

  • (v. t.) To fasten, support, or defend with stakes; as, to stake vines or plants.
  • (v. t.) A piece of wood, usually long and slender, pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground as a support or stay; as, a stake to support vines, fences, hedges, etc.
  • (v. t.) A stick inserted upright in a lop, eye, or mortise, at the side or end of a cart, a flat car, or the like, to prevent goods from falling off.
  • (v. t.) The piece of timber to which a martyr was affixed to be burned; hence, martyrdom by fire.
  • (v. t.) A small anvil usually furnished with a tang to enter a hole in a bench top, -- used by tinsmiths, blacksmiths, etc., for light work, punching upon, etc.
  • (v. t.) That which is laid down as a wager; that which is staked or hazarded; a pledge.
  • (v. t.) To mark the limits of by stakes; -- with out; as, to stake out land; to stake out a new road.
  • (v. t.) To put at hazard upon the issue of competition, or upon a future contingency; to wager; to pledge.
  • (v. t.) To pierce or wound with a stake.

Compare stake with other words:

stake vs. stike

stake vs. stave

stade vs. stake

stake vs. stane

stake vs. stoke

stake vs. staked

stake vs. stare

stake vs. stuke

spake vs. stake

slake vs. stake

stake vs. strake

stage vs. stake

sake vs. stake

stake vs. state

shake vs. stake

snake vs. stake

risk vs. stake

pole vs. stake

paxillose vs. stake

bacule vs. stake

loggat vs. stake

fall vs. stake

stake vs. swage

challenge vs. stake

stack vs. stake

post vs. stake

stake vs. stock

pyre vs. stake

interest vs. stake

stake vs. teest

impalement vs. stake

impone vs. stake

picket vs. stake

rover vs. stake

parlay vs. stake

disinterested vs. stake

odds vs. stake

martingale vs. stake

sledge vs. stake

stake vs. stour

crawl vs. stake

stake vs. stang

peel vs. stake

stake vs. vie

impale vs. stake

hub vs. stake

claim vs. stake

contingency vs. stake

competition vs. stake

defend vs. stake

issue vs. stake

fasten vs. stake

division vs. stake

stake vs. territorial

pledge vs. stake

hazard vs. stake

stake vs. wager

blacksmith vs. stake

stake vs. tinsmith

bench vs. stake

stake vs. tang

furnish vs. stake

share vs. stake

anvil vs. stake

burn vs. stake

affix vs. stake

martyr vs. stake

stake vs. timber

cart vs. stake

mortise vs. stake

eye vs. stake

lop vs. stake

stake vs. upright

stake vs. stick

insert vs. stake

stake vs. stay

pointed vs. stake

stake vs. support

slender vs. stake

long vs. stake

stake vs. wood

piece vs. stake

pile vs. stake

palisade vs. stake

stake vs. stakeholder

stake vs. ward

adventure vs. stake

rand vs. stake

pool vs. stake

main vs. stake

pale vs. stake

pawn vs. stake

split vs. stake

rung vs. stake

bet vs. stake

accumulator vs. stake