What's the difference between argument and mean?



  • (n.) Proof; evidence.
  • (n.) A reason or reasons offered in proof, to induce belief, or convince the mind; reasoning expressed in words; as, an argument about, concerning, or regarding a proposition, for or in favor of it, or against it.
  • (n.) A process of reasoning, or a controversy made up of rational proofs; argumentation; discussion; disputation.
  • (n.) The subject matter of a discourse, writing, or artistic representation; theme or topic; also, an abstract or summary, as of the contents of a book, chapter, poem.
  • (n.) Matter for question; business in hand.
  • (n.) The quantity on which another quantity in a table depends; as, the altitude is the argument of the refraction.
  • (n.) The independent variable upon whose value that of a function depends.
  • (v. i.) To make an argument; to argue.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) "Britain needs to be in the room when the euro countries meet," he said, "so that it can influence the argument and ensure that what the 17 do will not damage the market or British interests.
  • (2) It is entirely proper for serving judges to set out the arguments in high-profile cases to help public understanding of the legal issues, as long as it is done in an even-handed way.
  • (3) Environment groups Environment groups that have strongly backed low-carbon power have barely wavered in their opposition to nuclear in the last decade, although their arguments now are now much about the cost than the danger it might pose.
  • (4) Cameron had a legitimate argument, but the marines didn't want to hear it.
  • (5) This is not an argument for the status quo: teaching must be given greater priority within HE, but the flipside has to be an understanding on the part of students, ministers, officials, the public and the media that academics (just like politicians) cannot make everyone happy all of the time.
  • (6) Pathological changes may, thus, be initially confined to projecting and intrinsic neurons localized in cortical and subcortical olfactory structures; arguments are advanced which favor the view that excitotoxic phenomena could be mainly responsible for the overall degenerative picture.
  • (7) The legs of that argument were cut off by the financial crisis.
  • (8) These changes in the isozyme pattern of PK in aggressive fibromatosis may act as another argument to place them in the category of malignant fibroblastic tumors.
  • (9) This provides a compelling argument that the protein kinase function of p37mos is an intrinsic property of the protein.
  • (10) He always had a logical approach to his arguments and I would have described him as fair at the time.
  • (11) There are, however, plenty of arguments to be made about the Slim Reaper's supporting cast.
  • (12) The soldiers allegedly launched the attack after one of their comrades was killed when he became involved in an argument over a woman near Fizi hospital.
  • (13) In support of this argument, a case of erosive arthritis is reported in a skeleton from Kulubnarti, Republic of the Sudan (c. 700-1450 A.D.).
  • (14) Mallon's finance and resources director, Paul Slocombe, thinks Pickles's argument is "slightly disingenuous" because the funding was part of the last spending review, which ends on 31 March.
  • (15) Since the four determining coefficients may change over evolutionary time-scales, the mathematical results together with a natural selection argument proves that virulence gamma 2 attenuates.
  • (16) It seeks to acquaint them with 'ethical' arguments against their work which, because they are simple and plausible, persuade many people.
  • (17) The IFS gave this argument an airing today, and produced figures to show that – on such a basis – the VAT rise was a fair tax after all.
  • (18) Questions are raised as to the validity of arguments that crossover positions have been demonstrated to be normally established only during pachytene (after synapsis is maximal).
  • (19) The rioting began on Wednesday after a deadly argument between a Muslim gold shop owner and his Buddhist customers in Meikhtila.
  • (20) However, to insist that those who advise an IUD with the motive of contraception cannot herefore object to, say, intrauterine saline aimed at the destruction of a moving 27-week fetus is, in my view, stretching his argument.



  • (v. t.) To have in the mind, as a purpose, intention, etc.; to intend; to purpose; to design; as, what do you mean to do ?
  • (v. t.) To signify; to indicate; to import; to denote.
  • (v. i.) To have a purpose or intention.
  • (superl.) Destitute of distinction or eminence; common; low; vulgar; humble.
  • (superl.) Wanting dignity of mind; low-minded; base; destitute of honor; spiritless; as, a mean motive.
  • (superl.) Of little value or account; worthy of little or no regard; contemptible; despicable.
