(n.) One who, or that which, accumulates, collects, or amasses.
(n.) An apparatus by means of which energy or power can be stored, such as the cylinder or tank for storing water for hydraulic elevators, the secondary or storage battery used for accumulating the energy of electrical charges, etc.
(n.) A system of elastic springs for relieving the strain upon a rope, as in deep-sea dredging.
Example Sentences:
(1) The accumulation of lipids and enzymes such as simple estarase, lipase, beta-HDH, alpha-GDH and NADPH-reductase in those areas, suggests that lipids are not a simple excretory product.
(2) After 4 to 6 hours of recirculation, accumulation of vasoactive amine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, its major metabolite, 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid, and its precursor amino acid, tryptophan were detected.
(3) The rate of accumulation of degraded LDL products was lower in collagen gel cultures, but the final levels achieved were the same in the two substrata.
(4) Based on several previous studies, which demonstrated that sorbitol accumulation in human red blood cells (RBCs) was a function of ambient glucose concentrations, either in vitro or in vivo, our investigations were conducted to determine if RBC sorbitol accumulation would correlate with sorbitol accumulation in lens and nerve tissue of diabetic rats; the effect of sorbinil in reducing sorbitol levels in lens and nerve tissue of diabetic rats would be reflected by changes in RBC sorbitol; and sorbinil would reduce RBC sorbitol in diabetic man.
(5) These effects are similar to those reported for AVP and phorbol esters, activators of protein kinase C. Forskolin and isoproterenol, which induce cAMP accumulation, activated extractable topoisomerase II (maximum 5-15 min after treatment), but not topoisomerase I. Permeable cyclic nucleotide analogs dBcAMP and 8BrcGMP selectively activated extractable topoisomerase II and topoisomerase I activities, respectively.
(6) The data support the conclusion that accumulation of lipid II is responsible in some way for the hypersensitivity of delta rfbA mutants to SDS.
(7) In addition, the guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate accumulation response was less impressive in glomeruli than the guanylate cyclase response in IMCD tissue.
(8) It was also shown that after a shock at 44 degrees C teratocarcinoma cells were able to accumulate anomalous amounts of hsp 70 despite hsp 70 synthesis inhibition.
(9) At 24 or 48 hours after ischemia, 63Ni, 99TcO4, and 22Na were preferentially concentrated in the damaged striatum and hippocampus, whereas 65Zn, 59Fe, 32PO4, and 147Pm did not accumulate in irreversibly injured tissue.
(10) Aside from these characteristic findings of HCC, it was important to reveal the following features for the diagnosis of well differentiated type of small HCC: variable thickening or distortion of trabecular structure in association with nuclear crowding, acinar formation, selective cytoplasmic accumulation of Mallory bodies, nuclear abnormalities consisting of thickening of nucleolus, hepatic cords in close contact with bile ducts or blood vessels, and hepatocytes growing in a fibrous environment.
(11) They are capable of synthesis and accumulation of glycogen and responsible for its transfer to sites of more intense metabolism (growth, bud, blastema).
(12) Our results show that large complex lipid bodies and extensive accumulations of glycogen are valuable indicators of a functionally suppressed chief cell in atrophic parathyroid glands.
(13) Much information has accumulated on the isolation and characterization of a heterogeneous group of molecules that inhibit one or more of the bioactivities of interleukin 1.
(14) The mechanism by which K+ accumulates in the follicle was insensitive to ouabain, so that a typical Na+, K(+)-ATPase mechanism does not appear to be involved.
(15) The data shows a dissociation between ferritin synthesis, cellular accumulation and secretion for which the mechanisms have still to be elucidated.
(16) The rate of accumulation was highest late in infection and only the slower migrating form incorporates significant amounts of glucosamine.
(17) Initiation of the alternative pathway by the cryptococcal capsule is characterized by a lag in C3 accumulation and the appearance of a limited number of focal initiation sites which resemble those observed when the alternative pathway is activated by zymosan and nonencapsulated cryptococci.
