(a.) Exhausted of moisture; parched with heat; dry; barren.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the far east is the arid, depressed country leading down Hell’s Canyon, which bottoms out at the Snake River, which the wolves crossed when they moved from Idaho, and which they now treat more as a crosswalk than a barrier.
(2) The first stop in this arid place of poor farms and orchards clinging to the dry soil is Rafah, cut off by the border from its Palestinian counterpart.
(3) The influence of salt mixtures consisting of Ca(H2PO4)2, trace elements, CaSO4, CaCO3, Na2CO3, NaCl and K2SO4 in different combinations on the nitrifying power, evolution of carbon dioxide and the total number of bacteria was studied in arid soils (sandy and alluvial) and semi-humid ones (chernozem and rendzina).
(4) In a summit in Paris last week, the west African nations of Cameroon, Chad and Niger agreed to each contribute a battalion to form a border patrol troop based around the arid Sahelian belt, large swaths of which have fallen under the control of Islamist terrorists in recent years.
(5) The chancellor was full of jokes at Labour’s expense yesterday: gags about Wallace and Gromit, Emily Thornberry, the arid Red Planet.
(6) The present study investigated the release from dogs and subsequent survival of Echinococcus eggs in Turkana huts, water-holes and in the semi-arid environment.
(7) In the arid Ica region where Peruvian asparagus production is concentrated, this thirsty export vegetable has depleted the water resources on which local people depend.
(8) This was found to be the method of choice in coccidiosis control in replacement pullets in the semi-arid subtropical climate of Rhodesia.
(9) Distribution of the lesion follows that of trachoma among contemporary Aboriginal people, with the highest frequencies occurring in the hotter, arid portions of the Australian continent.
(10) Tens of thousands of civilians fleeing the vast, arid north say they are caught between the militants and brutal army reprisals.
(11) The town, about 80km from Somalia in Kenya's arid Garissa region, has been drawing in refugees for more than two decades, throwing up complex problems that fuel Kenya's frustration at having handled more than its share of the "Somalia problem", says Badu Katelo, Kenya's acting commissioner for refugees.
(12) arabiensis is the predominant or exclusive species in dry and semi-arid areas.
(13) Our sandfly probe consists of a 3.2 kb fragment of the intergenic 'non-transcribed' spacer of rDNA of P. papatasi that we have detected only in this species: it is present in all six geographically isolated populations tested (from Tunisia through to India) but cannot be detected in the morphologically similar P. (Phlebotomus) duboscqi Neveu-Lemaire, the vector of Leishmania major south of the Sahara; it also cannot be detected in Phlebotomus species of the subgenera Larroussius and Paraphlebotomus that together with P. papatasi are the dominant man-biting sandflies in north African foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, where (as in many arid regions of western Asia) P. papatasi is believed to be the sole vector of L. major.
(14) Arid subtropical climate zones are expanding poleward.
(15) The Kalgoorlie-Boulder-Kambalda area in arid inland Western Australia receives its water supply from distant Perth, through a pipeline constructed in the fabulous goldrush period at the turn of the century.
(16) Although environmental temperature has often been seen as the primary factor determining reproductive cycles in reptiles, this study suggests that temperature is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for successful reproduction and that the availability of adequate resources may assume an overriding importance, especially in arid habitats where annual rainfall may be highly unpredictable.
(17) "It was shortly after the big four-oh, in a car park somewhere in the arid wastes of suburbia, when I was Tasered with the realisation that I would never again have to go on a crash diet" is how South African novelist Lauren Liebenberg opens her fiery burst of autobiography in the new book.
(18) Altogether 900 people were examined in different sites of the semiarid and arid Turkana region.
(19) This article discusses epidemiology and control of equine parasites in the southern United States, where climates vary from warm temperate to subtropical and from humid in the southeast to arid in the southwest.
(20) Altogether 23 male patients with Reiter's disease (RD) were followed-up in an arid zone.
(a.) Destitute of water; dry.
Example Sentences:
(1) According to co-founder David Auerbach, not using water makes Sanergy possible: Waterless toilets offer a solution that ensures waste is concentrated, which enables Sanergy to process the waste into valuable by-products with greater efficiency.
(2) Tersus, with funding from Patagonia, has developed a completely waterless washing machine in which textiles are washed in pressurized carbon dioxide.
(3) "Because if you want to do it in a rural area where you are on your own, the technology is already there, but to do it in a city like London seemed to make it more relevant to my life and to the way that globalisation is going – and more challenging: an urban waterless toilet that turns shit into a commodity," she said.
(4) So far, the university has installed bird boxes, waterless urinals, new energy efficient boilers, LED lighting, student accommodation smart metering and rainwater harvesting.
(5) This is in agreement with the concept of initial formation of waterless "termal proteinoids" which can be considered as precursors of primitive life capable structures which later pass to functioning in interaction with water.
(6) Ventilatory function was assessed from forced expiratory curves (by means of a waterless spirometer) and from maximum expiratory flow-volume curves (by means of a digital pneumotachograph).
(7) Another solution may lie with waterless washing machines, one of which is being developed by Colorado-based Tersus Solutions.
(8) Asthmatics were exercised to 80 per cent of their maximal heart rate, and FEV1.0 and MMEFR were assessed while standing using a Jones Pulmonar II waterless spirometer at 5, 15, and 30 minutes after exercise.
(9) Lower in altitude than the better-known Tatras to the north-east, it has rock towers, needles, windows and gates separated by deep waterless gorges and ravines.
(10) On the basis of these results it is surmised that prolactin is continuously synthesized and released into the circulation in Xenopus specimens kept or replaced in water, thereby contributing to the animals adaptation to the aquatic environment, whereas in those kept under waterless condition prolactin synthesis is not discontinued, but its release into the bloodstream declines or is abolished.
(11) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Sanergy provides waterless toilets to impoverished communities in east Africa.
(13) We conclude that PEFR, measured by either waterless spirometer or mini-Wright peak flow meter, has greater intrasubject variability than FEV1, and it tends to underestimate the degree of pulmonary impairment.
(14) In an area where water is expensive and a limited resource, waterless toilets are a cost-effective solution.
(15) If someone can crack the waterless toilet by making it affordable and aspirational to everyone, it’s going to make hundreds of millions of lives better.” Disappointingly, national governments and international organisations are failing populations by not realising the far-reaching potential of waterless toilets.
(16) The volume of isoflow was measured in a waterless spirometer after 3 vital capacity inspirations of a mixture of 80 per cent oxygen.
(17) In her mission to create a waterless loo that uses no energy and turns the waste into a useable product, Gardiner has exhibited a bowl moulded from horse manure and monitored the activity of composting worms in her bathroom, turning "poop" into fertile soil, she said.
(18) The waterless mechanism can operate in the Jovian atmosphere and supply it with ample amounts of amino acids, especially aspartic.
(19) According to the club "the Battery has completed a comprehensive range of energy saving and environmental initiatives including: installation of a geothermal HVAC system, adding energy-efficient hand-driers, switching out water-heaters to tankless units, replacing concession beer coolers with energy efficient models, switching incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents, eliminating bottled water from the stadium, replacing selected urinals with waterless units and implementing a comprehensive recycling program."
(20) More stories like this: Waterless toilets turn human waste into energy and fertiliser Hawaiian mission to Mars will explore the furthest frontiers of sustainability Brought to you by Grundfos: Italian utility reduces water loss by 30% through pressure management The water hub is funded by Grundfos.