), deviance and drug-dependence.
(14) Audiotape recordings of family interaction samples from 30 nondistressed and 32 multiproblem families were coded for communication deviance (CD).
(15) Mother-only households are shown to be associated with particular patterns of family decision making and adolescent deviance, even when family income and parental education are controlled.
(16) The results suggest a duration of neuronal representation of at least 10 s. The within-block variation of interstimulus interval, the rather low temporal probability of deviants, and their large frequency deviance might explain the present results contradicting earlier findings that suggested a shorter duration of that neuronal representation.
(17) The victims were usually illegitimate preschoolers; the assailants, usually the mothers or their paramours, had backgrounds of assaultiveness and social deviance and killed in impulsive rage.
(18) Closer analyses of the individual response profiles, using various criteria for deviance, indicated that only a small proportion of exhibitionists displayed deviant arousal.
(19) We measured serum lipid concentrations in blood samples taken from fasting subjects and assessed personality characteristics on the Bedford Foulds Personality Deviance Scales in a random sample of 1592 men and women aged 55-74 years, selected from age-sex registers of ten general practices in Edinburgh.
(20) Multiple regression and discriminant function analyses indicate that six variables describing family atmosphere during childhood--mother's selfconfidence, father's deviance, parental aggressiveness, maternal affection, parental conflict, and supervision--have an important impact on subsequent behavior.