(n.) A non-nitrogenous starchy food; a starchlike substance.
(n.) The substance deposited in the organs in amyloid degeneration.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the upper limb and facial forms of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy first recorded in Swiss and Finns respectively, the differences in their patterns of neurological disease and ocular lesions could be the result of their amyloids deriving from proteins other than prealbumin.
(2) About tow amyloid tumors diagnosed because of oropharyngeous signs, the authors remind the main symptoms at the upper airway and ENT tracts; the local, regional and general treatment will be discussed.
(3) All cases of MCT were correctly diagnosed on cytology, and amyloid could be demonstrated in the cytologic smears in three cases.
(4) From the morphological observations there seems to be no correlation between amyloid deposits and the development of osteoarthrosis.
(5) Seven days post lesion we observed that polysomes isolated from the cerebral cortex affected by the lesion synthesized 2.6-fold greater amounts of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein (AAPP) compared to the nonlesioned side of the same rat brain.
(6) Key findings include a progressive degeneration of these cholinergic neurons characterized by the formation of immunoreactively atypical NFT, the loss of intraneuronal lipofuscin, a lack of senile plaque and beta-amyloid deposition within the basal forebrain, and end-stage gliosis without residual extracellular NFT.
(7) The cerebellum was almost intact except for a few amyloid plaques.
(8) Cytokines may be involved in stimulation of dystrophic neuritic sprouting, neuronal death, and amyloid deposition noted in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients.
(9) Muscle biopsy showed endo- and perimysial amyloid deposits but also inflammatory infiltrates.
(10) The differences in immunoreactivity between rodent and human amyloid plaques are consistent with other findings showing that cellular genes, not infectious purified prions, encode PrP.
(11) A4 may colocalize with gamma-trace peptide, suggesting that A4 and gamma-trace forms of cerebral amyloid angiopathy may not be as biochemically distinctive as has been suggested.
(12) The analysis of the sample would show there is a close relationship between the general process of aging and insular amyloid deposits; diabetes mellitus would then occur, increasing the amount of the above-mentioned deposits only in patients of a more advanced aged.
(13) Since the detailed molecular events leading to the formation of amyloid-containing senile plaques of the Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain are incompletely understood, the present studies were undertaken to address this issue using a combination of molecular and cytochemical approaches.
(14) Furthermore, duplications in the vicinity of this locus involving the beta-amyloid gene and the proto-oncogene ets-2 have been reported in association with AD.
(15) Pathomorphologically, spongiform alteration and demyelinization of the white matter in the vicinity of the amyloid deposits was detected and systemic amyloidosis excluded.
(16) A novel peptide, 37 aminoacids long, termed diabetes-associated peptide (DAP), has been identified in amyloid-containing pancreatic extracts from 3 type-2 diabetic patients but not in extracts from 6 non-diabetic subjects.
(17) A great deal of the proteins is orderly arranged in amyloid whereas this is not the case in the tumor cell cytoplasm as proved by the coupled tetrazonium reaction which was evaluated polarization microscopically.
(18) The present study reveals the presence of a highly conserved region between the amyloid precursor and the 3 neurofilament subunits.
(19) Concentrates of amyloid substance derived from organs of 10 human patients representing a variety of clinical entities were characterized according to their amino acid compositions, their electrophoretic constituents mobile in urea-starch gel at pH 3 and their stability with respect to the binding of Congo red in the pH interval 9-12.5.
(20) Most of the drugs tested were designed to target the accumulation of sticky plaques, called beta-amyloids.
(a.) Stiff; precise; rigid.
(n.) A widely diffused vegetable substance found especially in seeds, bulbs, and tubers, and extracted (as from potatoes, corn, rice, etc.) as a white, glistening, granular or powdery substance, without taste or smell, and giving a very peculiar creaking sound when rubbed between the fingers. It is used as a food, in the production of commercial grape sugar, for stiffening linen in laundries, in making paste, etc.
(n.) Fig.: A stiff, formal manner; formality.
(v. t.) To stiffen with starch.
Example Sentences:
(1) Glucose release from these samples was highly correlated with starch gelatinization (r2 = .99).
(2) It is suggested the participation of glycogen (starch) in the self-oscillatory mechanism of the futile cycle formed by the phosphofructokinase and fructose bisphosphatase reactions may give rise to oscillations with the period of 10(3)-10(4) min, which may serve as the basis for the cell clock.
(3) Tissue storage of hydroxyethyl starch (HES), a widely used artificial colloid, has been reported.
(4) Therefore, we changed from dextran 40 to hydroxyethyl starch in 1987 for the treatment of several otoneurological disorders.
(5) The present experiments examined flavor differences among starches.
(6) A small number of children with protracted diarrhoea, who have severe mucosal injury may not be able to handle even starch and may require diets based on short chain glucose polymers.
(7) Agarose gel electrophoresis demonstrated that the fast and slow components obtained on starch block electrophoresis corresponded to the pre-beta and late pre-beta band respectively.
(8) Dry matter and starch intakes were greater when corn was fed than when barley was fed.
(9) In a starch block, migration was toward the cathode at pH 8.0.
(10) Slowing starch digestion by inhibiting amylase activity in the intestinal lumen should improve postprandial carbohydrate tolerance in patients with diabetes mellitus.
(11) This study uses breath hydrogen analysis, a sensitive method for detecting the passage of starch into the colon, to determine if a potent amylase inhibitor is capable of producing carbohydrate malabsorption.
(12) Concentrates of amyloid substance derived from organs of 10 human patients representing a variety of clinical entities were characterized according to their amino acid compositions, their electrophoretic constituents mobile in urea-starch gel at pH 3 and their stability with respect to the binding of Congo red in the pH interval 9-12.5.
(13) The 13CO2 starch breath test is an attractive test for the study of factors affecting carbohydrate assimilation.
(14) Production of milk and milk fat was not affected, but yields of CP and SNF were decreased when additional starch was fed to cows.
(15) The effect of two doses (3 mg and 10 mg) of the inhibitor of pancreatic alpha-amylase trestatin on the metabolism of an oral load of 75 g of starch was observed in healthy human subjects.
(16) These were analyzed for: tannins, trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins (with cow, sheep, and human erythrocytes), damaged starch, available lysine, protein quality (by the NPR method), and true digestibility.
(17) Two-day-old poults were fed diets containing no added fat [44.6% starch, 2.2% ether extract by weight (HC)], 10% tallow (T), or 10% corn oil [(CO) 29.0% starch, 10.9% ether extract].
(18) We have examined under a variety of conditions the ability of potato starch phosphorylase to cause exchange of the ester and phosphoryl oxygens of alpha-D-glucopyranose 1-phosphate (Glc-1-P).
(19) In contrast, foci formed by 3-4 dysplastic crypts were decreased by the starch diet (P less than 0.05).
(20) Several experiments examined the preference of adult female rats for starch and starch-derived polysaccnarides using short- and long-term two-choice tests.