What's the difference between annul and void?



  • (a.) To reduce to nothing; to obliterate.
  • (a.) To make void or of no effect; to nullify; to abolish; to do away with; -- used appropriately of laws, decrees, edicts, decisions of courts, or other established rules, permanent usages, and the like, which are made void by component authority.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The unique structure we describe is a cytoplasmic organelle which, like annulate lamellae, is closely associated with the endoplasmic reticulum and is presumed to be related to the genesis of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum in tumor cells.
  • (2) The description of the structure of epithelial cells includes: 1) the endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes, 2) mitochondria, 3) the nucleus, 4) the golgi complex and secretory bodies, 5) lysosomes, 6) annulate lamellae, 7) luminal surface, 8) basal surface, 9) lateral surface, and 10) the nucleolar channel system.
  • (3) The following consequences can be drawn for the taxonomy and biochemistry of the tested organisms: e) The species status of M. gastri should be annuled.
  • (4) Both tumor cells frequently contained well-developed RER, zymogen-like granules, and annulate lamellae.
  • (5) A close association was observed annulate lamellae and granular endoplasmic reticulum.
  • (6) "It may be thought strange that I could abstain from a woman who to most people was so attractive," he told his lawyer during the annulment proceedings.
  • (7) The more the president rules by decree – and one faction in the Brotherhood argues that he should issue a constitutional decree of his own, annulling the content of the decree Scaf issued within hours of the closing of the presidential polls – the more he risks alienating his future political partners in the broad-tent political coalition he intends to set up both under him as president, and under the prime minister he intends to nominate.
  • (8) The sarcocysts of both species are trabeculated and their cyst walls have cytophaneres containing annulated fibrils and coarse, electron dense granules.
  • (9) Still, Rafsanjani – often accused of sitting on the fence – did not call outright for an annulment.
  • (10) Replacement of the common fresh weight or dry weight specific oxygen consumption by a more synthetic value calculated from ash-free dry weight specific oxygen consumption measurements, to annulate the body-size effect, is proposed for interspecific comparison over a wide range of body size, taking into account parameters such as temperature.
  • (11) The most unique ultrastructure feature was the presence of annulate lamellae in four of the six cases.
  • (12) If you are made bankrupt it is possible to get the bankruptcy order annulled if you can get your creditors to agree to what is called a fast track IVA.
  • (13) Among a "toolbox" of actions under consideration are: • full or partial annulment of the Oslo Accords, under which the Palestinian Authority (PA) was established • withholding tax revenues Israel collects on behalf of the PA • cancellation of permits for thousands of Palestinian labourers to work in Israel • withdrawal of travel privileges for senior PA officials • acceleration of building programmes in West Bank settlements • unilateral annexation of the main Jewish settlement blocks.
  • (14) This may suggest that annulate lamellae participate in protein synthesis.
  • (15) A specific organelle, the annulate lamellae or lamellar body, was seen in tight correlation with other structures near the nucleus.
  • (16) The methionine synergism for P. malhamensis growth is also negated when B12 activity is annulled by alkali treatment; MTA is not inactivated by such treatment.
  • (17) The similarities in structure to the nuclear envelope and the relation between annulate lamellae and other cellular organelles (especially endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes) suggest that lamellae may be involved in the release, assembly or activation of stored development information.
  • (18) The annulated derivative N6-(1-naphthylmethyl)adenosine resulted in a very potent A2 agonist (A1 Ki = 24 nM, A2 Ki = 9.1 nM), whereas N6-(9-anthracenylmethyl)adenosine was virtually inactive (A1 Ki = 9,000 nM, A2 Ki = 29,000 nM).
  • (19) The omission of sodium or dextrose in the perfusion fluid annulled this effect.
  • (20) In March this year, an Indonesian court annulled a 17-year-old private contract with the water corporations Suez and Aetra on the basis of human rights violations resulting from a fourfold rise in tariffs since the utility was privatised, lower service coverage than promised, and water leakage levels of up to 44%.



