(n.) The act of adjusting to a line; arrangement in a line or lines; the state of being so adjusted; a formation in a straight line; also, the line of adjustment; esp., an imaginary line to regulate the formation of troops or of a squadron.
(n.) The ground-plan of a railway or other road, in distinction from the grades or profile.
Example Sentences:
(1) By adjustment to the swaying movements of the horse, the child feels how to retain straightening alignment, symmetry and balance.
(2) The second algorithm finds all subsequence alignments between the pattern and the test with at most k differences.
(3) It said 70 of the killed militants were from Isis, while the other 50 it described as being aligned with the Nusra Front, the parent organisation of the Khorasan cell and al-Qaida’s preferred affiliate in Syria.
(4) The building block of cytokeratin IFs is a heterotypic tetramer, consisting of two type I and two type II polypeptides arranged in pairs of laterally aligned coiled coils.
(5) The alignment of Clinton’s Iowa team, all but guaranteeing a declaration of her official campaign before the end of next month, was coming into view amid reports that she was due to address by the end of the week controversy over her use of a private email account as secretary of state.
(6) Here we present images of polydeoxyadenylate molecules aligned in parallel, with their bases lying flat on a surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite and with their charged phosphodiester backbones protruding upwards.
(7) From the decreased alignment at the N-terminus and the presence of additional residues compared with bacterial phosphorylases, we conclude that the regulatory sequences that also carry the phosphorylation site in the muscle enzyme were joined to a presumed ancestral precursor gene by gene fusion after separation of the eukaryotic and prokaryotic lines of descent.
(8) If added prior to cellular alignment, immunoglobulins from this serum inhibited fusion of both rat (L6) and mouse (C2) myoblasts in a dose-dependent fashion.
(9) Fifty-two percent of the variance in visit volume were explained; compared with the findings reported in similar studies, alignment with a regular source of care was more closely associated with visit volume and physician contact.
(10) The predicted yeast enzyme contains at least four potential membrane-spanning regions and several shorter hydrophobic regions that align exactly with similar sequences in the rat liver protein.
(11) As described in peripheral nerves, the axoplasm of axons in the central nervous system exhibits predominantly neurofilaments and microtubules aligned along the axis of the neurites in a three-dimensional arrangement and interconnected by cross-linker filaments and filamentous structures.
(12) The diagnosis of cervical injuries may be facilitated by following a logical pattern of analysis searching for abnormalities of alignment and anatomy, of bony integrity, of the cartilage or joint spaces, and of the soft tissues.
(13) The sample consisted of 102 Japanese families, each including both parents and one of their offspring, and on average all subjects had relatively well-aligned permanent dentitions.
(14) These observations suggest that the inner dynein arms in Chlamydomonas axonemes are aligned not in a single straight row, but in a staggered row or two discrete rows.
(15) Adjustment of posterior arch width and dental alignment, using semi-rapid maxillary expansion by means of an upper removable appliance, to co-ordinate the anticipated positions for the arches.
(16) During powder compaction on a Manesty Betapress, peak pressures, Pmax, are reached before the punches are vertically aligned with the centres of the upper and lower compression roll support pins.
(17) The group receiving an Oxford meniscal-bearing implant, with no medial release, showed significantly better mechanical alignment than that receiving a fixed-bearing implant.
(18) New observations include: (1) In 15 nm cross sections that show single 14.5 nm levels: (a) The flared X structure characteristic of rigor is replaced by a straight-X figure in which the crossbridge density is aligned along the myosin-actin plane, rather than skewed across it as in rigor.
(19) This includes the analysis of the transfer characteristics of the image detection system, the use of laser-induced fiducials for deformation correction and alignment, the control of section thickness by EELS and the use of ESI to image thick sections.
(20) Peter Schweizer – whose book scrutinizing donations to the Clinton Foundation has earned sharp rebukes from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and liberally aligned groups – confirmed on Thursday plans to investigate Bush’s past financial dealings.
(n.) The act of conjoining, or the state of being conjoined, united, or associated; union; association; league.
