(v. t.) Any combination or compound of metals fused together; a mixture of metals; for example, brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. But when mercury is one of the metals, the compound is called an amalgam.
(v. t.) The quality, or comparative purity, of gold or silver; fineness.
(v. t.) A baser metal mixed with a finer.
(v. t.) Admixture of anything which lessens the value or detracts from; as, no happiness is without alloy.
(v. t.) To reduce the purity of by mixing with a less valuable substance; as, to alloy gold with silver or copper, or silver with copper.
(v. t.) To mix, as metals, so as to form a compound.
(v. t.) To abate, impair, or debase by mixture; to allay; as, to alloy pleasure with misfortunes.
(v. t.) To form a metallic compound.
Example Sentences:
(1) Sulphides, which possibly form on silver alloys, showed cytotoxicity.
(2) The influence of mucin on the corrosion behaviour of seven typical dental casting alloys was investigated.
(3) Tests were undertaken to study resistance to tears in laser welded dental metal alloys.
(4) Increased wear-resistance of microsurgical instruments by facing, electric spark alloying and vacuum surfacing increases the working life of the instruments by 1.5-3 times.
(5) Pitting corrosion was seen on low-resistant Ni-Cr alloys, which had less Cr content.
(6) One alloy tested contained 5% indium, and the second alloy contained 10% indium.
(7) Such failures can easily be avoided by using only one alloy with good passivation characteristics instead of different alloys.
(8) The investment containing 2.0 wt% NbC showed nearly the same casting accuracy for Ni-Cr alloys for metal-ceramic restoration as the commercial phosphate-bonded investment.
(9) It was determined that the Ag-rich phase of Ag-Pd-Cu-Au alloy was preferentially attacked to form Ag2S corrosion product.
(10) The current literature, for the most part, cites the use of noble alloys as controls for trials of alternative materials.
(11) Titanium-nickel alloy composed of 50% by weight of each metal has unique thermal shape-memory properties, with a transition temperature of 20 degrees C. Each stent consists of one wire with a diameter of 0.9 mm.
(12) Irrespective of the coated dental alloy, the coatings have pores, through which the electrolyte is in contact with the substrate material.
(13) Forty BIAS femoral stems had heads made of Co-base F 75 alloy and 18 Gustilo-Kyle femoral stems had Ti6A14V alloy heads.
(14) The occurrence of marginal spaces between the resin facing and gold alloy framework in 176 crowns and bridge retainers was studied.
(15) Base metal alloys, principally made of nickel, chromium, and beryllium have gained widespread usage, especially in the United States, due to their lower cost and higher mechanical properties.
(16) The amounts of polyethylene and methylmethacrylate debris and the histological reactions in the tissues corresponded closely with those reported in earlier studies of total hip prostheses made of stainless steel or cobalt-chromium alloy.
(17) The bond strength of the specimens brazed with the non-precious alloy was largely unaffected.
(18) The traditional alloys used as metal bases for fixed partial dentures are accompanied by various problems such as corrosion, allergy, toxicity, casting, and preparation for both patient and prosthodontist and in magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis.
(19) The results revealed that experimental alloys inherited high early and final strength values without any significant change in their microstructure.
(20) The surface of dental alloys, on which such a composite plating was made, was analyzed by ESCA.
(n.) A tinge or shade of color; a tint; as, a tincture of red.
(n.) One of the metals, colors, or furs used in armory.
(n.) The finer and more volatile parts of a substance, separated by a solvent; an extract of a part of the substance of a body communicated to the solvent.
(n.) A solution (commonly colored) of medicinal substance in alcohol, usually more or less diluted; spirit containing medicinal substances in solution.
(n.) A slight taste superadded to any substance; as, a tincture of orange peel.
(n.) A slight quality added to anything; a tinge; as, a tincture of French manners.
(v. t.) To communicate a slight foreign color to; to tinge; to impregnate with some extraneous matter.
(v. t.) To imbue the mind of; to communicate a portion of anything foreign to; to tinge.
Example Sentences:
(1) We report on a patient who developed necrotizing contact dermatitis after a single topical application of tincture of benzoin and a pressure bandage following enucleation of an eye.
(2) Queen Victoria’s physician was a great proponent of the value of tincture of cannabis and the monarch is reputed to have used it to counteract the pain of menstrual periods and childbirth.
(3) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Herbal tinctures by Duchy Originals, the Prince of Wales’s company.
(4) The patient was a 17-year-old female Indian who had received some 3 to 8 cc of a 20 percent mixture of podophyllum resin in compound tincture of benzoin (approximately equal to 0.4 gm of podophylotoxin) as an application to her vulvar condylomata.
(5) Soaking the cannulae for 20 minutes in a 2% tincture of iodine solution also appears to be useful for decontamination purposes.
(6) The results showed that dressings containing tincture of benzoin adversely affected wound healing in children.
(7) The uptake capacity of granulocytes for L-DOPA varies with a clock-time and a season judging from fluorescent intensity and tincture of granulocytes.
(8) Corresponding reductions for Hibitane tinted tincture were 3.6903, 4.0984 and 4.1253 and for the aqueous formulation, 1.5003, 1.5721 and 1.8692.
(9) The tincture, evaporated to dryness, re-constituted in an equal volume of water and administered by stomach tube or intraperitoneal injection, antagonized the antinociceptive effect of morphine in two separate test (hot-plate and tail flick).
(10) Intraperitoneal injection of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey tincture, Polyscias filicifolia Bailey tincture, Panax ginseng tincture or Eleutherococcus Maxim extract to rats produced a rise in plasma corticosterone 1 hour after the treatment.
(11) Iodophors tested in this study demonstrated a distinct superiority to noncomplexed iodine solutions (tincture and aqueous iodine solutions) as wound and skin cleansers.
(12) The conduction bundle was stained, well enough to be identified, with iodine tincture, with Lugol's solution, and with iodine gas.
(13) For the tincture of iodine control, the time was 30 minutes.
(14) The present procedure is less time-consuming and requires about 45 and 90 min for the assay of ipeca tincture and powder, respectively.
(15) In the model 10(10) bacteria are given via oro-gastric tube following intravenous cimetidine and oral sodium bicarbonate and prior to intraperitoneal tincture of opium.
(16) The present study compared the effectiveness and tolerability of two topical ungual preparations: a 28% solution of tioconazole and a 2% tincture of miconazole.
(17) Based on the amount of these compounds in the tincture and their activities we conclude that bergapten is mainly responsible for the photomutagenicity of the tincture.
(18) 1-2 cm2 large swabs were dissolved in the tincture, and with the help of a Karaya plate and an occlusive dressing was administered to the skin in the antebrachii anterior region.
(19) A simplified method for the quantitative analysis of hyoscyamine hydrobromide or atropine in Belladonna Tincture USP is described.
(20) This study confirms earlier reports on the effectiveness of quassia tincture, which seems to be a useful alternative to clophenothane.