(n.) A lateral division of a building, separated from the middle part, called the nave, by a row of columns or piers, which support the roof or an upper wall containing windows, called the clearstory wall.
(n.) Improperly used also for the have; -- as in the phrases, a church with three aisles, the middle aisle.
(n.) Also (perhaps from confusion with alley), a passage into which the pews of a church open.
Example Sentences:
(1) So, they start to create these almost fictitious things they can sell, whether it’s a prime shelf [at the height a shopper is most likely to see] or a gondola end [the promotional buckets often found at the top of the aisle].
(2) As long as politicians like McConnell, Cuomo and Faulconer see a closed-door ballroom of billionaires as their base, they aren’t likely to vote to raise the minimum wage, in Congress or in the statehouses, on the left side of the aisle or the right.
(3) Neal Cassady Drops Dead, Kick the Bride Down the Aisle and The Bullfighter Dies: track titles like thse could only come from the new Morrissey album.
(4) Personally, I’m still more cross about toy cars in the tomatoes aisle than I am about ads in a children’s app that I can choose not to install.
(5) In aviator shades and dressed all in black, bar the Gucci logo on his T-shirt, Diddy is famous enough to turn heads even among the hip and wealthy visitors milling up and down the aisles.
(6) In tangentially fractured specimens, the cleavage plane jumps back and forth from the plasma membrane to a disk-bilayer, thereby giving rise to the known phenomenon of EF-ridges (on the extracellular fracture face) and PF-grooves (in the plasmatic fracture face) which both represent the level of the plasma membrane sur- or subjacent to the aisles between disks.
(7) If I'm extremely fond of a woman, if I think I might really wind up walking down the aisle again… I go in another direction."
(8) As Texas residents prepared for what one hardware store manager called "ice Friday", schools started canceling classes and thousands of shoppers jammed store aisles to buy milk, pet food and other supplies.
(9) At this time of year a large number of shops fill their aisles with extra displays which makes it hard to move around.
(10) They will speculate about creating an insect aisle at the supermarket and fast-food restaurants that serve bug burgers.
(11) Screaming toddlers, long queues and heavy shopping bags – just a few of the reasons to avoid setting foot in a supermarket aisle and do the weekly shop online.
(12) "Last month I saw a kid shit in the produce aisle of our Chengdu Walmart," a young woman named Bridget told me.
(13) But never before has a new bishop walked down the aisle at her consecration ceremony flanked by her husband.
(14) The group goes on to closes 500 unprofitable stores and revamps others with wider aisles and better lighting.
(15) One charge that wouldn't seem to stick to McConnell, now, is that he can't work across the aisle.
(16) People on both the liberal and conservative side of the aisle supported the bill.
(17) In its review , the Economis t came up with a useful everyday analogy: high-frequency traders are like "the people who offer you tasty titbits as you enter the supermarket to entice you to buy; but in this case, as you show appreciation for the goods, they race through the aisles to mark the price up before you can get your trolley to the chosen counter".
(18) The lexicon for most retailers runs from impulse buy to splurge to treat; they prefer us to wander the aisles with our eyes wide open and our minds shut tight.
(19) Aldi has vowed to maintain the supermarket price war that has drawn legions of cost-conscious shoppers to its aisles as it announced a 65% increase in its UK profits.
(20) Aisling Twomey, a spokeswoman for the Dublin-based Roma and Irish Traveller rights group, said: "This specific case could be used as a means to target the Roma community when the reality is that they are one of the most marginalised communities, not just in Ireland, but worldwide.
(n.) A narrow passage; especially a walk or passage in a garden or park, bordered by rows of trees or bushes; a bordered way.
(n.) A narrow passage or way in a city, as distinct from a public street.
(n.) A passageway between rows of pews in a church.
(n.) Any passage having the entrance represented as wider than the exit, so as to give the appearance of length.
(n.) The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office.
(n.) A choice taw or marble.
Example Sentences:
(1) Defensively excellent, Sampson’s players persistently forced their opponents to construct their passing triangles down a series of cul-de-sacs and blind alleys.
(2) The animals, while still under the influence of the haloperidol, were then given six standard trials of running down the alley.
(3) In that frenzy of notes, I saw myself running from soldiers through the alleys of Al Amari.
(4) A truck stopped on a street corner, blaring martyrdom hymns throughout the cavernous lanes and alleys of the party's heartland.
(5) As the report explains, researchers have long pointed to a widely believed cultural script of what constitutes a “real” rape – the trope of the lone lady being attacked at night as she made her way home through dark alleys.
(6) And Chalmers alley-oop pass to LeBron who dunks it, the Heat are still here.
(7) His first serve is a memory and his forehand hits the doubles alley.
(8) The decision of entering the main alley depends on the "reference memory", of entering the alleys in the proper sequence, depends on the "working memory".
(9) Many complexes have dedicated around half their space to restaurants, cinemas, skating rinks, bowling alleys, spas, playgrounds and even language schools.
(10) Testing consisted of a single trial per day during which latencies to leave the start box and to traverse the alley were recorded.
(11) "Because people didn't see me falling out of clubs or shagging in the alleys with different girls every week, they thought something was wrong with me.
(12) The open drain down his alley overflows with black sewage.
(13) after completion of infusion, each rat was placed in the maze and observed under "blind" conditions for number of errors (blind alleys entered) and latency to reach reward.
(14) (6) All unoperated cats committed alley-entrance errors as well as door-push errors suggesting that commission of alley-entrance errors may reflect a normal process in two-choice learning.
(15) Research and theory in the field is judged to be at a choice point: advance to interesting and important problems integrated with biobehavioral research or enter a blind alley of pseudo-problems derived from computer metaphors and cognitive folk psychology.
(16) Damage of areas containig nigrostriatal dopaminergic or ascending noradrenergic neurons had negligible effects on bar pressing, tail moving and alley running for hypothalamic stimulation.
(17) Rats had to enter and run down an alley for water reward.
(18) We walk down the narrow alley lined with boutiques, past carts selling tteokbokki , the ubiquitous gelatinous rice cakes swimming in a spicy red sauce (which taste much nicer than they sound).
(19) Here, the decorticates showed difficulty both in learning to pull the ball out of the alley and in transferring to a push-type clearance response, but having transferred they coped well with subsequent reversals.
(20) More importantly, these experimental studies provide us a route (perhaps an escape route) from the blind-ending alleys of the current taxonomy of human malformations and place us squarely on the superhighway to understanding their pathogenesis.