(n.) The meeting of two or more stars or planets in the same degree of the zodiac; as, the conjunction of the moon with the sun, or of Jupiter and Saturn. See the Note under Aspect, n., 6.
(n.) A connective or connecting word; an indeclinable word which serves to join together sentences, clauses of a sentence, or words; as, and, but, if.
Example Sentences:
(1) It facilitated the acquisition of quantitative velocity information with standard Doppler ultrasound techniques by identifying areas of high velocity or turbulent flow and was invaluable in the assessment of anomalous pulmonary venous drainage occurring either as an isolated anomaly or in conjunction with complex intracardiac lesions.
(2) These observations indicate that peroxidase staining, as a marker for identification of Kupffer cells in mouse liver, is only of limited value and should be used in conjunction with other methods (e.g., latex phagocytosis).
(3) The contra-indications for them are: 1. a better visual acuity with spectacles than with contact lenses, 2. advanced cases (4th degree of Amsler) whose fitting is impossible, 3. unilateral keratoconus, 4. associated diseases such as trachomatous pannus, allergic kerato-conjunctivitis.
(4) In conjunction with the development of a computerized goal-oriented record system at Forest Hospital Des Plaines, Illinois, research staff developed a psychiatric goal list from goal statements most frequently used at the hospital.
(5) The results of this study and extensive experience with clinical specimens show that the radiometric system is an effective means of rapidly detecting Haemophilus in blood cultures, but it is essential that it be used in conjunction with a subculture three to five days after inoculation.
(6) In the present study, ODC degradation was investigated in 653-1 mouse myeloma cells that overproduce ODC and in ts85 cells that are thermosensitive for conjunction of ubiquitin to target proteins.
(7) When cultures are available, it should be used in conjunction with them, since culture results are not available at the time the patient is seen.
(8) A training device is used in conjunction with an exercise program to teach muscle control for retention of a mandibular denture.
(9) The distribution and lateral mobility of VDCCs on CA1 hippocampal neurons have been determined with biologically active fluorescent and biotinylated derivatives of the selective probe omega-conotoxin in conjunction with circular dityndallism, digital fluorescence imaging, and photobleach recovery microscopy.
(10) Nucleotide substitutions in the viral-encoded proteinase 3C (3Cpro) region (549 nucleotides) of the RNA genome of a coxsackievirus A24 variant (CA24v), one of the agents causing acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (AHC), were studied using 32 isolates collected from the Eastern hemisphere in 1970-1989.
(11) The patient described in this report has the classic findings of Bardet-Biedl syndrome in conjunction with tibia vara and irregular physes of the lower extremities.
(12) The highest dissociation rate constants were observed for the plasmids containing only a single operator (or pseudooperator) sequence, while approximately 10-fold lower rate constants were measured for plasmids with the I gene pseudooperator in conjunction with either the Z gene pseudooperator or the primary operator.
(13) (c) A possible contribution of veto cells should be considered in several protocols in which donor hemopoetic cells were used in conjunction with CD4-specific antibodies to induce transplantation tolerance.
(14) In a series of experiments we found that 1) growth rates of hamsters offered the Lyric diet alone or in conjunction with the standard rodent diet exceeded those of hamsters offered only the standard rodent diet.
(15) In essence these functions describe a major aspect of the quality of life for surviving patients and may be useful when viewed in conjunction with the survival curves themselves.
(16) The HLAs were detected by immunofluorescence in conjunction with flow cytometry.
(17) Genomic clones for the mouse estrogen receptor have been isolated from a cosmid library and used in conjunction with the cDNA clones to study the expression of the receptor in vivo by RNase mapping, primer extension, and Northern blotting.
(18) The use of Fab fragments in conjunction with Fab-specific secondary and tertiary antisera improved tissue penetration and made it possible to identify a number of the immunoreactive neurons.
(19) After bone-union the embracing ring device was removed in conjunction with external lotion and active exercises.
(20) ESD in conjunction with RB polymorphism would be useful in prenatal and presymptomatic diagnosis, as well as in carrier detection in informative pedigrees.