(n.) Absence of government; the state of society where there is no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political confusion.
(n.) Hence, confusion or disorder, in general.
Example Sentences:
(1) He would have been knocking it all sideways.” Anarchy & Beauty: William Morris and his Legacy, 1860-1960 is at the National Portrait Gallery , London, 16 October – 11 January.
(2) Mugabe and his Zanu-PF thugs, terrified of losing their empire, unleashed a carefully targeted anarchy at anyone who showed the slightest sign of dissent.
(3) But even as soldiers were able to impose order there after several days of anarchy that saw armed Buddhists torch the city's Muslim quarters, unrest was reported in two other towns to the south.
(4) In that respect, everyone in court number one had already lived through 24-hour cycles of tension, violence, anarchy, horror, cleanup, clampdown, fightback, soul-searching and recrimination.
(5) It's telling, I think, because she's seen as a conservative, but there's a huge streak of anarchy that runs right through her."
(6) However, the bad memories - the bloody purges, the violent anarchy of the Cultural Revolution - are officially classified as "mistakes", committed when Mao was old and no longer in control of his evil courtiers.
(7) Photograph: Mark Townsend Moussa lives in the Camp Fleur district of Kaga-Bandoro, a town deep in the jungle of the CAR, which was tipped into anarchy when the Seleka rebels overthrew the government and seized power four months ago.
(8) ''Anarchy is the final consequence of overpopulation.''
(9) It’s that Britain has prime responsibility for the cause of the crisis, the anarchy in Iraq.
(10) It proceeded to sow anarchy across Afghanistan and Iraq and then attempted, after 2012, to destabilise President Assad in Syria.
(11) The Indian position has been that any attempt to reconcile with militants is doomed to failure and risks plunging Afghanistan into anarchy and fanaticism from which Pakistan stands to benefit.
(12) There was no warning about other political groups, but next to an image of the anarchist emblem, the City of Westminster police's "counter terrorist focus desk" called for anti-anarchist whistleblowers stating: "Anarchism is a political philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or anarchy.
(13) Maltings' seven cask ales include permanent Black Sheep, regular staples such as York Brewery's Guzzler and beers from newer, smaller breweries, such as Coxhoe's Sonnet 43 and Morpeth's Anarchy.
(14) Songs helped shape popular moods: Richard Thompson’s Blackleg Miner highlighted the plight of colliery workers, while Song of the Lower Classes by the chartist poet MP Ernest Jones drew on rousing works such as Shelley’s Mask of Anarchy .
(15) Then I got two handkerchiefs with the Anarchy cover printed on them, but I gave one to Sid Vicious because he said, "Those bastards won't give me one!"
(16) The behaviour of these protesters is illegal, extremely unreasonable and inhumane, and is even worse than that of radical social activists and almost complete anarchy,” the statement said.
(17) We watched as a million-and-a-half people staggered around having been released from a totalitarian nightmare into a world of complete anarchy.
(18) Jon Cruddas, Labour MP for Dagenham, who wants Labour to develop its own vision of a "big society" based on strong local institutions, said: "This reveals that the Tory approach to the big society is literally a recipe for chaos, bordering on anarchy."
(19) The anarchy and opportunism thus either became, on the political right, the final evidence of liberal "entitlement culture" gone wrong, or on the left a demonstration of how market economics and materialism had betrayed us.
(20) Back in London, McLaren was determined to start his own band and by 1976 was managing the Sex Pistols, the punk entity that revolutionised popular culture and introduced anarchy to the masses.
(n.) The act of cooperating, or of operating together to one end; joint operation; concurrent effort or labor.
(n.) The association of a number of persons for their benefit.
Example Sentences:
(1) Results indicated a .85 probability that Directive Guidance would be followed by Cooperation; a .67 probability that Permissiveness would lead to Noncooperation; and a .97 likelihood that Coerciveness would lead to either Noncooperation or Resistance.
(2) Jonker kept sticking his nose in the corner and not really cooperating, but then came a moment of stillness.
(3) Binding data for both ligands to the enzyme yielded nonlinear Scatchard plots that analyze in terms of four negatively cooperative binding sites per enzyme tetramer.
(4) Unusually high cooperativity, specificity, and multiplicity in the protein kinase C-phospholipid interaction are demonstrated by examining the lipid dependence of enzymatic activity.
(5) Cooper, who was briefly a social worker in Los Angeles, also suggests working hard to build a rapport with colleagues in hotdesking situations.
(6) In cooperation with scientists in India and Nigeria, the potential yield of protein-deficient foods.
(7) It is understood that Cooper rejected pressure from senior Labour figures last week for both her and Liz Kendall to drop out and leave the way clear for Burnham to contest Corbyn alone.
(8) Starting from the hypothesis that a new type of cooperativity, dynamic cooperativity, is present in the elementary cycles of the chemo-mechanical conversion, quantitative and consistent agreement was obtained between the theoretical and experimental data on the temperature dependences of the streaming velocity and the ATPase activity, including the presence of the phase transition.
(9) "It is really a time for cooperation and unity," he said, adding that recent events had shown the need for Iraqis – Sunni, Shia and Kurds – to work together.
(10) p50B is able to form heteromeric kappa B-binding complexes with RelB, as well as with p65 and p50, the two subunits of NF-kappa B. Transient-transfection experiments in embryonal carcinoma cells demonstrate a functional cooperation between p50B and RelB or p65 in transactivation of a reporter plasmid dependent on a kappa B site.
(11) The New York Times also alleged that the Met had not passed full details about how many people were victims of the illegal practice to the CPS because it has a history of cooperation with News International titles.
(12) Methods used in tracing and improving cooperation of subjects are described.
(13) Moreover, it seems that multiple subdomains of the TR beta interact cooperatively to achieve optimal T3 activity.
(14) The observed predominance of trimeric over dimeric oligomers even at short times suggests that the thrombin-catalyzed release of the two A fibrinopeptides from a single molecule of fibrinogen is highly cooperative.
(15) After treatment of the old rats blood serum with activated charcoal the steroid-binding transcortin capacity and its affinity to hormone was increased and the negative cooperativity was not observed.
(16) In this article we analyze the nature of the correspondence computation and derive a cooperative algorithm that implements it.
(17) The sigmoidal shape of the curve of rate constant vs mole percent anionic lipid is consistent with a positively cooperative effect of the negative surface charge.
(18) Both a voter and Cooper repeatedly asked him if he stood by his comments in the last Republican presidential debate when he insisted that was the case.
(19) Early postoperative mobilisation without risks is possible in cooperative patients.
(20) The cooperativity constant was shown to decrease with the increase of incubation temperature and the decrease of Mg2+ concentration.