What's the difference between account and consider?



  • (n.) A reckoning; computation; calculation; enumeration; a record of some reckoning; as, the Julian account of time.
  • (n.) A registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of other things subjected to a reckoning or review; as, to keep one's account at the bank.
  • (n.) A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event; as, no satisfactory account has been given of these phenomena. Hence, the word is often used simply for reason, ground, consideration, motive, etc.; as, on no account, on every account, on all accounts.
  • (n.) A statement of facts or occurrences; recital of transactions; a relation or narrative; a report; a description; as, an account of a battle.
  • (n.) A statement and explanation or vindication of one's conduct with reference to judgment thereon.
  • (n.) An estimate or estimation; valuation; judgment.
  • (n.) Importance; worth; value; advantage; profit.
  • (v. t.) To reckon; to compute; to count.
  • (v. t.) To place to one's account; to put to the credit of; to assign; -- with to.
  • (v. t.) To value, estimate, or hold in opinion; to judge or consider; to deem.
  • (v. t.) To recount; to relate.
  • (v. i.) To render or receive an account or relation of particulars; as, an officer must account with or to the treasurer for money received.
  • (v. i.) To render an account; to answer in judgment; -- with for; as, we must account for the use of our opportunities.
  • (v. i.) To give a satisfactory reason; to tell the cause of; to explain; -- with for; as, idleness accounts for poverty.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These factors might account for the lower systemic bioavailability of these compounds.
  • (2) Technical factors that account for increased difficulty in these patients include: problems with guide catheter impaction and ostial trauma; inability to inflate the balloon with adequate guide catheter support; and need for increased intracoronary manipulation.
  • (3) However, some contactless transactions are processed offline so may not appear on a customer’s account until after the block has been applied.” It says payments that had been made offline on the day of cancellation may be applied to accounts and would be refunded when the customer identified them; payments made on days after the cancellation will not be taken from an account.
  • (4) Even with hepatic lipase, phospholipid hydrolysis could not deplete VLDL and IDL of sufficient phospholipid molecules to account for the loss of surface phospholipid that accompanies triacylglycerol hydrolysis and decreasing core volume as LDL is formed (or for conversion of HDL2 to HDL3).
  • (5) At the heart of the payday loan profit bonanza is the "continuous payment authority" (CPA) agreement, which allows lenders to access customer bank accounts to retrieve funds.
  • (6) Thus, it appears that neuronal loss may account for up to roughly half of the striatal D2 receptor loss during aging.
  • (7) Writing in the Observer , Schmidt said his company's accounts were complicated but complied with international taxation treaties that allowed it to pay most of its tax in the United States.
  • (8) That is why you will be held relentlessly to account for those choices; why what you said in February invites forensic scrutiny.
  • (9) This decrease cannot be accounted for by increased turnover of the mRNA in the presence of the drug.
  • (10) Another important factor, however, seems to be that patients, their families, doctors and employers estimate capacity of performance on account of the specific illness, thus calling for intensified efforts toward rehabilitation.
  • (11) The issue has been raised by an accountant investigating the tax affairs of the duchy – an agricultural, commercial and residential landowner.
  • (12) ACh released from the vesicular fraction was about 100-fold more than could be accounted for by miniature end-plate potentials; possible causes of this overestimate are discussed.
  • (13) And perhaps it’s this longevity that accounts for her popularity: a single tweet from Williams (who has 750,000 followers) about the series will prompt a Game Of Thrones news story.
  • (14) This study examines the extent to which changes in smoking can account for the decrease in CHD mortality for men and women aged 35-64 years.
  • (15) Analysis of 156 records relating to patients at the age of 15 to 85 years with extended purulent peritonitis of the surgical and gynecological genesis (the toxic phase, VI category ASA) showed that combination of programmed sanitation laparotomy and intensive antibacterial therapy performed as short-term courses before, during and after the operation with an account of the information on the nature of the microbial associations and antibioticograms was an efficient procedure in treatment of severe peritonitis.