  • (superl.) Of poor quality; as, mean fare.
  • (superl.) Penurious; stingy; close-fisted; illiberal; as, mean hospitality.
  • (a.) Occupying a middle position; middle; being about midway between extremes.
  • (a.) Intermediate in excellence of any kind.
  • (a.) Average; having an intermediate value between two extremes, or between the several successive values of a variable quantity during one cycle of variation; as, mean distance; mean motion; mean solar day.
  • (n.) That which is mean, or intermediate, between two extremes of place, time, or number; the middle point or place; middle rate or degree; mediocrity; medium; absence of extremes or excess; moderation; measure.
  • (n.) A quantity having an intermediate value between several others, from which it is derived, and of which it expresses the resultant value; usually, unless otherwise specified, it is the simple average, formed by adding the quantities together and dividing by their number, which is called an arithmetical mean. A geometrical mean is the square root of the product of the quantities.
  • (n.) That through which, or by the help of which, an end is attained; something tending to an object desired; intermediate agency or measure; necessary condition or coagent; instrument.
  • (n.) Hence: Resources; property, revenue, or the like, considered as the condition of easy livelihood, or an instrumentality at command for effecting any purpose; disposable force or substance.
  • (n.) A part, whether alto or tenor, intermediate between the soprano and base; a middle part.
  • (n.) Meantime; meanwhile.
  • (n.) A mediator; a go-between.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Thirty-two patients (10 male, 22 female; age 37-82 years) undergoing maintenance haemodialysis or haemofiltration were studied by means of Holter device capable of simultaneously analysing rhythm and ST-changes in three leads.
  • (2) Age difference did not affect the mean dose-effect response.
  • (3) Although the mean values for all hemodynamic variables between the two placebo periods were minimally changed, the differences in individual patients were striking.
  • (4) Propranolol resulted in a significantly lower mean hourly, mean 24 h and minimum heart rate.
  • (5) Which means Seattle can't give Jones room to make 13-yard catches as they just did.
  • (6) A group I subset (six animals), for which predominant cultivable microbiota was described, had a mean GI of 2.4.
  • (7) Then the esophagogastric variceal network was thrombosed by means of a catheter introduced during laparotomy, which created a portoazygos disconnection.
  • (8) The intrauterine mean active pressure (MAP) in the nulliparous group was 1.51 kPa (SD 0.45) in the first stage and 2.71 kPa (SD 0.77) in the second stage.
  • (9) In the group of high myopia (over 20 D), the mean correction was 13.4 D. In the group with refraction between 0 and 6 D, 88% of the eyes treated had attained a correction between -1 and +1 D 3 months postoperatively.
  • (10) That means deciding what job they’d like to have and outlining the steps they’ll need to take to achieve it.
  • (11) The difference in BP between a hospital casual reading and the mean 24 hour ambulatory reading was reduced only by atenolol.
  • (12) Until the 1960's there was great confusion, both within and between countries, on the meaning of diagnostic terms such as emphysema, asthma, and chronic brochitis.
  • (13) There were 12 males, 6 females, with mean age of 55.1 yrs (range 39-77 yrs).
  • (14) Measurement of urinary GGT levels represents a means by which proximal tubular disease in equidae could be diagnosed in its developmental stages.
  • (15) However, there was no statistically significant difference in mean areas under the LH and FSH curves in the GnRH-treated groups.
  • (16) Although lorazepam and haloperidol produced an equivalent mean decrease in aggression, significantly more subjects who received lorazepam had a greater decrease in aggression ratings than haloperidol recipients; this effect was independent of sedation.
  • (17) The mean and median values in the nondiabetic group are higher than in previously published reports.
  • (18) The way we are going to pay for that is by making the rules the same for people who go into care homes as for people who get care at their home, and by means-testing the winter fuel payment, which currently isn’t.” Hunt said the plan showed the Conservatives were capable of making difficult choices.
  • (19) Taken together these results are consistent with the view that primary CTL, as well as long term cloned CTL cell lines, exercise their cytolytic activity by means of perforin.
  • (20) Evidence is presented in support of the hypothesis that fresh bat guano serves as a means of pathogenic fungi dissemination in caves.