  • (a.) Containing nothing; empty; vacant; not occupied; not filled.
  • (a.) Having no incumbent; unoccupied; -- said of offices and the like.
  • (a.) Being without; destitute; free; wanting; devoid; as, void of learning, or of common use.
  • (a.) Not producing any effect; ineffectual; vain.
  • (a.) Containing no immaterial quality; destitute of mind or soul.
  • (a.) Of no legal force or effect, incapable of confirmation or ratification; null. Cf. Voidable, 2.
  • (n.) An empty space; a vacuum.
  • (a.) To remove the contents of; to make or leave vacant or empty; to quit; to leave; as, to void a table.
  • (a.) To throw or send out; to evacuate; to emit; to discharge; as, to void excrements.
  • (a.) To render void; to make to be of no validity or effect; to vacate; to annul; to nullify.
  • (v. i.) To be emitted or evacuated.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Stimulation with these electrodes were effective for inducing voiding with little residual volume after the recovery of bladder reflexes, 3 weeks after experimental spinal cord injury in the dog.
  • (2) The Lex antigen was present in the void volume fraction of the majority (85%) of sera from adenocarcinoma patients.
  • (3) To facilitate detoxification, the centrifuge is employed to provide plasma rich in toxins, but void of potentially interfering blood components such as platelets and whole blood cells.
  • (4) The acquisition of dryness is accelerated by eradication of bacteriuria and a sympathetic and energetic management regime, which should place responsibility on the child and result in the child voiding more frequently and completely.
  • (5) Excretory urogram revealed bilateral hydronephrosis and voiding cystogram revealed VUR on left ureter.
  • (6) Primary invasive adenocarcinoma of the bladder was diagnosed in a fifty-two-year-old male with a two-month history of irritative voiding symptoms.
  • (7) Residual urine volume and urine voiding efficiency are also calculated.
  • (8) During unstable detrusor contractions, which even in these healthy women are observed during bladder filling and also during inhibited voidings through the urethra, the contraction is weaker.
  • (9) Some of this LPS-associated polysaccharide eluted as the void volume of a G-100 column but differed from PS by its lack of galactose and arabinose.
  • (10) Cytological examination of voided urine is an established investigation in urological practice.
  • (11) At 12 months TURP had also improved micturition time and voided volume, which TUI had not.
  • (12) Chlamydia trachomatis was detected from first-voided urine sediments of 97 male patients with urethritis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
  • (13) SEM of the resulting surface showed rounded fragments of enamel rods, enamel melting, cracks, and smooth-edged voids.
  • (14) By 16 weeks, fibrocartilage had filled the void in the curetted disc spaces.
  • (15) Both the void volume protein peak and the procoagulant activity peak from the 0.25 M calcium chloride-agarose gel column support ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation.
  • (16) It is concluded that imaging of the urinary tract is not necessary for pure nightwetters, while ultrasonography or uroflowmetry and more sophisticated radiological or urological methods should be focused on those children with daytime wetting and clinical symptoms of voiding disturbances.
  • (17) Cation exchange chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose-Sephadex with a starting buffer of pH 5 containing 2 mM CHAPS plus 20 mM beta-OG, followed by a pH 8 buffer, showed a very small OD peak at the void volume (P) and a second peak with about 95% of the protein (E).
  • (18) The one peak which was common to both sera appeared with the void volume and was identified as albumin.
  • (19) The first peak eluted at the void volume containing lipoproteins, alpha 2- and beta 2-macroglobulins, and the second peak at the fraction of albumin.
  • (20) Oxendolone + bunazosin tended to show a better clinical efficacy than the other of these regimens, when the improvement was defined as that with more than one degree in the severity of retarded voiding, prolonged voiding, urinary stream condition, abdominal pressure on voiding and residual urine sensation.