  • (16) The multiple logistic model, the most commonly used model for the analysis of coronary heart disease studies, does not consider survival time in assessment of the dependent covariates and does not account for the censoring which usually occurs in such studies.
  • (17) Decreased synthesis rather than increased utilization accounted for the nucleoside effect.
  • (18) The M&S Current Account, which has no monthly fee, is available from 15 May and is offering people the chance to bank and shop under one roof.
  • (19) Gradual evolutionary change by natural selection operates so slowly within established species that it cannot account for the major features of evolution.
  • (20) The term acute allergic colitis seems to be more suitable taking into account the distribution, the cause and the development of this disease.



  • (v. t.) To fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to think on with care; to ponder; to study; to meditate on.
  • (v. t.) To look at attentively; to observe; to examine.
  • (v. t.) To have regard to; to take into view or account; to pay due attention to; to respect.
  • (v. t.) To estimate; to think; to regard; to view.
  • (v. i.) To think seriously; to make examination; to reflect; to deliberate.
  • (v. i.) To hesitate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Anti-Leu 7 could not be considered as a specific marker for oligodendroglioma.
  • (2) Life expectancy and the infant mortality rate are considered more useful from an operational perspective and for comparisons than is the crude death rate because they are not influenced by age structure.
  • (3) We considered the days of the disease and the persistence of symptoms since the admission as peculiar parameters between the two groups.
  • (4) Coronary arteritis has to be considered as a possible etiology of ischemic symptoms also in subjects who appear affected by typical atherosclerotic ischemic heart disease.
  • (5) Structural peculiarities in tubulin polymorphism are considered.
  • (6) To be fair to lads who find themselves just a bus ride from Auschwitz, a visit to the camp is now considered by many tourists to be a Holocaust "bucket list item", up there with the Anne Frank museum, where Justin Bieber recently delivered this compliment : "Anne was a great girl.
  • (7) The dependence of fluorescence polarization of stained nerve fibres on the angle between the fibre axis and electrical vector of exciting light (azimuth characteristics) has been considered.
  • (8) In choosing between various scanning techniques the factors to be considered include availability, cost, the type of equipment, the expertise of the medical and technical staff, and the inherent capabilities of the system.
  • (9) In the past 6 years 26 patients underwent operation for recurrent duodenal ulcer after what was considered to be an "adequate" initial operation.
  • (10) External exposures to a contaminated fishing net and fishing boat are considered pathways for fishermen.
  • (11) This paper has considered the effects and potential application of PFCs, their emulsions and emulsion components for regulating growth and metabolic functions of microbial, animal and plant cells in culture.
  • (12) Formerly, many patients in this category were considered either inoperable or candidates for total or partial nephrectomy.
  • (13) A re-examination of the literature indicates that many phagocytes previously unidentified or considered to be microglial cells are probably beta astrocytes.
  • (14) Implications of the theory for hypothesis testing, theory construction, and scales of measurement are considered.
  • (15) The Bohr and Root effects are absent, although specific amino acid residues, considered responsible of most of these functions, are conserved in the sequence, thus posing new questions about the molecular basis of these mechanisms.
  • (16) BPH patients may be considered as "endocrinologically younger" than healthy subjects.
  • (17) Eight other children (20%) had normal or borderline elevation of CPK-MB fraction and EKG abnormalities combined with abnormal echocardiograms or radionuclide angiograms, and were considered to have sustained cardiac concussion.
  • (18) The pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in atypical pneumonias can be considered confirmed according to the availabile literature; its importance for other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, particularly for chronic bronchitis, is not yet sufficiently clear.
  • (19) The cause has been innumerable "VIP movements", as journeys undertaken by those considered important enough for all other traffic to be held up, sometimes for hours, are described in South Asian bureaucratic speak.
  • (20) HDAra-C in combination with anthracyclines is now considered to be a treatment which may afford some hope of a cure in a certain percentage of cases of adult acute non-lymphocytic leukemia.