(n.) The limb of the human body which extends from the shoulder to the hand; also, the corresponding limb of a monkey.
(n.) Anything resembling an arm
(n.) The fore limb of an animal, as of a bear.
(n.) A limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal.
(n.) A branch of a tree.
(n.) A slender part of an instrument or machine, projecting from a trunk, axis, or fulcrum; as, the arm of a steelyard.
(n.) The end of a yard; also, the part of an anchor which ends in the fluke.
(n.) An inlet of water from the sea.
(n.) A support for the elbow, at the side of a chair, the end of a sofa, etc.
(n.) Fig.: Power; might; strength; support; as, the secular arm; the arm of the law.
(n.) A branch of the military service; as, the cavalry arm was made efficient.
(n.) A weapon of offense or defense; an instrument of warfare; -- commonly in the pl.
(v. t.) To take by the arm; to take up in one's arms.
(v. t.) To furnish with arms or limbs.
(v. t.) To furnish or equip with weapons of offense or defense; as, to arm soldiers; to arm the country.
(v. t.) To cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will add strength, force, security, or efficiency; as, to arm the hit of a sword; to arm a hook in angling.
(v. t.) Fig.: To furnish with means of defense; to prepare for resistance; to fortify, in a moral sense.
(v. i.) To provide one's self with arms, weapons, or means of attack or resistance; to take arms.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, four of ten young adult outer arm (relatively sun-exposed) and one of ten young adult inner arm (relatively sun-protected) fibroblasts lines increased their saturation density in response to retinoic acid.
(2) The adaptive filter processor was tested for retrospective identification of artifacts in 20 male volunteers who performed the following specific movements between epochs of quiet, supine breathing: raising arms and legs (slowly, quickly, once, and several times), sitting up, breathing deeply and rapidly, and rolling from a supine to a lateral decubitus position.
(3) The Pan American Health Organization, the Americas arm of the World Health Organization, estimated the deaths from Tuesday's magnitude 7 quake at between 50,000 and 100,000, but said that was a "huge guess".
(4) Hence the major role of the 14-A arm of carboxybiotin is not to permit a large carboxyl migration but, rather to permit carboxybiotin to traverse the gap which occurs at the interface of three subunits and to insinuate itself between the CoA and keto acid sites.
(5) Psychiatric morbidity is further increased when adjuvant chemotherapy is used and when treatment results in persistent arm pain and swelling.
(6) A tall young Border Police officer stopped me, his rifle cradled in his arms.
(7) But the median survival time was 30.7 months in Arm A and 24.5 months in Arm B, and significantly longer in Arm A until 10 months.
(8) Learning ability was assessed using a radial arm maze task, in which the rats had to visit each of eight arms for a food reward.
(9) They are the E-1 to E-3 pay grades and soldiers in combat arms units.
(10) His arm was being held by Muntari who let go of it as he entered the penalty area.
(11) Her arm is outstretched in a strong, certain Nazi salute.
(12) Reciprocal translocations involving the short arm of acrocentric chromosomes can segregate to produce partial duplications without associated deletions.
(13) Journalists should never be a propaganda arm of any government – not in peace and never in war.
(14) The Guardian neglects to mention 150,000 privately owned guns or that Palestinians are banned from bearing arms.
(15) "It's a dangerous sign to send and it limits our ability to find a diplomatic solution to nuclear arms in Iran," he said.
(16) Welcomed with open arms a month ago, Syrians are now attacked on popular television talkshows where they are described as Morsi sympathisers.
(17) The increase in the mean resting ankle-arm index 1 year after conventional angioplasty (0.26) was greater than that after laser angioplasty (0.12).
(18) Of those, 39 were civilians, 34 armed opposition fighters and 35 members of the state security forces, said the UK-based group.
(19) Even regional allies disagree with American priorities about Isis, Biddle noted, which is why Turkey continues to bomb Kurds and Saudi Arabia and the UAE arm groups around the region , most notably in Syria but also in the ruins of Yemen .