(18) Accumulating evidence indicates that for most tumors, the switch to the angiogenic phenotype depends upon the outcome of a balance between angiogenic stimulators and angiogenic inhibitors, both of which may be produced by tumor cells and perhaps by certain host cells.
(19) The aim of our experiments was to investigate firstly whether during an acute inflammatory process platelets accumulate in the inflamed area and secondly whether the inflammation has an effect on the properties of the platelets.
(20) The accumulated evidence would strongly favor an affirmative answer.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dredge
Example Sentences:
(1) If Queensland goes ahead and develops and dredges Abbot Point, it may all be for nothing.
(2) The previous government advanced five major dredge projects involving dumping in the marine park,” he said.
(3) Documents obtained under freedom of information reveal huge uncertainty over the investment needed to maintain water quality following dredging to expand the Abbot Point port, north of Bowen in Queensland.
(4) A recent study suggests that coral disease is doubled when dredging occurs near reefs, although supporters of the dredging have repeatedly insisted it can be done safely and that the Abbot Point sediment will be dumped around 40km from the nearest reef.
(5) They want to send a very clear message to China that they are serious about this.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest This image from the US navy purportedly shows Chinese dredging vessels in the waters around Mischief reef in the disputed Spratly archipelago in May 2015.
(6) In ongoing lawsuits objecting to the island reclamation scheme , the Jakarta Legal Aid association has argued these new islands are occupying traditional fishing grounds, while the sediment and dredging work have driven away fish from the remaining waters.
(7) Dredging creates turbidity in the water that reduces the amount of light reaching the coral, affecting photosynthesis, while silt that settles on the coral interferes with its ability to feed itself.
(8) | Howard W French Read more In the South China Sea, China has, by massive dredging operations, turned submerged reefs with names out of the novels of Joseph Conrad – Mischief Reef, Fiery Cross Reef – into artificial islands, and is completing a 3,000m runway on Fiery Cross.
(9) Dover Harbour Board has applied for a licence to dredge Goodwin Sands, which had been proposed as a marine conservation zone, for aggregate to be used in the expansion and development of Dover port.
(10) We would like to see the dredging – if it does take place – it doesn’t take place in important times in seal biology.
(11) However, a local campaign called Save Our Sands has been established in an attempt to stop the dredging from happening, and has gathered more than 5,500 signatures on an online petition to prevent it.
(12) Barton rubs Old Firm up the wrong way Joey Barton apologises ‘unreservedly’ after being sent home by Rangers Read more The phrase “Joey Barton Twitter storm” is pretty much a tautology, so it was no surprise that his decision to sign for Rangers in May had social media in a kerfuffle when his 2012 tweet – “I am a Celtic fan” – was dredged up so that it might be subject to calm and sober scrutiny from all concerned.
(13) So let's end the simplistic nonsense that leads us to focus only on concrete defences and destructive dredging, and instead take what is ultimately a more rational and integrated approach.
(14) It exacerbates an environment of disaffection and disempowerment and does nothing but isolate the very community that best understands these challenges.” Race relations have reached a low ebb following the release of the government’s anti-terrorism laws, which many Muslims say have dredged up Islamophobia in the community by equating terrorism with Islam.
(15) Rooke said dredging was part of the solution, "but not the whole solution".
(16) Using satellite imagery, researchers could map the areas of coral covered by plumes of sediment released by the dredging process.
(17) In between taking up the rice harvest and dredging his irrigation canals, however, he must contemplate a new threat to his family and livelihood, one that may well prove more deadly than any of Egypt's previous invaders.
(18) The site, called Reef Facts , addresses the contentious decision to allow the dredging and dumping of 5m tonnes of seabed sediment within the Great Barrier Reef marine park in order to expand the Abbot Point port.
(19) However, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society said electronic pingers could already be used under current EU nature laws, which also protect porpoises from trawling, dredging, pile driving and noise from military sonars.
(20) The case has dredged up painful memories for other victims of child abuse, who are now also coming forward in their hundreds to seek counselling.