(20) The night's special award went to armed forces broadcaster, BFBS Radio, while long-standing BBC radio DJ Trevor Nelson received the top prize of the night, the gold award.
(v. i.) To press together promiscuously, from confusion, apprehension, or the like; to crowd together confusedly; to press or hurry in disorder; to crowd.
(v. t.) To crowd (things) together to mingle confusedly; to assemble without order or system.
(v. t.) To do, make, or put, in haste or roughly; hence, to do imperfectly; -- usually with a following preposition or adverb; as, to huddle on; to huddle up; to huddle together.
(n.) A crowd; a number of persons or things crowded together in a confused manner; tumult; confusion.
Example Sentences:
(1) Miranda Hart as Chummy Brown in Call the Midwife By now, we are huddled around a heater.
(2) Though the thought of a Panama team listening to the USA team huddle coyly sharing their secrets is a rather sweet thought.
(3) Protesters crawl out from the tents they have pitched on the cobblestones and huddle in the cold around makeshift fires, as volunteers distribute hot tea and soup.
(4) During timeouts the coaches and the players huddle separately as if deliberately not sharing ideas.
(5) When the nest temperature was raised to thermoneutral, the direction of pup flow reversed and an immobile animal sank to the depths of the huddle.
(6) Over whoops and cheers from the residents, he turned to a huddle of police officers standing 50 yards away and warned: "I hope you're listening.
(7) But his capacity to digest playbooks is unrivalled – allowing Manning to lead the Colts offence in a way quite unlike other NFL quarterbacks: operating almost exclusively without a huddle and calling his plays at the line.
(8) In standardized tests of huddling behavior, 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-day-old rat pups spent substantial and equivalent amounts of time with an immobile rat or a heated, fur-covered tube, which suggests that the conspecific and inanimate stimuli were equally attractive to the pups.
(9) They say that she didn't work for it but some people say that she fought for it," he said huddled over a small wooden box containing hundreds of grubby looking Liberian notes.
(10) Although it was hailed as a step forward by Brown and Obama, the weak content and the final huddled process of decision-making – ignoring the majority of the 192 nations present – provoked disappointment and fury.
(11) If we’re being pessimistic about it, the whole idea of the euro has been weakened and maybe we’ll look back and see this as the beginning of the end of that ideal.” She reflected a pessimistic feeling among Germans, whether financial experts or ordinary folk on the street, that the whole of Europe had taken a battering over the negotiations, one from which it would take time to recover; and the strong belief that the very same politicians would once again find themselves in a huddle over the same issue a few months down the line.
(12) Quietly, the children would huddle together and ask each other: “What will you have for breakfast?” And I remember saying: “Maybe an egg or a piece of bread and butter,” and tried to conjure up memories of home.
(13) The stereotypical image of a nation in which rising numbers of pensioners are being kept alive by modern medicine – but are crippled by arthritis, heart disease and Alzheimer's, and live huddled and defenceless in old people's homes – is simply not true.
(14) This is a regime that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own citisens - leaving the bodies of mothers huddled over their dead children.
(15) The effects of these treatments were assessed on pups' performance in a huddling test (Experiment 1 and 2) and an independent feeding test (Experiment 3).
(16) An aggregation or "huddling" behaviour with concomitant reduction in thyroid hormone activity, possibly in response to the density of the "huddle", is suggested as an explanation for these observations.
(17) A small hollow will suddenly open up in the undergrowth to reveal a huddle of a dozen Afghans – often waiting till nightfall before making for Hungary.
(18) Standardized videographic tests were used to assess the development of huddling preference.
(19) People no longer huddled together where they worked but had to drive out of town to the oil and gas fields and the mine that extracted trona (a mineral used to make baking soda, glass, detergents and textiles).
(20) As the lawmakers huddled with Trump for what is expected to be the first of many meetings, protesters gathered outside to show their disdain for the former reality TV star.